package com.feebe.rings; import; import; import; import com.feebe.lib.EndlessUrlArrayAdapter; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Environment; import android.util.Log; import android.webkit.WebIconDatabase.IconListener; import android.widget.Toast; public class Const extends com.feebe.lib.Const { public static final String USEDEDUP = "dedup"; public static final String AUTH = "auth"; public static final String key = "key"; public static final String mp3 = "mp3"; public static final String song = "song"; public static final String artist = "artist"; public static final String title = "title"; public static final String image = "image"; public static final String rating = "rating"; public static final String category = "category"; public static final String download = "download"; public static final String size = "size"; public static final String author = "author"; // public static final String jsonfile_extention = ".d"; public static final String jsonfile_key = "json"; public static final String myRating = "myRating"; // TODO: no need // public static final String jsonLocation = "jsonLocation"; public static final String searchurl = "url"; public static final int DEFAULT_RESULT = 15; public static final String RatingBase = ""; public static final String SearchBase = ""; public static final String CommentBase = ""; public static final String TableHistory = "histories"; public static void init(Activity c) { if (main != null) return; appname = "FeebeRings"; no_sd = R.string.no_sd; com.feebe.lib.Const.init(c); } private static void addFileName(StringBuilder f, String str) { if (str == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char a = str.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(a) || a == ' ') { f.append(a); } } } public static String getMp3FilePath(String artist, String title, String extension) { StringBuilder filebuf = new StringBuilder(256); filebuf.append(contentDir); addFileName(filebuf, artist); filebuf.append(' '); addFileName(filebuf, title); // Try to make the filename unique String path = null; String filename = filebuf.toString(); // Log.e("file", filename); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { String testPath; if (i > 0) { testPath = filename + i; } else { testPath = filename; } if (extension != null) { testPath += extension; } try { RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile( new File(testPath), "r"); } catch (Exception e) { // Good, the file didn't exist path = testPath; break; } } return path; } }