package com.limegroup.gnutella; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import; /** * The reply routing table. Given a GUID from a reply message header, * this tells you where to route the reply. It is mutable mapping * from globally unique 16-byte message IDs to connections. Old * mappings may be purged without warning, preferably using a FIFO * policy. This class makes a distinction between not having a mapping * for a GUID and mapping that GUID to null (in the case of a removed * ReplyHandler).<p> * * This class can also optionally keep track of the number of reply bytes * routed per guid. This can be useful for implementing fair flow-control * strategies. */ public final class RouteTable { /** * The obvious implementation of this class is a mapping from GUID to * ReplyHandler's. The problem with this representation is it's hard to * implement removeReplyHandler efficiently. You either have to keep the * references to the ReplyHandler (which wastes memory) or iterate through * the entire table to clean all references (which wastes time AND removes * valuable information for preventing duplicate queries). * * Instead we use a layer of indirection. _newMap/_oldMap maps GUIDs to * integers, which act as IDs for each connection. _idMap maps IDs to * ReplyHandlers. _handlerMap maps ReplyHandler to IDs. So to clean up a * connection, we just purge the entries from _handlerMap and _idMap; there * is no need to iterate through the entire GUID mapping. Adding GUIDs and * routing replies are still constant-time operations. * * IDs are allocated sequentially according with the nextID variable. The * field does "wrap around" after reaching the maximum integer value. * Though no two open connections will have the same ID--we check * _idMap--there is a very low probability that an ID in _map could be * prematurely reused. * * To approximate FIFO behavior, we keep two sets around, _newMap and * _oldMap. Every few seconds, when the system time is greater than * nextSwitch, we clear _oldMap and replace it with _newMap. * (DuplicateFilter uses the same trick.) In this way, we remember the last * N to 2N minutes worth of GUIDs. This is superior to a fixed size route * table. * * For flow-control reasons, we also store the number of bytes routed per * GUID in each table. Hence the RouteTableEntry class. * * INVARIANT: keys of _newMap and _oldMap are disjoint * INVARIANT: _idMap and _replyMap are inverses * * TODO3: if IDs were stored in each ReplyHandler, we would not need * _replyMap. Better yet, if the values of _map were indices (with tags) * into ConnectionManager._initialized[Client]Connections, we would not * need _idMap either. However, this increases dependenceies. */ private Map /* byte[] -> RouteTableEntry */ _newMap= new TreeMap(new GUID.GUIDByteComparator()); private Map /* byte[] -> RouteTableEntry */ _oldMap= new TreeMap(new GUID.GUIDByteComparator()); private int _mseconds; private long _nextSwitchTime; private int _maxSize; private Map /* Integer -> ReplyHandler */ _idMap=new HashMap(); private Map /* ReplyHandler -> Integer */ _handlerMap=new HashMap(); private int _nextID; /** Values stored in _newMap/_oldMap. */ private static final class RouteTableEntry implements ResultCounter { /** The numericID of the reply connection. */ private int handlerID; /** The bytes already routed for this GUID. */ private int bytesRouted; /** The number of replies already routed for this GUID. */ private int repliesRouted; /** The ttl associated with this RTE - meaningful only if > 0. */ private byte ttl = 0; /** Creates a new entry for the given ID, with zero bytes routed. */ RouteTableEntry(int handlerID) { this.handlerID = handlerID; this.bytesRouted = 0; this.repliesRouted = 0; } public void setTTL(byte ttl) { this.ttl = ttl; } public byte getTTL() { return ttl; } /** Accessor for the number of results for this entry. */ public int getNumResults() { return repliesRouted; } } /** * Creates a new route table with enough space to hold the last seconds to * 2*seconds worth of entries, or maxSize elements, whichever is smaller * [sic]. * * Typically maxSize is very large, and serves only as a guarantee to * prevent worst case behavior. Actually 2*maxSize elements can be held in * this in the worst case. */ public RouteTable(int seconds, int maxSize) { this._mseconds=seconds*1000; this._nextSwitchTime=System.currentTimeMillis()+_mseconds; this._maxSize=maxSize; } /** * Adds a new routing entry. * * @requires guid and c are non-null, guid.length==16 * @modifies this * @effects if replyHandler is open, adds the routing entry to this, * replacing any routing entries for guid. This has effect of * "renewing" guid. Otherwise returns without modifying this. * * @return the <tt>RouteTableEntry</tt> entered into the routing * tables, or <tt>null</tt> if it could not be entered */ public synchronized ResultCounter routeReply(byte[] guid, ReplyHandler replyHandler) { repOk(); purge(); if(replyHandler == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null