package; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import com.util.LOG; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Const; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Endpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GUID; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Response; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UDPService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.QueryStatusResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.SearchSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; /** * Handles incoming search results from the network. This class parses the * results from <tt>QueryReply</tt> instances and performs the logic * necessary to pass those results up to the UI. */ public final class SearchResultHandler { /** * The maximum amount of time to allow a query's processing * to pass before giving up on it as an 'old' query. */ private static final int QUERY_EXPIRE_TIME = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds. /** * The "delay" between responses to wait to send a QueryStatusResponse. */ public static final int REPORT_INTERVAL = 15; /** * The maximum number of results to send in a QueryStatusResponse - * basically sent to say 'shut off query'. */ public static final int MAX_RESULTS = 65535; /** Used to keep track of the number of non-filtered responses per GUID. * I need synchronization for every call I make, so a Vector is fine. */ private final List GUID_COUNTS = new Vector(); /*--------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC INTERFACE METHODS ----------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Adds the query reply, immediately processing it and passing * it off to the GUI. * * @param qr the <tt>QueryReply</tt> to add */ public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply qr) { handleReply(qr); } /** * Adds the Query to the list of queries kept track of. You should do this * EVERY TIME you start a query so we can leaf guide it when possible. * * @param qr The query that has been started. We really just acces the guid. */ public void addQuery(QueryRequest qr) { LOG.trace("entered SearchResultHandler.addQuery(QueryRequest)"); GuidCount gc = new GuidCount(qr); GUID_COUNTS.add(gc); } public QueryRequest getCurQuery() { int len = GUID_COUNTS.size(); if (len > 0) { GuidCount gc = (GuidCount)GUID_COUNTS.get(len-1); return gc._qr; } else { return null; } } /** * Removes the Query frome the list of queries kept track of. You should do * this EVERY TIME you stop a query. * * @param guid the guid of the query that has been removed. */ public void removeQuery(GUID guid) { LOG.trace("entered SearchResultHandler.removeQuery(GUID)"); GuidCount gc = removeQueryInternal(guid); if ((gc != null) && (!gc.isFinished())) { // shut off the query at the UPs - it wasn't finished so it hasn't // been shut off - at worst we may shut it off twice, but that is // a timing issue that has a small probability of happening, no big // deal if it does.... QueryStatusResponse stat = new QueryStatusResponse(guid, MAX_RESULTS); RouterService.getConnectionManager().updateQueryStatus(stat); } } /** * Returns a <tt>List</tt> of queries that require replanting into * the network, based on the number of results they've had and/or * whether or not they're new enough. */ public List getQueriesToReSend() { LOG.trace("entered SearchResultHandler.getQueriesToSend()"); List reSend = null; synchronized (GUID_COUNTS) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Iterator iter = GUID_COUNTS.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GuidCount currGC = (GuidCount); if( isQueryStillValid(currGC, now) ) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("adding " + currGC + " to list of queries to resend"); if( reSend == null ) reSend = new LinkedList(); reSend.add(currGC.getQueryRequest()); } } } if( reSend == null ) return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; else return reSend; } /** * Use this to see how many results have been displayed to the user for the * specified query. * * @param guid the guid of the query. * * @return the number of non-filtered results for query with guid guid. -1 * is returned if the guid was not found.... */ public int getNumResultsForQuery(GUID guid) { GuidCount gc = retrieveGuidCount(guid); if (gc != null) return gc.getNumResults(); else return -1; } /** * Determines whether or not the specified /*--------------------------------------------------- END OF PUBLIC INTERFACE METHODS ----------------------------------------------------*/ /*--------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE INTERFACE METHODS ----------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Handles the given query reply. Only one thread may call it at a time. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if the GUI will (probably) display the results, * otherwise <tt>false</tt> */ private static int totalResult = 0; private boolean handleReply(final QueryReply qr) { LOG.logSp("enter SearchResultsHander.handleReply " + qr.getResultCount()); HostData data; try { data = qr.getHostData(); } catch(BadPacketException bpe) { LOG.logSp("bad packet reading qr", bpe); return false; } // always handle reply to multicast queries. if( !data.isReplyToMulticastQuery() && !qr.isBrowseHostReply() ) { // note that the minimum search quality will always be greater // than -1, so -1 qualities (the impossible case) are never // displayed if(data.getQuality() < SearchSettings.MINIMUM_SEARCH_QUALITY) { LOG.logSp("Ignoring because low quality"); return false; } if(data.getSpeed() < SearchSettings.MINIMUM_SEARCH_SPEED) { LOG.logSp("Ignoring because low speed"); return false; } // if the other side is firewalled AND // we're not on close IPs AND // (we are firewalled OR we are a private IP) AND // no chance for FW transfer then drop the reply. if(data.isFirewalled() && !NetworkUtils.isVeryCloseIP(qr.getIPBytes()) && (!RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection() || NetworkUtils.isPrivateAddress(RouterService.getAddress())) && !