package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import com.util.LOG; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Assert; import com.limegroup.gnutella.BandwidthTracker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.BandwidthTrackerImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ByteReader; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Constants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.InsufficientDataException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpointForSelf; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RouterService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.UDPService; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocation; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocationCollection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.DirectAltLoc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.PushAltLoc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.ConstantHTTPHeaderValue; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPHeaderName; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPHeaderValueCollection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.ProblemReadingHeaderException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ChatSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.ConnectionSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.settings.DownloadSettings; import com.limegroup.gnutella.udpconnect.UDPConnection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CommonUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.CountingInputStream; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IntervalSet; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.NetworkUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.Sockets; /** * Downloads a file over an HTTP connection. This class is as simple as * possible. It does not deal with retries, prioritizing hosts, etc. Nor does * it check whether a file already exists; it just writes over anything on * disk.<p> * * It is necessary to explicitly initialize an HTTPDownloader with the * connectTCP(..) followed by a connectHTTP(..) method. (Hence HTTPDownloader * behaves much like Connection.) Typical use is as follows: * * <pre> * HTTPDownloader dl=new HTTPDownloader(host, port); * dl.connectTCP(timeout); * dl.connectHTTP(startByte, stopByte); * dl.doDownload(); * </pre> * LOCKING: _writtenGoodLocs and _goodLocs are both synchronized on _goodLocs * LOCKING: _writtenBadLocs and _badLocs are both synchronized on _badLocs */ public class HTTPDownloader implements BandwidthTracker { /** * The length of the buffer used in downloading. */ public static final int BUF_LENGTH=1024*8; /** * The smallest possible time in seconds to wait before retrying a busy * host. */ private static final int MIN_RETRY_AFTER = 60; // 60 seconds /** * The maximum possible time in seconds to wait before retrying a busy * host. */ private static final int MAX_RETRY_AFTER = 60 * 60; // 1 hour /** * The smallest possible file to be shared with partial file sharing. * Non final for testing purposes. */ static int MIN_PARTIAL_FILE_BYTES = 1*1024*1024; // 1MB private RemoteFileDesc _rfd; private boolean _isPush; private long _index; private String _filename; private byte[] _guid; /** * The total amount we've downloaded, including all previous * HTTP connections * LOCKING: this */ private int _totalAmountRead; /** * The amount we've downloaded. * LOCKING: this */ private int _amountRead; /** * The amount we'll have downloaded if the download completes properly. * Note that the amount still left to download is * _amountToRead - _amountRead. * LOCKING: this */ private int _amountToRead; /** * Whether to disconnect after reading the amount we have wanted to read */ private volatile boolean _disconnect; /** * The index to start reading from the server * LOCKING: this */ private int _initialReadingPoint; /** * The index to actually start writing to the file. * LOCKING:this */ private int _initialWritingPoint; /** * The content-length of the output, useful only for when we * want to read & discard the body of the HTTP message. */ private int _contentLength; /** * Whether or not the body has been consumed. */ private boolean _bodyConsumed = true; private ByteReader _byteReader; private Socket _socket; //initialized in HTTPDownloader(Socket) or connect private OutputStream _output; private InputStream _input; private final VerifyingFile _incompleteFile; /** * The new alternate locations we've received for this file. */ private AlternateLocationCollection _altLocsReceived, _pushAltLocsReceived; /** * The good locations to send the uploaders as in the alts list */ private Set _goodLocs; /** * The firewalled locations to send to uploaders that are interested */ private Set _goodPushLocs; /** * The bad firewalled locations to send to uploaders that are interested */ private Set _badPushLocs; /** * The list to send in the n-alts list */ private Set _badLocs; /** * The list of already written alts, used to stop duplicates */ private Set _writtenGoodLocs; /** * The list of already written n-alts, used to stop duplicates */ private Set _writtenBadLocs; /** * The list of already written push alts, used to stop duplicates */ private Set _writtenPushLocs; /** * The list of already written bad push alts, used to stop duplicates */ private Set _writtenBadPushLocs; private int _port; private String _host; private boolean _chatEnabled = false; // for now private boolean _browseEnabled = false; // also for now private String _server = ""; /** For implementing the BandwidthTracker interface. */ private BandwidthTrackerImpl bandwidthTracker=new BandwidthTrackerImpl(); /** * Whether or not this HTTPDownloader is currently attempting to read * information from the network. * * Volatile because it is read from multiple threads, although it * it set in only one thread. */ private volatile boolean _isActive = false; private Interval _requestedInterval = null; /** * whether the other side wants to receive firewalled altlocs */ private boolean _wantsFalts = false; /** * Creates an uninitialized client-side normal download. Call * connectTCP and connectHTTP() on this before any other methods. * Non-blocking. * * @param rfd complete information for the file to download, including * host address and port * @param incompleteFile the temp file to use while downloading, which need * not exist. * @param start the place to start reading from the network and writing to * the file * @param stop the last byte to read+1 */ public HTTPDownloader(RemoteFileDesc rfd, VerifyingFile incompleteFile) { //Dirty secret: this is implemented with the push constructor! this(null, rfd, incompleteFile); _isPush=false; } /** * Creates an uninitialized server-side push download. connectTCP() and * connectHTTP() on this before any other methods. Non-blocking. * * @param socket the socket to download from. The "GIV..." line must * have been read from socket. HTTP headers may not have been read or * buffered -- this can be <tt>null</tt> * @param rfd complete information for the file to download, including * host address and port * @param incompleteFile the temp file to use while downloading, which need * not exist. */ public HTTPDownloader(Socket socket, RemoteFileDesc rfd, VerifyingFile incompleteFile) { if(rfd == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null rfd"); } _isPush=true; _rfd=rfd; _socket=socket; _incompleteFile=incompleteFile; _filename = rfd.getFileName(); _index = rfd.getIndex(); _guid = rfd.getClientGUID(); _amountToRead = 0; _port = rfd.getPort(); _host = rfd.getHost(); _chatEnabled = rfd.chatEnabled(); _browseEnabled = rfd.browseHostEnabled(); URN urn = rfd.getSHA1Urn(); if (urn!=null) { _altLocsReceived = AlternateLocationCollection.create(urn); _pushAltLocsReceived = AlternateLocationCollection.create(urn); } else { _altLocsReceived=null; _pushAltLocsReceived=null; } _goodLocs = new HashSet(); _badLocs = new HashSet(); _goodPushLocs = new HashSet(); _badPushLocs = new HashSet(); _writtenGoodLocs = new HashSet(); _writtenBadLocs = new HashSet(); _writtenPushLocs = new HashSet(); _writtenBadPushLocs = new HashSet(); _amountRead = 0; _totalAmountRead = 0; } ////////////////////////Alt Locs methods//////////////////////// /** * Accessor for the alternate locations received from the server for * this download attempt. * * @return the <tt>AlternateLocationCollection</tt> containing the * received locations, can be <tt>null</tt> if we could not create * a collection, or could be empty */ AlternateLocationCollection getAltLocsReceived() { return _altLocsReceived; } AlternateLocationCollection getPushLocsReceived() { return _pushAltLocsReceived; } void addSuccessfulAltLoc(AlternateLocation loc) { if (loc instanceof DirectAltLoc) { synchronized(_badLocs) { //If we ever thought loc was bad, forget that we did, so that we can //add it to the n-alts list again, if it fails -- remove from //writtenBadlocs _writtenBadLocs.remove(loc); _badLocs.remove(loc); } synchronized(_goodLocs) { if(!