reply handler"); } if (! replyHandler.isOpen()) return null; //First clear out any old entries for the guid, memorizing the volume //routed if found. Note that if the guid is found in _newMap, we don't //need to look in _oldMap. int id=handler2id(replyHandler).intValue(); RouteTableEntry entry=(RouteTableEntry)_newMap.remove(guid); if (entry==null) entry=(RouteTableEntry)_oldMap.remove(guid); //Now map the guid to the new reply handler, using the volume routed if //found, or zero otherwise. if (entry==null) entry=new RouteTableEntry(id); else entry.handlerID=id; //avoids allocation _newMap.put(guid, entry); return entry; } /** * Adds a new routing entry if one doesn't exist. * * @requires guid and c are non-null, guid.length==16 * @modifies this * @effects if no routing table entry for guid exists in this * (including null mappings from calls to removeReplyHandler) and * replyHandler is still open, adds the routing entry to this * and returns true. Otherwise returns false, without modifying this. */ public synchronized ResultCounter tryToRouteReply(byte[] guid, ReplyHandler replyHandler) { repOk(); purge(); Assert.that(replyHandler != null); Assert.that(guid!=null, "Null GUID in tryToRouteReply"); if (! replyHandler.isOpen()) return null; if(!_newMap.containsKey(guid) && !_oldMap.containsKey(guid)) { int id=handler2id(replyHandler).intValue(); RouteTableEntry entry = new RouteTableEntry(id); _newMap.put(guid, entry); //_newMap.put(guid, new RouteTableEntry(id)); return entry; } else { return null; } } /** Optional operation - if you want to remember the TTL associated with a * counter, in order to allow for extendable execution, you can set the TTL * a message (guid). * @param ttl should be greater than 0. * @exception IllegalArgumentException thrown if !(ttl > 0), or if entry is * null or is not something I recognize. So only put in what I dole out. */ public synchronized void setTTL(ResultCounter entry, byte ttl) { if (entry == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null entry!!"); if (!(entry instanceof RouteTableEntry)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("entry is not recognized."); if (!(ttl > 0)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input TTL too small: " + ttl); ((RouteTableEntry)entry).setTTL(ttl); } /** Synchronizes a TTL get test with a set test. * @param getTTL the ttl you want getTTL() to be in order to setTTL(). * @param setTTL the ttl you want to setTTL() if getTTL() was correct. * @return true if the TTL was set as you desired. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if getTTL or setTTL is less than 1, or * if setTTL < getTTL */ public synchronized boolean getAndSetTTL(byte[] guid, byte getTTL, byte setTTL) { if ((getTTL < 1) || (setTTL <= getTTL)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad ttl input (get/set): " + getTTL + "/" + setTTL); RouteTableEntry entry=(RouteTableEntry)_newMap.get(guid); if (entry==null) entry=(RouteTableEntry)_oldMap.get(guid); if ((entry != null) && (entry.getTTL() == getTTL)) { entry.setTTL(setTTL); return true; } return false; } /** * Looks up the reply route for a given guid. * * @requires guid.length==16 * @effects returns the corresponding ReplyHandler for this GUID. * Returns null if no mapping for guid, or guid maps to null (i.e., * to a removed ReplyHandler. */ public synchronized ReplyHandler getReplyHandler(byte[] guid) { //no purge repOk(); //Look up guid in _newMap. If not there, check _oldMap. RouteTableEntry entry=(RouteTableEntry)_newMap.get(guid); if (entry==null) entry=(RouteTableEntry)_oldMap.get(guid); //Note that id2handler may return null. return (entry==null) ? null : id2handler(new Integer(entry.handlerID)); } /** * Looks up the reply route and route volume for a given guid, incrementing * the count of bytes routed for that GUID. * * @requires guid.length==16 * @effects if no mapping for guid, or guid maps to null (i.e., to a removed * ReplyHandler) returns null. Otherwise returns a tuple containing the * corresponding ReplyHandler for this GUID along with the volume of * messages already routed for that guid. Afterwards, increments the reply * count by replyBytes. */ public synchronized ReplyRoutePair getReplyHandler(byte[] guid, int replyBytes, short numReplies) { //no purge repOk(); //Look up guid in _newMap. If not there, check _oldMap. RouteTableEntry entry=(RouteTableEntry)_newMap.get(guid); if (entry==null) entry=(RouteTableEntry)_oldMap.get(guid); //If no mapping for guid, or guid maps to a removed reply handler, //return null. if (entry==null) return null; ReplyHandler handler=id2handler(new Integer(entry.handlerID)); if (handler==null) return null; //Increment count, returning old count in tuple. ReplyRoutePair ret = new ReplyRoutePair(handler, entry.bytesRouted, entry.repliesRouted); entry.bytesRouted += replyBytes; entry.repliesRouted += numReplies; return ret; } /** The return value from getReplyHandler. */ public static final class ReplyRoutePair { private final ReplyHandler