(UDPService.instance().canDoFWT() && qr.getSupportsFWTransfer()) ) { LOG.logSp("Ignoring from firewall funkiness"); return false; } } List results = null; try { results = qr.getResultsAsList(); } catch (BadPacketException e) { LOG.logSp("Error gettig results", e); return false; } int numSentToFrontEnd = 0; //int resultSize = qr.getResultCount(); for(Iterator iter = results.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Response response = (Response); if (!RouterService.matchesType(data.getMessageGUID(), response)) { if (totalResult == 0) { LOG.logxml("we hit spammer " + response.getName()); // TODO: add ip to blacklist // we hit spammer, need to close and reconnect, also research RouterService.restart(); RouterService.getCallback().retryQueryAfterConnect(); return false; } continue; } //Throw away results from Mandragore Worm if (RouterService.isMandragoreWorm(data.getMessageGUID(),response)) { LOG.logSp("isMandragoreWorm"); continue; } RemoteFileDesc rfd = response.toRemoteFileDesc(data); Set<Endpoint> alts = response.getLocations(); RouterService.getCallback().handleQueryResult(rfd, data, alts); numSentToFrontEnd++; } //end of response loop // ok - some responses may have got through to the GUI, we should account // for them.... accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(qr, numSentToFrontEnd); totalResult += numSentToFrontEnd; return (numSentToFrontEnd > 0); } private void accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(final QueryReply qr, final int numSentToFrontEnd) { LOG.trace("SRH.accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(): entered."); // we should execute if results were consumed // technically Ultrapeers don't use this info, but we are keeping it // around for further use if (numSentToFrontEnd > 0) { // get the correct GuidCount GuidCount gc = retrieveGuidCount(new GUID(qr.getGUID())); if (gc == null) // 0. probably just hit lag, or.... // 1. we could be under attack - hits not meant for us // 2. programmer error - ejected a query we should not have return; // update the object LOG.trace("SRH.accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(): incrementing."); gc.increment(numSentToFrontEnd); // inform proxying Ultrapeers.... if (!gc.isFinished() && (gc.getNumResults() > gc.getNextReportNum())) { LOG.trace("SRH.accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(): telling UPs."); gc.tallyReport(); if (gc.getNumResults() > Const.ULTRAPEER_RESULTS) gc.markAsFinished(); // if you think you are done, then undeniably shut off the // query. final int numResultsToReport = (gc.isFinished() ? MAX_RESULTS : gc.getNumResults()/4); QueryStatusResponse stat = new QueryStatusResponse(gc.getGUID(), numResultsToReport); RouterService.getConnectionManager().updateQueryStatus(stat); } } LOG.trace("SRH.accountAndUpdateDynamicQueriers(): returning."); } private GuidCount removeQueryInternal(GUID guid) { synchronized (GUID_COUNTS) { Iterator iter = GUID_COUNTS.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GuidCount currGC = (GuidCount); if (currGC.getGUID().equals(guid)) { iter.remove(); // get rid of this dude return currGC; // and return it... } } } return null; } private GuidCount retrieveGuidCount(GUID guid) { synchronized (GUID_COUNTS) { Iterator iter = GUID_COUNTS.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { GuidCount currGC = (GuidCount); if (currGC.getGUID().equals(guid)) return currGC; } } return null; } /** * Determines whether or not the query contained in the * specified GuidCount is still valid. * This depends on values such as the time the query was * created and the amount of results we've received so far * for this query. */ private boolean isQueryStillValid(GuidCount gc, long now) { LOG.trace("entered SearchResultHandler.isQueryStillValid(GuidCount)"); return (now < (gc.getTime() + QUERY_EXPIRE_TIME)) && (gc.getNumResults() < Const.ULTRAPEER_RESULTS); } /*--------------------------------------------------- END OF PRIVATE INTERFACE METHODS ----------------------------------------------------*/ /** A container that simply pairs a GUID and an int. The int should * represent the number of non-filtered results for the GUID. */ private static class GuidCount { private final long _time; private final GUID _guid; private final QueryRequest _qr; private int _numResults; private int _nextReportNum = REPORT_INTERVAL; private boolean markAsFinished = false; public GuidCount(QueryRequest qr) { _qr = qr; _guid = new GUID(qr.getGUID()); _numResults = 0; _time = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public GUID getGUID() { return _guid; } public int getNumResults() { return _numResults; } public int getNextReportNum() { return _nextReportNum; } public long getTime() { return _time; } public QueryRequest getQueryRequest() { return _qr; } public boolean isFinished() { return markAsFinished; } public void tallyReport() { _nextReportNum = _numResults + REPORT_INTERVAL; } public void increment(int incr) { _numResults += incr; } public void markAsFinished() { markAsFinished = true; } public String toString() { return "" + _guid + ":" + _numResults + ":" + _nextReportNum; } } }