package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.util.LOG; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.ConnectionChecker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.BadHandshakeException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HeaderNames; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.NoGnutellaOkException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.QueryStatusResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.TCPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UDPConnectBackVendorMessage; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ApplicationSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.ManagedThread; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.Sockets; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.ByeRequest; /** * The list of all ManagedConnection's. Provides a factory method for creating * user-requested outgoing connections, accepts incoming connections, and * fetches "automatic" outgoing connections as needed. Creates threads for * handling these connections when appropriate. * * Because this is the only list of all connections, it plays an important role * in message broadcasting. For this reason, the code is highly tuned to avoid * locking in the getInitializedConnections() methods. Adding and removing * connections is a slower operation.<p> * * LimeWire follows the following connection strategy:<br> * As a leaf, LimeWire will ONLY connect to 'good' Ultrapeers. The definition * of good is constantly changing. For a current view of 'good', review * HandshakeResponse.isGoodUltrapeer(). LimeWire leaves will NOT deny * a connection to an ultrapeer even if they've reached their maximum * desired number of connections (currently 4). This means that if 5 * connections resolve simultaneously, the leaf will remain connected to all 5. * <br> * As an Ultrapeer, LimeWire will seek outgoing connections for 5 less than * the number of it's desired peer slots. This is done so that newcomers * on the network have a better chance of finding an ultrapeer with a slot * open. LimeWire ultrapeers will allow ANY other ultrapeer to connect to it, * and to ensure that the network does not become too LimeWire-centric, it * reserves 3 slots for non-LimeWire peers. LimeWire ultrapeers will allow * ANY leaf to connect, so long as there are atleast 15 slots open. Beyond * that number, LimeWire will only allow 'good' leaves. To see what consitutes * a good leave, view HandshakeResponse.isGoodLeaf(). To ensure that the * network does not remain too LimeWire-centric, it reserves 3 slots for * non-LimeWire leaves.<p> * * ConnectionManager has methods to get up and downstream bandwidth, but it * doesn't quite fit the BandwidthTracker interface. */ public class ConnectionManager { /** * Timestamp for the last time the user selected to disconnect. */ private volatile long _disconnectTime = -1; /** * Timestamp for the time we began automatically connecting. We stop * trying to automatically connect if the user has disconnected since that * time. */ private volatile long _automaticConnectTime = 0; /** * Flag for whether or not the auto-connection process is in effect. */ private volatile boolean _automaticallyConnecting; /** * Timestamp of our last successful connection. */ private volatile long _lastSuccessfulConnect = 0; /** * Timestamp of the last time we checked to verify that the user has a live * Internet connection. */ private volatile long _lastConnectionCheck = 0; /** * Counter for the number of connection attempts we've made. */ private volatile static int _connectionAttempts; /** * The number of Ultrapeer connections to ideally maintain as an Ultrapeer. */ public static final int ULTRAPEER_CONNECTIONS = 32; /** * The number of connections leaves should maintain to Ultrapeers. */ public static final int PREFERRED_CONNECTIONS_FOR_LEAF = 3; /** * To number of connections leaves should maintain when idle. */ public static final int PREFERRED_CONNECTIONS_FOR_LEAF_WHEN_IDLE = 1; /** * The number of leaf connections reserved for non LimeWire clients. * This is done to ensure that the network is not solely LimeWire centric. */ public static final int RESERVED_NON_LIMEWIRE_LEAVES = 2; /** * The number of ultrapeer connections reserved for non LimeWire clients. * This is done to ensure that the network is not solely LimeWire centric. */ public static final int RESERVED_NON_LIMEWIRE_PEERS = 3; /** * The current number of connections we want to maintain. */ private volatile int _preferredConnections = -1; /** * Reference to the <tt>HostCatcher</tt> for retrieving host data as well * as adding host data. */ private HostCatcher _catcher; /** Threads trying to maintain the NUM_CONNECTIONS. * LOCKING: obtain this. */ private final List /* of ConnectionFetcher */ _fetchers = new ArrayList(); /** Connections that have been fetched but not initialized. I don't * know the relation between _initializingFetchedConnections and * _connections (see below). LOCKING: obtain this. */ private final List /* of ManagedConnection */ _initializingFetchedConnections = new ArrayList(); /** * dedicated ConnectionFetcher used by leafs to fetch a * locale matching connection * NOTE: currently this is only used by leafs which will try * to connect to one connection which matches the locale of the * client. */ private ConnectionFetcher _dedicatedPrefFetcher; /** * boolean to check if a locale matching connection is needed. */ private volatile boolean _needPref = true; /** * boolean of whether or not the interruption of the prefFetcher thread * has been scheduled. */ private boolean _needPrefInterrupterScheduled = false; /** * List of all connections. The core data structures are lists, which allow * fast iteration for message broadcast purposes. Actually we keep a couple * of lists: the list of all initialized and uninitialized connections * (_connections), the list of all initialized non-leaf connections * (_initializedConnections), and the list of all initialized leaf connections * (_initializedClientConnections). * * INVARIANT: neither _connections, _initializedConnections, nor * _initializedClientConnections contains any duplicates. * INVARIANT: for all c in _initializedConnections, * c.isSupernodeClientConnection()==false * INVARIANT: for all c in _initializedClientConnections, * c.isSupernodeClientConnection()==true * COROLLARY: the intersection of _initializedClientConnections * and _initializedConnections is the empty set * INVARIANT: _initializedConnections is a subset of _connections * INVARIANT: _initializedClientConnections is a subset of _connections * INVARIANT: _shieldedConnections is the number of connections * in _initializedConnections for which isClientSupernodeConnection() * is true. * INVARIANT: _nonLimeWireLeaves is the number of connections * in _initializedClientConnections for which isLimeWire is false * INVARIANT: _nonLimeWirePeers is the number of connections * in _initializedConnections for which isLimeWire is false * * LOCKING: _connections, _initializedConnections and * _initializedClientConnections MUST NOT BE MUTATED. Instead they should * be replaced as necessary with new copies. Before replacing the * structures, obtain this' monitor. This avoids lock overhead when * message broadcasting, though it makes adding/removing connections * much slower. */ //TODO:: why not use sets here?? private volatile List /* of ManagedConnection */ _connections = new ArrayList(); private volatile List /* of ManagedConnection */ _initializedConnections = new ArrayList(); private volatile List /* of ManagedConnection */ _initializedClientConnections = new ArrayList(); private volatile int _shieldedConnections = 0; private volatile int _nonLimeWireLeaves = 0; private volatile int _nonLimeWirePeers = 0; /** number of peers that matches the local locale pref. */ private volatile int _localeMatchingPeers = 0; /** * For authenticating users */ private final Authenticator _authenticator; /** * The current measured upstream bandwidth. */ private volatile float _measuredUpstreamBandwidth = 0.f; /** * The current measured downstream bandwidth. */ private volatile float _measuredDownstreamBandwidth = 0.f; /** * Constructs a ConnectionManager. Must call initialize before using. * @param authenticator Authenticator instance for authenticating users */ public ConnectionManager(Authenticator authenticator) { _authenticator = authenticator; } /** * Links the ConnectionManager up with the other back end pieces and * launches the ConnectionWatchdog and the initial ConnectionFetchers. */ public void initialize() { _catcher = RouterService.getHostCatcher(); } /** * Create a new connection, blocking until it's initialized, but launching * a new thread to do the message loop. */ public ManagedConnection createConnectionBlocking(String hostname, int portnum) throws IOException { ManagedConnection c = new ManagedConnection(hostname, portnum); // Initialize synchronously initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection(c); // Kick off a thread for the message loop. Thread conn = new ManagedThread(new OutgoingConnector(c, false), "OutgoingConnector"); conn.setDaemon(true); conn.start(); return c; } /** * Create a new connection, allowing it to initialize and loop for messages * on a new thread. */ public void createConnectionAsynchronously( String hostname, int portnum) { Runnable outgoingRunner = new OutgoingConnector(new ManagedConnection(hostname, portnum), true); // Initialize and loop for messages on another thread. Thread outgoingConnectionRunner = new ManagedThread(outgoingRunner, "OutgoingConnectionThread"); outgoingConnectionRunner.setDaemon(true); outgoingConnectionRunner.start(); } /** * Create an incoming connection. This method starts the message loop, * so it will block for a long time. Make sure the thread that calls * this method is suitable doing a connection message loop. * If there are already too many connections in the manager, this method * will launch a RejectConnection to send pongs for other hosts. */ void acceptConnection(Socket socket) { //1. Initialize connection. It's always safe to recommend new headers. Thread.currentThread().setName("IncommingConnectionThread"); ManagedConnection connection = new ManagedConnection(socket); try { initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection(connection); } catch (IOException e) { connection.close(); return; } try { startConnection(connection); } catch(IOException e) { // we could not start the connection for some reason -- // this can easily happen, for example, if the connection // just drops } } /** * Removes the specified connection from currently active connections, also * removing this connection from routing tables and modifying active * connection fetchers accordingly. * * @param mc the <tt>ManagedConnection</tt> instance to remove */ public synchronized void remove(ManagedConnection mc) { mc.setByeReason(ByeRequest.EXIT_NORMAL,"Normal exit\n"); removeInternal(mc); adjustConnectionFetchers(); } /** * Returns whether this (probably) has a connection to the given host. This * method is currently implemented by iterating through all connections and * comparing addresses but not ports. (Incoming connections use ephemeral * ports.) As a result, this test may conservatively return true even if * this is not connected to <tt>host</tt>. Likewise, it may it mistakenly * return false if <tt>host</tt> is a multihomed system. In the future, * additional connection headers may make the test more precise. * * @return true if this is probably connected to <tt>host</tt> */ boolean isConnectedTo(String hostName) { //A clone of the list of all connections, both initialized and //uninitialized, leaves and unrouted. If Java could be prevented from //making certain code transformations, it would be safe to replace the //call to "getConnections()" with "_connections", thus avoiding a clone. //(Remember that _connections is never mutated.) List connections=getConnections(); for (Iterator iter=connections.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ManagedConnection mc = (ManagedConnection); if (mc.getAddress().equals(hostName)) return true; } return false; } /** * @return the number of connections, which is greater than or equal * to the number of initialized connections. */ public int getNumConnections() { return _connections.size(); } /** * @return the number of initialized connections, which is less than or * equals to the number of connections. */ public int getNumInitializedConnections() { return _initializedConnections.size(); } /** *@return the number of initialized connections for which * isClientSupernodeConnection is true. */ public int getNumClientSupernodeConnections() { return _shieldedConnections; } /** * @return the number of free non-leaf slots. */ public int getNumFreeNonLeafSlots() { return _preferredConnections - getNumInitializedConnections(); } /** * @return the number of free non-leaf slots that LimeWires can connect to. */ public int getNumFreeLimeWireNonLeafSlots() { return Math.max(0, getNumFreeNonLeafSlots() - Math.max(0, RESERVED_NON_LIMEWIRE_PEERS - _nonLimeWirePeers) - getNumLimeWireLocalePrefSlots() ); } /** * Returns true if we've made a locale-matching connection (or don't * want any at all). */ public boolean isLocaleMatched() { return !ConnectionSettings.USE_LOCALE_PREF || _localeMatchingPeers != 0; } /** * @return the number of locale reserved slots to be filled * * An ultrapeer may not have Free LimeWire Non Leaf Slots but may still * have free slots that are reserved for locales */ public int getNumLimeWireLocalePrefSlots() { return Math.max(0, ConnectionSettings.NUM_LOCALE_PREF - _localeMatchingPeers); } /** * Determines if we've reached our maximum number of preferred connections. */ public boolean isFullyConnected() { return _initializedConnections.size() >= _preferredConnections; } /** * Returns whether or not the client has an established connection with * another Gnutella client. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if the client is currently connected to * another Gnutella client, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public boolean isConnected() { return ((_initializedClientConnections.size() > 0) || (_initializedConnections.size() > 0)); } /** * Returns whether or not we are currently attempting to connect to the * network. */ public boolean isConnecting() { if(_disconnectTime != 0) return false; if(isConnected()) return false; synchronized(this) { return _fetchers.size() != 0 || _initializingFetchedConnections.size() != 0; } } /** * Takes a snapshot of the upstream and downstream bandwidth since the last * call to measureBandwidth. * @see BandwidthTracker#measureBandwidth */ public void measureBandwidth() { float upstream=0.f; float downstream=0.f; List connections = getInitializedConnections(); for (Iterator iter=connections.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ManagedConnection mc=(ManagedConnection); mc.measureBandwidth(); upstream+=mc.getMeasuredUpstreamBandwidth(); downstream+=mc.getMeasuredDownstreamBandwidth(); } _measuredUpstreamBandwidth=upstream; _measuredDownstreamBandwidth=downstream; } /** * Returns the upstream bandwidth between the last two calls to * measureBandwidth. * @see BandwidthTracker#measureBandwidth */ public float getMeasuredUpstreamBandwidth() { return _measuredUpstreamBandwidth; } /** * Returns the downstream bandwidth between the last two calls to * measureBandwidth. * @see BandwidthTracker#measureBandwidth */ public float getMeasuredDownstreamBandwidth() { return _measuredDownstreamBandwidth; } /** * Checks if the connection received can be accepted, * based upon the type of connection (e.g. client, ultrapeer, * temporary etc). * @param c The connection we received, for which to * test if we have incoming slot. * @return true, if we have incoming slot for the connection received, * false otherwise */ private boolean allowConnection(ManagedConnection c) { if(!c.receivedHeaders()) return false; return allowConnection(c.headers(), false); } /** * Checks if the connection received can be accepted, * based upon the type of connection (e.g. client, ultrapeer, * temporary etc). * @param c The connection we received, for which to * test if we have incoming slot. * @return true, if we have incoming slot for the connection received, * false otherwise */ public boolean allowConnection(HandshakeResponse hr) { return allowConnection(hr, !hr.isUltrapeer()); } /** * Returns true if this has slots for an incoming connection, <b>without * accounting for this' ultrapeer capabilities</b>. More specifically: * <ul> * <li>if ultrapeerHeader==null, returns true if this has space for an * unrouted old-style connection. * <li>if ultrapeerHeader.equals("true"), returns true if this has slots * for a leaf connection. * <li>if ultrapeerHeader.equals("false"), returns true if this has slots * for an ultrapeer connection. * </ul> * * <tt>useragentHeader</tt> is used to prefer LimeWire and certain trusted * vendors. <tt>outgoing</tt> is currently unused, but may be used to * prefer incoming or outgoing connections in the forward. * * @param outgoing true if this is an outgoing connection; true if incoming * @param ultrapeerHeader the value of the X-Ultrapeer header, or null * if it was not written * @param useragentHeader the value of the User-Agent header, or null if * it was not written * @return true if a connection of the given type is allowed */ public boolean allowConnection(HandshakeResponse hr, boolean leaf) { //Old versions of LimeWire used to prefer incoming connections over //outgoing. The rationale was that a large number of hosts were //firewalled, so those who weren't had to make extra space for them. //With the introduction of ultrapeers, this is not an issue; all //firewalled hosts become leaf nodes. Hence we make no distinction //between incoming and outgoing. // //At one point we would actively kill old-fashioned unrouted connections //for ultrapeers. Later, we preferred ultrapeers to old-fashioned //connections as follows: if the HostCatcher had marked ultrapeer pongs, //we never allowed more than DESIRED_OLD_CONNECTIONS old //connections--incoming or outgoing. // //Now we simply prefer connections by vendor, which has some of the same //effect. We use BearShare's clumping algorithm. Let N be the //keep-alive and K be RESERVED_GOOD_CONNECTIONS. (In BearShare's //implementation, K=1.) Allow any connections in for the first N-K //slots. But only allow good vendors for the last K slots. In other //words, accept a connection C if there are fewer than N connections and //one of the following is true: C is a good vendor or there are fewer //than N-K connections. With time, this converges on all good //connections. int limeAttempts = ConnectionSettings.LIME_ATTEMPTS; //Don't allow anything if disconnected. if (_preferredConnections <=0 ) { return false; //If a leaf (shielded or not), check rules as such. } else { // require ultrapeer. if(!hr.isUltrapeer()) return false; // If it's not good, or it's the first few attempts & not a LimeWire, // never allow it. if(!hr.isGoodUltrapeer() || (Sockets.getAttempts() < limeAttempts && !hr.isLimeWire())) { return false; // if we have slots, allow it. } else if (_shieldedConnections < _preferredConnections) { // if it matched our preference, we don't need to preference // anymore. if(checkLocale(hr.getLocalePref())) _needPref = false; return true; } else { // if we were still trying to get a locale connection // and this one matches, allow it, 'cause no one else matches. // (we would have turned _needPref off if someone matched.) if(_needPref && checkLocale(hr.getLocalePref())) return true; // don't allow it. return false; } } } /** * Provides handle to the authenticator instance * @return Handle to the authenticator */ public Authenticator getAuthenticator(){ return _authenticator; } /** * @requires returned value not modified * @effects returns a list of this' initialized connections. <b>This * exposes the representation of this, but is needed in some cases * as an optimization.