handler; private final int volume; private final int REPLIES_ROUTED; ReplyRoutePair(ReplyHandler handler, int volume, int hits) { this.handler = handler; this.volume = volume; REPLIES_ROUTED = hits; } /** Returns the ReplyHandler to route your message */ public ReplyHandler getReplyHandler() { return handler; } /** Returns the volume of messages already routed for the given GUID. */ public int getBytesRouted() { return volume; } /** * Accessor for the number of query results that have been routed * for the GUID that identifies this <tt>ReplyRoutePair</tt>. * * @return the number of query results that have been routed for this * guid */ public int getResultsRouted() { return REPLIES_ROUTED; } } /** * Clears references to a given ReplyHandler. * * @modifies this * @effects replaces all entries [guid, rh2] s.t. * rh2.equals(replyHandler) with entries [guid, null]. This operation * runs in constant time. [sic] */ public synchronized void removeReplyHandler(ReplyHandler replyHandler) { //no purge repOk(); //The aggressive asserts below are to make sure bug X75 has been fixed. Assert.that(replyHandler!=null, "Null replyHandler in removeReplyHandler"); //Note that _map is not modified. See overview of class for rationale. //Also, handler2id may actually allocate a new ID for replyHandler, when //killing a connection for which we've routed no replies. That's ok; //we'll just clean up the new ID immediately. Integer id=handler2id(replyHandler); _idMap.remove(id); _handlerMap.remove(replyHandler); } /** * @modifies nextID, _handlerMap, _idMap * @effects returns a unique ID for the given handler, updating * _handlerMap and _idMap if handler has not been encountered before. * With very low probability, the returned id may be a value _map. */ private Integer handler2id(ReplyHandler handler) { //Have we encountered this handler recently? If so, return the id. Integer id=(Integer)_handlerMap.get(handler); if (id!=null) return id; //Otherwise return the next free id, searching in extremely rare cases //if needed. Note that his enters an infinite loop if all 2^32 IDs are //taken up. BFD. while (true) { //don't worry about overflow; Java wraps around TODO1? id=new Integer(_nextID++); if (_idMap.get(id)==null) break; } _handlerMap.put(handler, id); _idMap.put(id, handler); return id; } /** * Returns the ReplyHandler associated with the following ID, or * null if none. */ private ReplyHandler id2handler(Integer id) { return (ReplyHandler)_idMap.get(id); } /** * Purges old entries. * * @modifies _nextSwitchTime, _newMap, _oldMap * @effects if the system time is less than _nextSwitchTime, returns * false. Otherwise, clears _oldMap and swaps _oldMap and _newMap, * updates _nextSwitchTime, and returns true. */ private final boolean purge() { long now=System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now<_nextSwitchTime && _newMap.size()<_maxSize) //not enough time has elapsed and sets too small return false; //" "+this.hashCode()+" purging " // +_oldMap.size()+" old, " // +_newMap.size()+" new"); _oldMap.clear(); Map tmp=_oldMap; _oldMap=_newMap; _newMap=tmp; _nextSwitchTime=now+_mseconds; return true; } public synchronized String toString() { //Inefficient, but this is only for debugging anyway. StringBuffer buf=new StringBuffer("{"); Map bothMaps=new TreeMap(new GUID.GUIDByteComparator()); bothMaps.putAll(_oldMap); bothMaps.putAll(_newMap); Iterator iter=bothMaps.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { byte[] key=(byte[]); buf.append(new GUID(key)); // GUID buf.append("->"); int id=((RouteTableEntry)bothMaps.get(key)).handlerID; ReplyHandler handler=id2handler(new Integer(id)); buf.append(handler==null ? "null" : handler.toString());//connection if (iter.hasNext()) buf.append(", "); } buf.append("}"); return buf.toString(); } private static boolean warned=false; /** Tests internal consistency. VERY slow. */ private final void repOk() { /* if (!warned) { System.err.println( "WARNING: RouteTable.repOk enabled. Expect performance problems!"); warned=true; } //Check that _idMap is inverse of _handlerMap... for (Iterator iter=_idMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Integer key=(Integer); ReplyHandler value=(ReplyHandler)_idMap.get(key); Assert.that(_handlerMap.get(value)==key); } //..and vice versa for (Iterator iter=_handlerMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ReplyHandler key=(ReplyHandler); Integer value=(Integer)_handlerMap.get(key); Assert.that(_idMap.get(value)==key); } //Check that keys of _newMap aren't in _oldMap, values are RouteTableEntry for (Iterator iter=_newMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { byte[] guid=(byte[]); Assert.that(! _oldMap.containsKey(guid)); Assert.that(_newMap.get(guid) instanceof RouteTableEntry); } //Check that keys of _oldMap aren't in _newMap for (Iterator iter=_oldMap.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { byte[] guid=(byte[]); Assert.that(! _newMap.containsKey(guid)); Assert.that(_oldMap.get(guid) instanceof RouteTableEntry); } */ } }