package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ByteOrder; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ErrorService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; /** Vendor Messages are Gnutella Messages that are NEVER forwarded after * recieved. * This message is abstract because it provides common methods for ALL * VendorMessages, but it makes no sense to instantiate a VendorMessage. */ public abstract class VendorMessage extends Message { //Functional IDs defined by Gnutella VendorMessage protocol.... protected static final int F_MESSAGES_SUPPORTED = 0; protected static final int F_HOPS_FLOW = 4; protected static final int F_TCP_CONNECT_BACK = 7; protected static final int F_UDP_CONNECT_BACK = 7; protected static final int F_UDP_CONNECT_BACK_REDIR = 8; protected static final int F_CAPABILITIES = 10; protected static final int F_LIME_ACK = 11; protected static final int F_REPLY_NUMBER = 12; protected static final int F_PUSH_PROXY_REQ = 21; protected static final int F_PUSH_PROXY_ACK = 22; protected static final int F_GIVE_STATS = 14; protected static final int F_STATISTICS = 15; protected static final int F_GIVE_ULTRAPEER = 5; protected static final int F_ULTRAPEER_LIST = 6; protected static final int F_UDP_HEAD_PING = 23; protected static final int F_UDP_HEAD_PONG = 24; protected static final int F_HEADER_UPDATE = 25; protected static final byte[] F_LIME_VENDOR_ID = {(byte) 76, (byte) 73, (byte) 77, (byte) 69}; protected static final byte[] F_BEAR_VENDOR_ID = {(byte) 66, (byte) 69, (byte) 65, (byte) 82}; protected static final byte[] F_GTKG_VENDOR_ID = {(byte) 71, (byte) 84, (byte) 75, (byte) 71}; protected static final byte[] F_NULL_VENDOR_ID = {(byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (byte) 0}; private static final int LENGTH_MINUS_PAYLOAD = 8; private static final BadPacketException UNRECOGNIZED_EXCEPTION = new BadPacketException("Unrecognized Vendor Message"); /** * Bytes 0-3 of the Vendor Message. Something like "LIME".getBytes(). */ private final byte[] _vendorID; /** * The Sub-Selector for this message. Bytes 4-5 of the Vendor Message. */ private final int _selector; /** * The Version number of the message. Bytes 6-7 of the Vendor Message. */ private final int _version; /** * The payload of this VendorMessage. This usually holds data that is * interpreted by the type of message determined by _vendorID, _selector, * and (to a lesser extent) _version. */ private final byte[] _payload; /** Cache the hashcode cuz it isn't cheap to compute. */ private final int _hashCode; //---------------------------------- // CONSTRUCTORS //---------------------------------- /** * Constructs a new VendorMessage with the given data. * Each Vendor Message class delegates to this constructor (or the one * also taking a network parameter) to construct new locally generated * VMs. * @param vendorIDBytes The Vendor ID of this message (bytes). * @param selector The selector of the message. * @param version The version of this message. * @param payload The payload (not including vendorIDBytes, selector, and * version. * @exception NullPointerException Thrown if payload or vendorIDBytes are * null. */ protected VendorMessage(byte[] vendorIDBytes, int selector, int version, byte[] payload) { this(vendorIDBytes, selector, version, payload, Message.N_UNKNOWN); } /** * Constructs a new VendorMessage with the given data. * Each Vendor Message class delegates to this constructor (or the one that * doesn't take the network parameter) to construct new locally generated * VMs. * @param vendorIDBytes The Vendor ID of this message (bytes). * @param selector The selector of the message. * @param version The version of this message. * @param payload The payload (not including vendorIDBytes, selector, and * version. * @param network The network this VM is to be written on. * @exception NullPointerException Thrown if payload or vendorIDBytes are * null. */ protected VendorMessage(byte[] vendorIDBytes, int selector, int version, byte[] payload, int network) { super(F_VENDOR_MESSAGE, (byte)1, LENGTH_MINUS_PAYLOAD + payload.length, network); if ((vendorIDBytes.length != 4)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong vendorID length: " + vendorIDBytes.length); if ((selector & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid selector: " + selector); if ((version & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid version: " + version); // set the instance params.... _vendorID = vendorIDBytes; _selector = selector; _version = version; _payload = payload; // lastly compute the hash _hashCode = computeHashCode(_version, _selector, _vendorID, _payload); } /** * Constructs a new VendorMessage with data from the network. * Primarily built for the convenience of the class Message. * Subclasses must extend this (or the below constructor that takes a * network parameter) and use getPayload() to parse the payload and do * anything else they need to. */ protected VendorMessage(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] vendorID, int selector, int version, byte[] payload) throws BadPacketException { this(guid,ttl,hops,vendorID,selector,version,payload,Message.N_UNKNOWN); } /** * Constructs a new VendorMessage with data from the network. * Primarily built for the convenience of the class Message. * Subclasses must extend this (or the above constructor that doesn't * takes a network parameter) and use getPayload() to parse the payload * and do anything else they need to. */ protected VendorMessage(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops,byte[] vendorID, int selector, int version, byte[] payload, int network) throws BadPacketException { super(guid, (byte)0x31, ttl, hops, LENGTH_MINUS_PAYLOAD+payload.length, network); // set the instance params.... if ((vendorID.length != 4)) { throw new BadPacketException("Vendor ID Invalid!"); } if ((selector & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) { throw new BadPacketException("Selector Invalid!"); } if ((version & 0xFFFF0000) != 0) { throw new BadPacketException("Version Invalid!"); } _vendorID = vendorID; _selector = selector; _version = version; _payload = payload; // lastly compute the hash _hashCode = computeHashCode(_version, _selector, _vendorID, _payload); } /** * Computes the hash code for a vendor message. */ private static int computeHashCode(int version, int selector, byte[] vendorID, byte[] payload) { int hashCode = 0; hashCode += 17*version; hashCode += 17*selector; for (int i = 0; i < vendorID.length; i++) hashCode += (int) 17*vendorID[i]; for (int i = 0; i < payload.length; i++) hashCode += (int) 17*payload[i]; return hashCode; } //---------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // ACCESSOR methods //---------------------------------- /** Allows subclasses to make changes gain access to the payload. They * can: * 1) change the contents * 2) parse the contents. * In general, 1) is discouraged, 2) is necessary. Subclasses CANNOT * re-init the payload. */ protected byte[] getPayload() { return _payload; } protected int getVersion() { return _version; } //---------------------------------- //---------------------- // Methods for all subclasses.... //---------------------- /** * Constructs a vendor message with the specified network data. * The actual vendor message constructed is determined by the value * of the selector within the message. */ public static VendorMessage deriveVendorMessage(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] fromNetwork, int network) throws BadPacketException { // sanity check if (fromNetwork.length < LENGTH_MINUS_PAYLOAD) { throw new BadPacketException("Not enough bytes for a VM!!"); } // get very necessary parameters.... ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(fromNetwork); byte[] vendorID = null, restOf = null; int selector = -1, version = -1; try { // first 4 bytes are vendor ID vendorID = new byte[4];, 0, vendorID.length); // get the selector.... selector = ByteOrder.ubytes2int(ByteOrder.leb2short(bais)); // get the version.... version = ByteOrder.ubytes2int(ByteOrder.leb2short(bais)); // get the rest.... restOf = new byte[bais.available()];, 0, restOf.length); } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorService.error(ioe); // impossible. } // now switch on them to get the appropriate message.... if ((selector == F_HOPS_FLOW) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_BEAR_VENDOR_ID))) // HOPS FLOW MESSAGE return new HopsFlowVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_LIME_ACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) // LIME ACK MESSAGE return new LimeACKVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_REPLY_NUMBER) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) // REPLY NUMBER MESSAGE return new ReplyNumberVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_TCP_CONNECT_BACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_BEAR_VENDOR_ID))) // TCP CONNECT BACK return new TCPConnectBackVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_MESSAGES_SUPPORTED) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_NULL_VENDOR_ID))) // Messages Supported Message return new MessagesSupportedVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_UDP_CONNECT_BACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_GTKG_VENDOR_ID))) // UDP CONNECT BACK return new UDPConnectBackVendorMessage(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_PUSH_PROXY_REQ) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) // Push Proxy Request return new PushProxyRequest(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_PUSH_PROXY_ACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) // Push Proxy Acknowledgement return new PushProxyAcknowledgement(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_LIME_ACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_BEAR_VENDOR_ID))) // Query Status Request return new QueryStatusRequest(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_REPLY_NUMBER) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_BEAR_VENDOR_ID))) // Query Status Response return new QueryStatusResponse(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_TCP_CONNECT_BACK) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new TCPConnectBackRedirect(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_UDP_CONNECT_BACK_REDIR) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new UDPConnectBackRedirect(guid, ttl, hops, version, restOf); if ((selector == F_GIVE_ULTRAPEER) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new UDPCrawlerPing(guid,ttl,hops,version,restOf); if ((selector == F_ULTRAPEER_LIST) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new UDPCrawlerPong(guid,ttl,hops,version,restOf); if ((selector == F_UDP_HEAD_PING) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new HeadPing(guid,ttl,hops,version,restOf); if ((selector == F_UDP_HEAD_PONG) && (Arrays.equals(vendorID, F_LIME_VENDOR_ID))) return new HeadPong(guid,ttl,hops,version,restOf); throw UNRECOGNIZED_EXCEPTION; } /** * @return true if the two VMPs have identical signatures - no more, no * less. Does not take version into account, but if different versions * have different payloads, they'll differ. */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof VendorMessage) { VendorMessage vmp = (VendorMessage) other; return ((_selector == vmp._selector) && (Arrays.equals(_vendorID, vmp._vendorID)) && (Arrays.equals(_payload, vmp._payload)) ); } return false; } public int hashCode() { return _hashCode; } //---------------------- //---------------------- // ABSTRACT METHODS //---------------------- //---------------------- //---------------------------------- // FULFILL abstract Message methods //---------------------------------- // INHERIT COMMENT protected void writePayload(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(_vendorID); ByteOrder.short2leb((short)_selector, out); ByteOrder.short2leb((short)_version, out); out.write(getPayload()); } // INHERIT COMMENT public Message stripExtendedPayload() { // doesn't make sense for VendorMessage to strip anything.... return this; } // INHERIT COMMENT public void recordDrop() { } //---------------------------------- }