</b> All lookup values in the returned value * are guaranteed to run in linear time. */ public List getInitializedConnections() { return _initializedConnections; } /** * return a list of initialized connection that matches the parameter * String loc. * create a new linkedlist to return. */ public List getInitializedConnectionsMatchLocale(String loc) { List matches = new LinkedList(); for(Iterator itr= _initializedConnections.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Connection conn = (Connection); if(loc.equals(conn.getLocalePref())) matches.add(conn); } return matches; } /** * @requires returned value not modified * @effects returns a list of this' initialized connections. <b>This * exposes the representation of this, but is needed in some cases * as an optimization.</b> All lookup values in the returned value * are guaranteed to run in linear time. */ public List getInitializedClientConnections() { return _initializedClientConnections; } /** * return a list of initialized client connection that matches the parameter * String loc. * create a new linkedlist to return. */ public List getInitializedClientConnectionsMatchLocale(String loc) { List matches = new LinkedList(); for(Iterator itr= _initializedClientConnections.iterator(); itr.hasNext();) { Connection conn = (Connection); if(loc.equals(conn.getLocalePref())) matches.add(conn); } return matches; } /** * @return all of this' connections. */ public List getConnections() { return _connections; } /** * Accessor for the <tt>Set</tt> of push proxies for this node. If * there are no push proxies available, or if this node is an Ultrapeer, * this will return an empty <tt>Set</tt>. * * @return a <tt>Set</tt> of push proxies with a maximum size of 4 * * TODO: should the set of pushproxy UPs be cached and updated as * connections are killed and created? */ public Set getPushProxies() { // this should be fast since leaves don't maintain a lot of // connections and the test for proxy support is cached boolean // value Iterator ultrapeers = getInitializedConnections().iterator(); Set proxies = new HashSet(); while (ultrapeers.hasNext() && (proxies.size() < 4)) { ManagedConnection currMC = (ManagedConnection); if (currMC.getPushProxyPort() >= 0) proxies.add(currMC); } return proxies; } /** * Sends a TCPConnectBack request to (up to) 2 connected Ultrapeers. * @returns false if no requests were sent, otherwise true. */ public boolean sendTCPConnectBackRequests() { int sent = 0; final Message cb = new TCPConnectBackVendorMessage(RouterService.getPort()); List peers = new ArrayList(getInitializedConnections()); Collections.shuffle(peers); for(Iterator i = peers.iterator(); i.hasNext() && sent < 5; ) { ManagedConnection currMC = (ManagedConnection); if (currMC.remoteHostSupportsTCPRedirect() >= 0) { currMC.send(cb); sent++; } } return (sent > 0); } /** * Sends a UDPConnectBack request to (up to) 4 (and at least 2) * connected Ultrapeers. * @returns false if no requests were sent, otherwise true. */ public boolean sendUDPConnectBackRequests(GUID cbGuid) { int sent = 0; final Message cb = new UDPConnectBackVendorMessage(RouterService.getPort(), cbGuid); List peers = new ArrayList(getInitializedConnections()); Collections.shuffle(peers); for(Iterator i = peers.iterator(); i.hasNext() && sent < 5; ) { ManagedConnection currMC = (ManagedConnection); if (currMC.remoteHostSupportsUDPConnectBack() >= 0) { currMC.send(cb); sent++; } } return (sent > 0); } /** * Sends a QueryStatusResponse message to as many Ultrapeers as possible. * * @param */ public void updateQueryStatus(QueryStatusResponse stat) { // this should be fast since leaves don't maintain a lot of // connections and the test for query status response is a cached // value Iterator ultrapeers = getInitializedConnections().iterator(); while (ultrapeers.hasNext()) { ManagedConnection currMC = (ManagedConnection); if (currMC.remoteHostSupportsLeafGuidance() >= 0) currMC.send(stat); } } /** * Returns the <tt>Endpoint</tt> for an Ultrapeer connected via TCP, * if available. * * @return the <tt>Endpoint</tt> for an Ultrapeer connected via TCP if * there is one, otherwise returns <tt>null</tt> */ public Endpoint getConnectedGUESSUltrapeer() { for(Iterator iter=_initializedConnections.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ManagedConnection connection = (ManagedConnection); if(connection.isSupernodeConnection() && connection.isGUESSUltrapeer()) { return new Endpoint(connection.getInetAddress().getAddress(), connection.getPort()); } } return null; } /** Returns a <tt>List<tt> of Ultrapeers connected via TCP that are GUESS * enabled. * * @return A non-null List of GUESS enabled, TCP connected Ultrapeers. The * are represented as ManagedConnections. */ public List getConnectedGUESSUltrapeers() { List retList = new ArrayList(); for(Iterator iter=_initializedConnections.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { ManagedConnection connection = (ManagedConnection); if(connection.isSupernodeConnection() && connection.isGUESSUltrapeer()) retList.add(connection); } return retList; } /** * Adds an initializing connection. * Should only be called from a thread that has this' monitor. * This is called from initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection * and initializeFetchedConnection, both times from within a * synchronized(this) block. */ private void connectionInitializing(Connection c) { //REPLACE _connections with the list _connections+[c] List newConnections=new ArrayList(_connections); newConnections.add(c); _connections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); } /** * Adds an incoming connection to the list of connections. Note that * the incoming connection has already been initialized before * this method is invoked. * Should only be called from a thread that has this' monitor. * This is called from initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection, for * incoming connections */ private void connectionInitializingIncoming(ManagedConnection c) { connectionInitializing(c); } /** * Marks a connection fully initialized, but only if that connection wasn't * removed from the list of open connections during its initialization. * Should only be called from a thread that has this' monitor. */ private boolean connectionInitialized(ManagedConnection c) { LOG.error("enter connectionInitialized"); if(_connections.contains(c)) { // build