_writtenGoodLocs.contains(loc)) //not written earlier _goodLocs.add(loc); //duplicates make no difference } } else { synchronized(_badPushLocs) { //If we ever thought loc was bad, forget that we did, so that we can //add it to the n-alts list again, if it fails -- remove from //writtenBadlocs _writtenBadPushLocs.remove(loc); _badPushLocs.remove(loc); } synchronized(_goodPushLocs) { if(!_writtenPushLocs.contains(loc)) //not written earlier _goodPushLocs.add(loc); //duplicates make no difference } } } void addFailedAltLoc(AlternateLocation loc) { //if we ever thought it was good, forget that we did, so we can write it //out as good again -- remove it from writtenGoodLocs if it was there if (loc instanceof DirectAltLoc){ synchronized(_goodLocs) { _writtenGoodLocs.remove(loc); _goodLocs.remove(loc); } synchronized(_badLocs) { if(!_writtenBadLocs.contains(loc))//no need to repeat to uploader _badLocs.add(loc); //duplicates make no difference } } else { synchronized(_goodPushLocs) { _writtenPushLocs.remove(loc); _goodPushLocs.remove(loc); } synchronized(_badPushLocs) { if(!_writtenBadPushLocs.contains(loc))//no need to repeat to uploader _badPushLocs.add(loc); //duplicates make no difference } } } ///////////////////////////////// Connection ///////////////////////////// /** * Initializes this by connecting to the remote host (in the case of a * normal client-side download). Blocks for up to timeout milliseconds * trying to connect, unless timeout is zero, in which case there is * no timeout. This MUST be uninitialized, i.e., connectTCP may not be * called more than once. * <p> * @param timeout the timeout to use for connecting, in milliseconds, * or zero if no timeout * @exception CantConnectException could not establish a TCP connection */ public void connectTCP(int timeout) throws IOException { //Connect, if not already done. Ignore //The try-catch below is a work-around for JDK bug 4091706. try { if (_socket==null) { long curTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); _socket = Sockets.connect(_host, _port, timeout); } //If platform supports it, set SO_KEEPALIVE option. This helps //detect a crashed uploader. Sockets.setKeepAlive(_socket, true); _input = new BufferedInputStream(_socket.getInputStream()); _output = new BufferedOutputStream(_socket.getOutputStream()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CantConnectException(); } //Note : once we have established the TCP connection with the host we //want to download from we set the soTimeout. Its reset in doDownload //Note2 : this may throw an IOException. _socket.setSoTimeout(Constants.TIMEOUT); _byteReader = new ByteReader(_input); } /** * Same as connectHTTP(start, stop, supportQueueing, -1) */ public void connectHTTP(int start, int stop, boolean supportQueueing) throws IOException, TryAgainLaterException, FileNotFoundException, NotSharingException, QueuedException, RangeNotAvailableException, ProblemReadingHeaderException, UnknownCodeException { connectHTTP(start, stop, supportQueueing, -1); } /** * Sends a GET request using an already open socket, and reads all * headers. The actual ranges downloaded MAY NOT be the same * as the 'start' and 'stop' parameters, as HTTP allows the server * to respond with any satisfiable subrange of the request. * * Users of this class should examine getInitialReadingPoint() * and getAmountToRead() to determine what the effective start & stop * ranges are, and update external datastructures appropriately. * int newStart = dloader.getInitialReadingPoint(); * int newStop = (dloader.getAmountToRead() - 1) + newStart; // INCLUSIVE * or * int newStop = dloader.getAmountToRead() + newStart; // EXCLUSIVE * * <p> * @param start The byte at which the HTTPDownloader should begin * @param stop the index just past the last byte to read; * stop-1 is the last byte the HTTPDownloader should download * <p> * @exception TryAgainLaterException the host is busy * @exception FileNotFoundException the host doesn't recognize the file * @exception NotSharingException the host isn't sharing files (BearShare) * @exception IOException miscellaneous error * @exception QueuedException uploader has queued us * @exception RangeNotAvailableException uploader has ranges * other than requested * @exception ProblemReadingHeaderException could not parse headers * @exception UnknownCodeException unknown response code */ public void connectHTTP(int start, int stop, boolean supportQueueing, int amountDownloaded) throws IOException, TryAgainLaterException, FileNotFoundException, NotSharingException, QueuedException, RangeNotAvailableException, ProblemReadingHeaderException, UnknownCodeException { if(start < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid start: " + start); if(stop <= start) throw new IllegalArgumentException("stop(" + stop + ") <= start(" + start +")"); synchronized(this) { _amountToRead = stop-start; _totalAmountRead += _amountRead; _amountRead = 0; _initialReadingPoint = start; _initialWritingPoint = start; _bodyConsumed = false; _contentLength = 0; } // features to be sent with the X-Features header Set features = new HashSet(); //Write GET request and headers. We request HTTP/1.1 since we need //persistence for queuing & chunked downloads. //(So we can't write "Connection: close".) OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(_output); BufferedWriter out=new BufferedWriter(osw); String startRange = java.lang.String.valueOf(_initialReadingPoint); out.write("GET "+_rfd.getUrl().getFile()+" HTTP/1.1\r\n"); out.write("HOST: "+_host+":"+_port+"\r\n"); out.write("User-Agent: "+CommonUtils.getHttpServer()+"\r\n"); if (supportQueueing) { // legacy QUEUE header, - to be replaced by X-Features header // as already implemented by BearShare out.write("X-Queue: 0.1\r\n"); //we support remote queueing features.add(ConstantHTTPHeaderValue.QUEUE_FEATURE); } //if I'm not firewalled or I can do FWT, say that I want pushlocs. //if I am firewalled, send the version of the FWT protocol I support. // (which implies that I want only altlocs that support FWT) if (RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection() || UDPService.instance().canDoFWT()) { features.add(ConstantHTTPHeaderValue.PUSH_LOCS_FEATURE); if (!RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection()) features.add(ConstantHTTPHeaderValue.FWT_PUSH_LOCS_FEATURE); } URN sha1 = _rfd.getSHA1Urn(); if ( sha1 != null ) HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.GNUTELLA_CONTENT_URN,sha1,out); //We don't want to hold locks while doing network operations, so we use //this variable to clone _goodLocs and _badLocs and write to network //while iterating over the clone Set writeClone = null; //write altLocs synchronized(_goodLocs) { if(_goodLocs.size() > 0) { writeClone = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = _goodLocs.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Object next =; writeClone.add(next); _writtenGoodLocs.add(next); } _goodLocs.clear(); } } if(writeClone != null) //have something to write? HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.ALT_LOCATION, new HTTPHeaderValueCollection(writeClone),out); writeClone = null; //write-nalts synchronized(_badLocs) { if(_badLocs.size() > 0) { writeClone = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = _badLocs.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Object next =; writeClone.add(next); _writtenBadLocs.add(next); } _badLocs.clear(); } } if(writeClone != null) //have something to write? HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.NALTS, new HTTPHeaderValueCollection(writeClone),out); // if the other side indicated they want firewalled altlocs, send some // // Note: we send both types of firewalled altlocs to the uploader since even if // it can't support FWT it can still spread them to other downloaders. // // Note2: we can't know whether the other side wants to receive pushlocs until // we read their headers. Therefore pushlocs will be sent from the second // http request on. if (_wantsFalts) { writeClone = null; synchronized(_goodPushLocs) { if(_goodPushLocs.size() > 0) { writeClone = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = _goodPushLocs.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { PushAltLoc next = (PushAltLoc); // we should not have empty proxies unless this is ourselves if (next.getPushAddress().getProxies().isEmpty()) { if (next.getPushAddress() instanceof PushEndpointForSelf) continue; else Assert.that(false,"empty pushloc in downloader"); } writeClone.add(next); _writtenPushLocs.add(next); } _goodPushLocs.clear(); } } if (writeClone!=null) HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.FALT_LOCATION, new HTTPHeaderValueCollection(writeClone),out); //do the same with bad push locs writeClone = null; synchronized(_badPushLocs) { if(_badPushLocs.size() > 0) { writeClone = new HashSet(); Iterator iter = _badPushLocs.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { PushAltLoc next = (PushAltLoc); // no empty proxies allowed here Assert.that(!next.getPushAddress().getProxies().isEmpty()); writeClone.add(next); _writtenBadPushLocs.add(next); } _badPushLocs.clear(); } } if (writeClone!