package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.SpamFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UDPCrawlerPong; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ApplicationSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; /** * This class is an implementation of <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> that is * specialized for handling UDP messages. */ public final class UDPReplyHandler implements ReplyHandler { /** * Constant for the <tt>InetAddress</tt> of the host to reply to. */ private final InetAddress IP; /** * Constant for the port of the host to reply to. */ private final int PORT; /** * Constant for the empty set of security domains that this * <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> belongs to. */ private static final Set EMPTY_SET = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet()); /** * Constant for the <tt>UDPService</tt>. */ private static final UDPService UDP_SERVICE = UDPService.instance(); /** * Used to filter messages that are considered spam. * With the introduction of OOB replies, it is important * to check UDP replies for spam too. * * Uses one static instance instead of creating a new * filter for every single UDP message. */ private static volatile SpamFilter _personalFilter = SpamFilter.newPersonalFilter(); /** * Constructor that sets the ip and port to reply to. * * @param ip the <tt>InetAddress</tt> to reply to * @param port the port to reply to */ public UDPReplyHandler(InetAddress ip, int port) { if(!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid port: " + port); if(!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ip)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ip: " + ip); IP = ip; PORT = port; } /** * Sets the new personal spam filter to be used for all UDPReplyHandlers. */ public static void setPersonalFilter(SpamFilter filter) { _personalFilter = filter; } /** * Sends the <tt>PingReply</tt> via a UDP datagram to the IP and port * for this handler.<p> * * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. * * @param hit the <tt>PingReply</tt> to send * @param handler the <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> to use for sending the reply */ public void handlePingReply(PingReply pong, ReplyHandler handler) { UDP_SERVICE.send(pong, IP, PORT); } /** * Sends the <tt>QueryReply</tt> via a UDP datagram to the IP and port * for this handler.<p> * * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. * * @param hit the <tt>QueryReply</tt> to send * @param handler the <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> to use for sending the reply */ public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply hit, ReplyHandler handler) { UDP_SERVICE.send(hit, IP, PORT); } /** * Sends the <tt>QueryRequest</tt> via a UDP datagram to the IP and port * for this handler.<p> * * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. * * @param request the <tt>QueryRequest</tt> to send * @param handler the <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> to use for sending the reply */ public void handlePushRequest(PushRequest request, ReplyHandler handler) { UDP_SERVICE.send(request, IP, PORT); } public void countDroppedMessage() {} public Set getDomains() { return EMPTY_SET; } public boolean isPersonalSpam(Message m) { return !_personalFilter.allow(m); } public boolean isOpen() { return true; } public int getNumMessagesReceived() { return 0; } public boolean isOutgoing() { return false; } // inherit doc comment public boolean isKillable() { return false; } /** * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. This always returns <tt>false</tt> * for UDP reply handlers, as leaves are always connected via TCP. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, as all leaves are connected via TCP, so * directly connected leaves will not have <tt>UDPReplyHandler</tt>s */ public boolean isSupernodeClientConnection() { return false; } /** * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> interface. Always returns * <tt>false</tt> because leaves are connected via TCP, not UDP. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, since leaves never maintain their connections * via UDP, only TCP */ public boolean isLeafConnection() { return false; } /** * Returns whether or not this connection is a high-degree connection, * meaning that it maintains a high number of intra-Ultrapeer connections. * In the case of UDP reply handlers, this always returns <tt>false<tt>. * * @return <tt>false</tt> because, by definition, a UDP 'connection' is not * a connection at all */ public boolean isHighDegreeConnection() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt> since UDP reply handlers are not TCP * connections in the first place. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, since UDP handlers are not connections in * the first place, and therefore cannot use Ultrapeer query routing */ public boolean isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a "connection" * in the first place, and so could never have sent the requisite * headers. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a real connection */ public boolean isGoodUltrapeer() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a "connection" * in the first place, and so could never have sent the requisite * headers. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a real connection */ public boolean isGoodLeaf() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, since we don't know whether a host * communicating via UDP supports pong caching or not. * * @return <tt>false</tt> since we don't know if this node supports * pong caching or not */ public boolean supportsPongCaching() { return false; } /** * Returns whether or not to allow new pings from this <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. * Since this ping is over UDP, we'll always allow it. * * @return <tt>true</tt> since this ping is received over UDP */ public boolean allowNewPings() { return true; } // inherit doc comment public InetAddress getInetAddress() { return IP; } /** * Retrieves the host address. */ public String getAddress() { return IP.getHostAddress(); } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt> to indicate that <tt>UDPReplyHandler</tt>s * should never be considered stable, due to data loss over UDP and lack * of knowledge as to whether the host is still alive. * * @return <tt>false</tt> since UDP handler are never stable */ public boolean isStable() { return false; } /** * implementation of interface. this is not used. */ public String getLocalePref() { return ApplicationSettings.DEFAULT_LOCALE; } /** * Overrides toString to print out more detailed information about * this <tt>UDPReplyHandler</tt> */ public String toString() { return ("UDPReplyHandler:\r\n"+ IP.toString()+"\r\n"+ PORT+"\r\n"); } /** * sends the response through udp back to the requesting party */ public void handleUDPCrawlerPong(UDPCrawlerPong m) { UDPService.instance().send(m, IP, PORT); } public void reply(Message m) { UDPService.instance().send(m, IP,PORT); } public int getPort() { return PORT; } }