import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class FetchDataFromMabilo extends Thread{ private Date date; private Date now; private int numThreadAlive; public FetchDataFromMabilo(Date date) { = date; // time of last update = date; // time of today numThreadAlive = 0; } public Date getThisDate() { return now; } private static final Pattern TOTAL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "row2.*?src=\"(.*?)\".*?" // image + "href=\"(.*?)\">" // url + "(.*?)</a>.*?" // title + "Artist.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?" // artist + "Category.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?" // category + "style=\"width:(.*?)%;.*?" // rating + "<span>(.*?)\\sdownloads.*?" // downloads + "Added:\\s(.*?)</span>" // date , Pattern.DOTALL); private static final Pattern EACH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( "Size:</span>(.*?)<br.*?" // ring size + "det2.*?<a\\shref=\"(.*?)&title=" // ringtone url , Pattern.DOTALL); private static final String PROCEED = ""; private static final String EXCEED = "-da.htm"; public static final String Ring_Download_Prefix = ""; public void run() { int page = 1; String url = ""; boolean running = true; ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); while(running) { try { url = PROCEED+page+EXCEED; Matcher all = TOTAL_PATTERN.matcher(Consts.fetchHtmlPage(url)); while(all.find()) { String time =; int split = time.indexOf(','); Date temp = Consts.SDF.parse(time.substring(0,split-2)+time.substring(split+1)); //System.out.println(temp.toString()); if(temp.after(date)) { MusicInfo music = new MusicInfo(); music.setImageUrl(; music.setUrl(; music.setTitle(; music.setArtist(; music.setAlbum("&", "n").replace("/", "_")); music.setmScore(Integer.parseInt(; music.setmCounts(Consts.String2Int(; pool.execute(new ItemThread(music)); if(temp.after(now)) now = temp; } else { running = false; break; } } if(running) page++; } catch (Exception e) { page ++; System.out.println(url+" get err"); e.printStackTrace(); } } pool.shutdown(); while(numThreadAlive != 0) { try { sleep(60000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } // get every music info, including: ring, image, download_counts, title... class ItemThread implements Runnable { private MusicInfo music; public ItemThread(MusicInfo msc) { = msc; } public void run() { numThreadAlive ++; music.setImageName(getFilenameFromURL(music.getImageUrl())); if(Consts.downloadTryMulTimes(music.getImageUrl(), Consts.NEW_DOWNLOAD_DIR+music.getImageName())) { // if image downloaded successfully try { Matcher matcher = EACH_PATTERN.matcher(Consts.fetchHtmlPage(music.getUrl())); while(matcher.find()) { music.setSize(; music.setDownloadUrl(".php"))); music.setRingName("file=")+5)); // download ring here if(Consts.downloadTryMulTimes(music.getDownloadUrl(), Consts.NEW_DOWNLOAD_DIR+music.getRingName())) { System.out.println(music.getTitle() + " download success"); // convert from mp3 to m4r if(Mp3ToM4R.convert(music)) { UploadAmazonS3 uploadAmazonS3 = new UploadAmazonS3(music);; }else { System.out.println(music.getRingName()+" convert err"); } } break; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } numThreadAlive --; } } public static String getFilenameFromURL(String url) { String[] que = url.split("/"); return que[que.length-1]; } }