=null) HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.BFALT_LOCATION, new HTTPHeaderValueCollection(writeClone),out); } out.write("Range: bytes=" + startRange + "-"+(stop-1)+"\r\n"); synchronized(this) { _requestedInterval = new Interval(_initialReadingPoint, stop-1); } if (RouterService.acceptedIncomingConnection() && !NetworkUtils.isPrivateAddress(RouterService.getAddress())) { int port = RouterService.getPort(); String host = NetworkUtils.ip2string(RouterService.getAddress()); out.write("X-Node: " + host + ":" + port + "\r\n"); features.add(ConstantHTTPHeaderValue.BROWSE_FEATURE); // Legacy chat header. Replaced by X-Features header / X-Node // header if (ChatSettings.CHAT_ENABLED) { out.write("Chat: " + host + ":" + port + "\r\n"); features.add(ConstantHTTPHeaderValue.CHAT_FEATURE); } } // Write X-Features header. if (features.size() > 0) { HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.FEATURES, new HTTPHeaderValueCollection(features), out); } // Write X-Downloaded header to inform uploader about // how many bytes already transferred for this file if ( amountDownloaded > 0 ) { HTTPUtils.writeHeader(HTTPHeaderName.DOWNLOADED, String.valueOf(amountDownloaded), out); } out.write("\r\n"); out.flush(); //Read response. readHeaders(); // if we got here, we connected fine if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(this+" completed connectHTTP"); } /** * Consumes the body of the HTTP message that was previously exchanged, * if necessary. */ public void consumeBodyIfNecessary() { LOG.trace("enter consumeBodyIfNecessary"); try { if(!_bodyConsumed) consumeBody(_contentLength); } catch(IOException ignored) {} _bodyConsumed = true; } /** * Consumes the headers of an HTTP message, returning the Content-Length. */ private int consumeHeaders(int[] queueInfo) throws IOException { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(_rfd + " consuming headers"); int contentLength = -1; String str; while(true) { str = _byteReader.readLine(); if(str == null || str.equals("")) break; if(HTTPHeaderName.CONTENT_LENGTH.matchesStartOfString(str)) { String value = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(str); if(value == null) continue; try { contentLength = Integer.parseInt(value.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { contentLength = -1; } } else if(queueInfo != null && HTTPHeaderName.QUEUE.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseQueueHeaders(str, queueInfo); } return contentLength; } /** * Consumes the response of an HTTP message. */ private ConnectionStatus consumeResponse(int code) throws IOException { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(_rfd + " consuming response, code: " + code); int[] queueInfo = { -1, -1, -1 }; int contentLength = consumeHeaders(queueInfo); if(code == 503) { int min = queueInfo[0]; int max = queueInfo[1]; int pos = queueInfo[2]; if(min != -1 && max != -1 && pos != -1) return ConnectionStatus.getQueued(pos, min); } return consumeBody(contentLength); } /** * Consumes the body portion of an HTTP Message. */ private ConnectionStatus consumeBody(int contentLength) throws IOException { if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("enter consumeBody(" + contentLength + ")"); if(contentLength < 0) throw new IOException("unknown content-length, can't consume"); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; // read & ignore all the content. while(contentLength > 0) { int toRead = Math.min(buf.length, contentLength); int read =, 0, toRead); if(read == -1) break; contentLength -= read; } return ConnectionStatus.getConnected(); } /* * Reads the headers from this, setting _initialReadingPoint and * _amountToRead. Throws any of the exceptions listed in connect(). */ private void readHeaders() throws IOException { if (_byteReader == null) throw new ReaderIsNullException(); // Read the response code from the first line and check for any errors String str = _byteReader.readLine(); if (str==null || str.equals("")) throw new IOException(); int code=parseHTTPCode(str, _rfd); //Note: According to the specification there are 5 headers, LimeWire //ignores 2 of them - queue length, and maxUploadSlots. int[] refQueueInfo = {-1,-1,-1}; //Now read each header... while (true) { str = _byteReader.readLine(); if (str==null || str.equals("")) break; //As of LimeWire 1.9, we ignore the "Content-length" header for //handling normal download flow. The Content-Length is only //used for reading/discarding some HTTP body messages. //For "Content-Range" headers, we store what the remote side is //going to give us. Users should examine the interval and //update external structures appropriately. if (str.toUpperCase().startsWith("CONTENT-RANGE:")) { Interval responseRange = parseContentRange(str); int low = responseRange.low; int