the queues and start the output runner. // this MUST be done before _initializedConnections // or _initializedClientConnections has added this // connection to its list. otherwise, messages may // attempt to be sent to the connection before it has // set up its output queues. c.buildAndStartQueues(); //update the appropriate list of connections if(!c.isSupernodeClientConnection()){ //REPLACE _initializedConnections with the list //_initializedConnections+[c] List newConnections=new ArrayList(_initializedConnections); newConnections.add(c); _initializedConnections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); //maintain invariant if(c.isClientSupernodeConnection()) _shieldedConnections++; if(!c.isLimeWire()) _nonLimeWirePeers++; if(checkLocale(c.getLocalePref())) _localeMatchingPeers++; } else { //REPLACE _initializedClientConnections with the list //_initializedClientConnections+[c] List newConnections =new ArrayList(_initializedClientConnections); newConnections.add(c); _initializedClientConnections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); if(!c.isLimeWire()) _nonLimeWireLeaves++; } // do any post-connection initialization that may involve sending. c.postInit(); // sending the ping request. sendInitialPingRequest(c); return true; } return false; } /** * Disconnects from the network. Closes all connections and sets * the number of connections to zero. */ public synchronized void disconnect() { _disconnectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _preferredConnections = 0; adjustConnectionFetchers(); // kill them all //2. Remove all connections. for (Iterator iter=getConnections().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { ManagedConnection c=(ManagedConnection); remove(c); //add the endpoint to hostcatcher if (c.isSupernodeConnection()) { //add to catcher with the locale info. _catcher.add(new Endpoint(c.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), c.getPort()), true, c.getLocalePref()); } } Sockets.clearAttempts(); } /** * Connects to the network. Ensures the number of messaging connections * is non-zero and recontacts the pong server as needed. */ public synchronized void connect() { // Reset the disconnect time to be a long time ago. _disconnectTime = 0; // Ignore this call if we're already connected // or not initialized yet. if(isConnected() || _catcher == null) { return; } _connectionAttempts = 0; _lastConnectionCheck = 0; _lastSuccessfulConnect = 0; // Notify HostCatcher that we've connected. _catcher.expire(); // Set the number of connections we want to maintain setPreferredConnections(); // tell the catcher to start pinging people. _catcher.sendUDPPings(); } /** * Sends the initial ping request to a newly initialized connection. The * ttl of the PingRequest will be 1 if we don't need any connections. * Otherwise, the ttl = max ttl. */ private void sendInitialPingRequest(ManagedConnection connection) { if(connection.supportsPongCaching()) return; //We need to compare how many connections we have to the keep alive to //determine whether to send a broadcast ping or a handshake ping, //initially. However, in this case, we can't check the number of //connection fetchers currently operating, as that would always then //send a handshake ping, since we're always adjusting the connection //fetchers to have the difference between keep alive and num of //connections. PingRequest pr; if (getNumInitializedConnections() >= _preferredConnections) pr = new PingRequest((byte)1); else pr = new PingRequest((byte)4); connection.send(pr); //Ensure that the initial ping request is written in a timely fashion. try { connection.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { /* close it later */ //LOG.logSp("flush ping " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * An unsynchronized version of remove, meant to be used when the monitor * is already held. This version does not kick off ConnectionFetchers; * only the externally exposed version of remove does that. */ private void removeInternal(ManagedConnection c) { // 1a) Remove from the initialized connections list and clean up the // stuff associated with initialized connections. For efficiency // reasons, this must be done before (2) so packets are not forwarded // to dead connections (which results in lots of thrown exceptions). if(!c.isSupernodeClientConnection()){ int i=_initializedConnections.indexOf(c); if (i != -1) { //REPLACE _initializedConnections with the list //_initializedConnections-[c] List newConnections=new ArrayList(); newConnections.addAll(_initializedConnections); newConnections.remove(c); _initializedConnections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); //maintain invariant if(c.isClientSupernodeConnection()) _shieldedConnections--; if(!c.isLimeWire()) _nonLimeWirePeers--; if(checkLocale(c.getLocalePref())) _localeMatchingPeers--; } }else{ //check in _initializedClientConnections int i=_initializedClientConnections.indexOf(c); if (i != -1) { //REPLACE _initializedClientConnections with the list //_initializedClientConnections-[c] List newConnections=new ArrayList(); newConnections.addAll(_initializedClientConnections); newConnections.remove(c); _initializedClientConnections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); if(!c.isLimeWire()) _nonLimeWireLeaves--; } } // 1b) Remove from the all connections list and clean up the // stuff associated all connections int i=_connections.indexOf(c); if (i != -1) { //REPLACE _connections with the list _connections-[c] List newConnections=new ArrayList(_connections); newConnections.remove(c); _connections = Collections.unmodifiableList(newConnections); } // 2) Ensure that the connection is closed. This must be done before // step (3) to ensure that dead connections are not added to the route // table, resulting in dangling references. c.close(); // 3) Clean up route tables. RouterService.getMessageRouter().removeConnection(c); // 4) Notify the listener RouterService.getCallback().connectionClosed(c); } /** * Stabilizes connections by removing extraneous ones. * * This will remove the connections that we've been connected to * for the shortest amount of time. */ private synchronized void stabilizeConnections() { while(getNumInitializedConnections() > _preferredConnections) { ManagedConnection newest = null; for(Iterator i = _initializedConnections.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ ManagedConnection c = (ManagedConnection); // first see if this is a non-limewire connection and cut it off // unless it is our only connection left if (!c.isLimeWire()) { LOG.error("remove not lime?"); newest = c; break; } if(newest == null || c.getConnectionTime() > newest.getConnectionTime()) newest = c; } if(newest != null) { LOG.error("remove in stabilizeConnections " + newest.getAddress()); remove(newest); } } adjustConnectionFetchers(); } /** * Starts or stops connection fetchers to maintain the invariant * that numConnections + numFetchers >= _preferredConnections * * _preferredConnections - numConnections - numFetchers is called the need. * This method is called whenever the need changes: * 1. setPreferredConnections() -- _preferredConnections changes * 2. remove(Connection) -- numConnections drops. * 3. initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection() -- * numConnections rises. * 4. initialization error in initializeFetchedConnection() -- * numConnections drops when removeInternal is called. * Note that adjustConnectionFetchers is not called when a connection is * successfully fetched from the host catcher. numConnections rises, * but numFetchers drops, so need is unchanged. * * Only call this method when the monitor is held. */ private void adjustConnectionFetchers() { if(ConnectionSettings.USE_LOCALE_PREF) { //if it's a leaf and locale preferencing is on //we will create a dedicated preference fetcher //that tries to fetch a connection that matches the //clients locale if( _needPref && !_needPrefInterrupterScheduled && _dedicatedPrefFetcher == null) { _dedicatedPrefFetcher = new ConnectionFetcher(true); Runnable interrupted = new Runnable() { public void run() { synchronized(ConnectionManager.this) { // always finish once this runs. _needPref = false; if (_dedicatedPrefFetcher == null) return; _dedicatedPrefFetcher.interrupt(); _dedicatedPrefFetcher = null; } } }; _needPrefInterrupterScheduled = true; // shut off this guy if he didn't have any luck RouterService.schedule(interrupted, 15 * 1000, 0); } } int goodConnections = getNumInitializedConnections(); int neededConnections = _preferredConnections - goodConnections; //Now how many fetchers do we need? To increase parallelism, we //allocate 3 fetchers per connection, but no more than 10 fetchers. //(Too much parallelism increases chance of simultaneous connects, //resulting in too many connections.) Note that we assume that all //connections being fetched right now will become ultrapeers. int multiple; // The end result of the following logic, assuming _preferredConnections // is 32 for Ultrapeers, is: // When we have 22 active peer connections, we fetch // (27-current)*1 connections. // All other times, for Ultrapeers, we will fetch // (32-current)*3, up to a maximum of 20. // For leaves, assuming they maintin 4 Ultrapeers, // we will fetch (4-current)*2 connections. // If we have not accepted incoming, fetch 3 times // as many connections as we need. // We must also check if we're actively being a Ultrapeer because // it's possible we may have turned off acceptedIncoming while // being an Ultrapeer. if( !RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection()) { multiple = 3; } // Otherwise, if we're not ultrapeer capable, // or have not become an Ultrapeer to anyone, // also fetch 3 times as many connections as we need. // It is critical that active ultrapeers do not use a multiple of 3 // without reducing neededConnections, otherwise LimeWire would // continue connecting and rejecting connections forever. else { multiple = 3; } int need = Math.min(10, multiple*neededConnections) - _fetchers.size() - _initializingFetchedConnections.size(); // LOG.logSp("need " + need + " fetcher " + _fetchers.size() + " init " + _initializingFetchedConnections.size()); // Start connection fetchers as necessary while(need > 0) { // This kicks off the thread for the fetcher _fetchers.add(new ConnectionFetcher()); need--; } // Stop ConnectionFetchers as necessary, but it's possible there // aren't enough fetchers to stop. In this case, close some of the // connections started by ConnectionFetchers. int lastFetcherIndex = _fetchers.size(); while((need < 0) && (lastFetcherIndex > 0)) { ConnectionFetcher fetcher = (ConnectionFetcher) _fetchers.remove(--lastFetcherIndex); fetcher.interrupt(); need++; } int lastInitializingConnectionIndex = _initializingFetchedConnections.size(); while((need < 0) && (lastInitializingConnectionIndex > 0)) { ManagedConnection connection = (ManagedConnection) _initializingFetchedConnections.remove( --lastInitializingConnectionIndex); LOG.logSp("remove in connectionFether" + connection.getAddress()); removeInternal(connection); need++; } } /** * Initializes an outgoing connection created by a ConnectionFetcher * Throws any of the exceptions listed in Connection.initialize on * failure; no cleanup is necessary in this case. * * @exception IOException we were unable to establish a TCP connection * to the host * @exception NoGnutellaOkException we were able to establish a * messaging connection but were rejected * @exception BadHandshakeException some other problem establishing * the connection, e.g., the server responded with HTTP, closed the * the connection during handshaking, etc. * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.Connection#initialize(int) */ private void initializeFetchedConnection(ManagedConnection mc, ConnectionFetcher fetcher) throws NoGnutellaOkException, BadHandshakeException, IOException { synchronized(this) { if(fetcher.isInterrupted()) { // Externally generated interrupt. // The interrupting thread has recorded the // death of the fetcher, so throw IOException. // (This prevents fetcher from continuing!) throw new IOException("connection fetcher"); } _initializingFetchedConnections.add(mc); if(fetcher == _dedicatedPrefFetcher) _dedicatedPrefFetcher = null; else _fetchers.remove(fetcher); connectionInitializing(mc); // No need to adjust connection fetchers here. We haven't changed // the need for connections; we've just replaced a ConnectionFetcher // with a Connection. } RouterService.getCallback().connectionInitializing(mc); try { mc.initialize(); } catch(IOException e) { synchronized(ConnectionManager.this) { _initializingFetchedConnections.remove(mc); //LOG.logSp("close in initializeFetchedConnection" + mc.getAddress() + e.getMessage()); removeInternal(mc); // We've removed a connection, so the need for connections went // up. We may need to launch a fetcher. adjustConnectionFetchers(); } throw e; } finally { //if the connection received headers, process the headers to //take steps based on the headers processConnectionHeaders(mc); } completeConnectionInitialization(mc, true); } /** * Processes the headers received during connection handshake and updates * itself with any useful information contained in those headers. * Also may change its state based upon the headers. * @param headers The headers to be processed * @param connection The connection on which we received the headers */ private void processConnectionHeaders(Connection connection){ if(!connection.receivedHeaders()) { return; } //get the connection headers Properties headers = connection.headers().props(); //return if no headers to process if(headers == null) return; //update the addresses in the host cache (in case we received some //in the headers) updateHostCache(connection.headers()); //get remote address. If the more modern "Listen-IP" header is //not included, try the old-fashioned "X-My-Address". String remoteAddress = headers.getProperty(HeaderNames.LISTEN_IP); if (remoteAddress==null) remoteAddress = headers.getProperty(HeaderNames.X_MY_ADDRESS); //set the remote port if not outgoing connection (as for the outgoing //connection, we already know the port at which remote host listens) if((remoteAddress != null) && (!connection.isOutgoing())) { int colonIndex = remoteAddress.indexOf(':'); if(colonIndex == -1) return; colonIndex++; if(colonIndex > remoteAddress.length()) return; try { int port = Integer.parseInt( remoteAddress.substring(colonIndex).trim()); if(NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) { // for incoming connections, set the port based on what it's // connection headers say the listening port is connection.setListeningPort(port); } } catch(NumberFormatException e){ // should nothappen though if the other client is well-coded } } } /** * Returns true if this can safely switch from Ultrapeer to leaf mode. * Typically this means that we are an Ultrapeer and have no leaf * connections. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if we will allow ourselves to become a leaf, * otherwise <tt>false</tt> */ public boolean allowLeafDemotion() { return true; } /** * Adds the X-Try-Ultrapeer hosts from the connection headers to the * host cache. * * @param headers the connection headers received */ private void updateHostCache(HandshakeResponse headers) { if(!headers.hasXTryUltrapeers()) return; //get the ultrapeers, and add those to the host cache String hostAddresses = headers.getXTryUltrapeers(); //tokenize to retrieve individual addresses StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(hostAddresses, Constants.ENTRY_SEPARATOR); List hosts = new ArrayList(st.countTokens()); while(st.hasMoreTokens()){ String address = st.nextToken().trim(); try { Endpoint e = new Endpoint(address); hosts.add(e); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ continue; } } _catcher.add(hosts); } /** * Initializes an outgoing connection created by createConnection or any * incomingConnection. If this is an incoming connection and there are no * slots available, rejects it and throws IOException. * * @throws IOException on failure. No cleanup is necessary if this happens. */ private void initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection(ManagedConnection c) throws IOException { //For outgoing connections add it to the GUI and the fetcher lists now. //For incoming, we'll do this below after checking incoming connection //slots. This keeps reject connections from appearing in the GUI, as //well as improving performance slightly. if (c.isOutgoing()) { synchronized(this) { connectionInitializing(c); // We've added a connection, so the need for connections went // down. adjustConnectionFetchers(); } RouterService.getCallback().connectionInitializing(c); } try { c.initialize(); } catch(IOException e) { LOG.error("close on initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection" + c.getAddress() + e.getMessage()); remove(c); throw e; } finally { //if the connection received headers, process the headers to //take steps based on the headers processConnectionHeaders(c); } //If there's not space for the connection, reject it. This mechanism //works for Gnutella 0.4 connections, as well as some odd cases for 0.6 //connections. Sometimes ManagedConnections are handled by headers //directly. if (!c.isOutgoing() && !allowConnection(c)) { c.loopToReject(); //No need to remove, since it hasn't been added to any lists. throw new IOException("No space for connection"); } //For incoming connections, add it to the GUI. For outgoing connections //this was done at the top of the method. See note there. if (! c.isOutgoing()) { synchronized(this) { connectionInitializingIncoming(c); // We've added a connection, so the need for connections went // down. adjustConnectionFetchers(); } RouterService.getCallback().connectionInitializing(c); } completeConnectionInitialization(c, false); } /** * Performs the steps necessary to complete connection initialization. * * @param mc the <tt>ManagedConnection</tt> to finish initializing * @param fetched Specifies whether or not this connection is was fetched * by a connection fetcher. If so, this removes that connection from * the list of fetched connections being initialized, keeping the * connection fetcher data in sync */ private void completeConnectionInitialization(ManagedConnection mc, boolean fetched) { synchronized(this) { if(fetched) { _initializingFetchedConnections.remove(mc); } // If the connection was killed while initializing, we shouldn't // announce its initialization boolean connectionOpen = connectionInitialized(mc); if(connectionOpen) { RouterService.getCallback().connectionInitialized(mc); RouterService.resendWhenConnect(mc); setPreferredConnections(); } } } /** * Gets the number of preferred connections to maintain. */ public int getPreferredConnectionCount() { return _preferredConnections; } /** * Determines if we're attempting to maintain the idle connection count. */ public boolean isConnectionIdle() { return _preferredConnections == PREFERRED_CONNECTIONS_FOR_LEAF_WHEN_IDLE; } /** * Sets the maximum number of connections we'll maintain. */ private void setPreferredConnections() { // if we're disconnected, do nothing. if(_disconnectTime != 0) return; int oldPreferred = _preferredConnections; _preferredConnections = PREFERRED_CONNECTIONS_FOR_LEAF; if(oldPreferred != _preferredConnections) stabilizeConnections(); } // // End connection list management functions // // // Begin connection launching thread inner classes // /** * This thread does the initialization and the message loop for * ManagedConnections created through createConnectionAsynchronously and * createConnectionBlocking */ private class OutgoingConnector implements Runnable { private final ManagedConnection _connection; private final boolean _doInitialization; /** * Creates a new <tt>OutgoingConnector</tt> instance that will * attempt to create a connection to the specified host. * * @param connection the host to connect to */ public OutgoingConnector(ManagedConnection connection, boolean initialize) { _connection = connection; _doInitialization = initialize; } public void run() { try { if(_doInitialization) { initializeExternallyGeneratedConnection(_connection); } startConnection(_connection); } catch(IOException ignored) {} } } /** * Runs standard calls that should be made whenever a connection is fully * established and should wait for messages. * * @param conn the <tt>ManagedConnection</tt> instance to start * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> if there is an excpetion while looping * for messages */ private void startConnection(ManagedConnection conn) throws IOException { Thread.currentThread().setName("MessageLoopingThread"); // this can throw IOException conn.loopForMessages(); } /** * Asynchronously fetches a connection from hostcatcher, then does * then initialization and message loop. * * The ConnectionFetcher is responsible for recording its instantiation * by adding itself to the fetchers list. It is responsible for recording * its death by removing itself from the fetchers list only if it * "interrupts itself", that is, only if it establishes a connection. If * the thread is interrupted externally, the interrupting thread is * responsible for recording the death. */ private class ConnectionFetcher extends ManagedThread { //set if this connectionfetcher is a preferencing fetcher private boolean _pref = false; /** * Tries to add a connection. Should only be called from a thread * that has the enclosing ConnectionManager's monitor. This method * is only called from adjustConnectionFetcher's, which has the same * locking requirement. */ public ConnectionFetcher() { this(false); } public ConnectionFetcher(boolean pref) { setName("ConnectionFetcher"); _pref = pref; // Kick off the thread. setDaemon(true); start(); } // Try a single connection @Override public void managedRun() { try { // Wait for an endpoint. Endpoint endpoint = null; do { endpoint = _catcher.getAnEndpoint(); } while ( !IPFilter.instance().allow(endpoint.getAddress()) || isConnectedTo(endpoint.getAddress()) ); //Assert.that(endpoint != null); _connectionAttempts++; ManagedConnection connection = new ManagedConnection( endpoint.getAddress(), endpoint.getPort()); //set preferencing connection.setLocalePreferencing(_pref); // If we've been trying to connect for awhile, check to make // sure the user's internet connection is live. We only do // this if we're not already connected, have not made any // successful connections recently, and have not checked the // user's connection in the last little while or have very // few hosts left to try. long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(!isConnected() && _connectionAttempts > 40 && ((curTime-_lastSuccessfulConnect)>4000) && ((curTime-_lastConnectionCheck)>60*60*1000)) { _connectionAttempts = 0; _lastConnectionCheck = curTime; //LOG.logSp("checking for live connection"); ConnectionChecker.checkForLiveConnection(); } //Try to connect, recording success or failure so HostCatcher //can update connection history. Note that we declare //success if we were able to establish the TCP connection //but couldn't handshake (NoGnutellaOkException). try { initializeFetchedConnection(connection, this); _lastSuccessfulConnect = System.currentTimeMillis(); _catcher.doneWithConnect(endpoint, true); if(_pref) // if pref connection succeeded _needPref = false; } catch (NoGnutellaOkException e) { _lastSuccessfulConnect = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(e.getCode() == HandshakeResponse.LOCALE_NO_MATCH) { //if it failed because of a locale matching issue //readd to hostcatcher?? _catcher.add(endpoint, true, connection.getLocalePref()); } else { _catcher.doneWithConnect(endpoint, true); _catcher.putHostOnProbation(endpoint); } throw e; } catch (IOException e) { _catcher.doneWithConnect(endpoint, false); _catcher.expireHost(endpoint); throw e; } LOG.logSp("before startConnection" + connection.getAddress()); startConnection(connection); } catch(IOException e) { LOG.logSp(e.getMessage()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Externally generated interrupt. // The interrupting thread has recorded the // death of the fetcher, so just return. return; } catch(Throwable e) { //Internal error! ErrorService.error(e); } } public String toString() { return "ConnectionFetcher"; } } /** * This method notifies the connection manager that the user does not have * a live connection to the Internet to the best of our determination. * In this case, we notify the user with a message and maintain any * Gnutella hosts we have already tried instead of discarding them. */ public void noInternetConnection() { if(_automaticallyConnecting) { // We've already notified the user about their connection and we're // alread retrying automatically, so just return. return; } // Kill all of the ConnectionFetchers. disconnect(); // Try to reconnect in 10 seconds, and then every minute after // that. RouterService.schedule(new Runnable() { public void run() { // If the last time the user disconnected is more recent // than when we started automatically connecting, just // return without trying to connect. Note that the // disconnect time is reset if the user selects to connect. if(_automaticConnectTime < _disconnectTime) { return; } if(!RouterService.isConnected()) { // Try to re-connect. Note this call resets the time // for our last check for a live connection, so we may // hit web servers again to check for a live connection. connect(); } } }, 10*1000, 2*60*1000); _automaticConnectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _automaticallyConnecting = true; recoverHosts(); } /** * Utility method that tells the host catcher to recover hosts from disk * if it doesn't have enough hosts. */ private void recoverHosts() { // Notify the HostCatcher that it should keep any hosts it has already // used instead of discarding them. // The HostCatcher can be null in testing. if(_catcher != null && _catcher.getNumHosts() < 100) { _catcher.recoverHosts(); } } /** * Utility method to see if the passed in locale matches * that of the local client. As of now, we assume that * those clients not advertising locale as english locale */ private boolean checkLocale(String loc) { if(loc == null) loc = /** assume english if locale is not given... */ ApplicationSettings.DEFAULT_LOCALE; return ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.equals(loc); } }