high = responseRange.high + 1; synchronized(this) { // Make sure that the range they gave us is a subrange // of what we wanted in the first place. if(low < _initialReadingPoint || high > _initialReadingPoint + _amountToRead) throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException( "invalid subrange given. wanted low: " + _initialReadingPoint + ", high: " + (_initialReadingPoint + _amountToRead - 1) + "... given low: " + low + ", high: " + high); _initialReadingPoint = low; _amountToRead = high - low; } } else if(HTTPHeaderName.CONTENT_LENGTH.matchesStartOfString(str)) _contentLength = readContentLength(str); else if(HTTPHeaderName.CONTENT_URN.matchesStartOfString(str)) checkContentUrnHeader(str, _rfd.getSHA1Urn()); else if(HTTPHeaderName.GNUTELLA_CONTENT_URN.matchesStartOfString(str)) checkContentUrnHeader(str, _rfd.getSHA1Urn()); else if(HTTPHeaderName.ALT_LOCATION.matchesStartOfString(str)) readAlternateLocations(str); else if(HTTPHeaderName.QUEUE.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseQueueHeaders(str, refQueueInfo); else if (HTTPHeaderName.SERVER.matchesStartOfString(str)) _server = readServer(str); else if (HTTPHeaderName.AVAILABLE_RANGES.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseAvailableRangesHeader(str, _rfd); else if (HTTPHeaderName.RETRY_AFTER.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseRetryAfterHeader(str, _rfd); else if (HTTPHeaderName.FEATURES.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseFeatureHeader(str); else if (HTTPHeaderName.FALT_LOCATION.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseFALTHeader(str); else if (HTTPHeaderName.PROXIES.matchesStartOfString(str)) parseProxiesHeader(str); } //Accept any 2xx's, but reject other codes. if ( (code < 200) || (code >= 300) ) { if (code == 404) // file not found throw new com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader.FileNotFoundException(); else if (code == 410) // not shared. throw new NotSharingException(); else if (code == 416) {//requested range not available //See if the uploader is up to mischief if(_rfd.isPartialSource()) { Iterator iter = _rfd.getAvailableRanges().getAllIntervals(); while(iter.hasNext()) { Interval next = (Interval); if(_requestedInterval.isSubrange(next)) throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException("Bad ranges sent"); } } else {//Uploader sent 416 and no ranges throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException("no ranges sent"); } //OK. The uploader is not messing with us. throw new RangeNotAvailableException(); } else if (code == 503) { // busy or queued, or range not available. int min = refQueueInfo[0]; int max = refQueueInfo[1]; int pos = refQueueInfo[2]; if(min != -1 && max != -1 && pos != -1) throw new QueuedException(min,max,pos); // per the PFSP spec, a 503 should be returned. But if the // uploader returns a "Avaliable-Ranges" header regardless of // whether it is really busy or just does not have the requested // range, we cannot really distingush between the two cases on // the client side. //For the most part clients send 416 when they have other ranges //that may match the clients need. From LimeWire 4.0.6 onwards //LimeWire will treate 503s to mean either busy or queued BUT //NOT partial range available. //if( _rfd.isPartialSource() ) //throw new RangeNotAvailableException(); //no QueuedException or RangeNotAvailableException? not queued. //throw a generic busy exception. throw new TryAgainLaterException(); // a general catch for 4xx and 5xx's // should maybe be a different exception? // else if ( (code >= 400) && (code < 600) ) } else // unknown or unimportant throw new UnknownCodeException(code); } } /** * Does nothing except for throwing an exception if the * X-Gnutella-Content-URN header does not match * * @param str * the header <tt>String</tt> * @param sha1 * the <tt>URN</tt> we expect * @throws ContentUrnMismatchException */ private void checkContentUrnHeader(String str, URN sha1) throws ContentUrnMismatchException { String value = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(str); if(sha1 == null) return; URN contentUrn = null; try { contentUrn = URN.createSHA1Urn(value); } catch (IOException ioe) { // could be an URN type we don't know. So ignore all return; } if (!sha1.equals(contentUrn)) throw new ContentUrnMismatchException(); // else do nothing at all. } /** * Reads alternate location header. The header can contain only one * alternate location, or it can contain many in the same header. * This method adds them all to the <tt>FileDesc</tt> for this * uploader. This will not allow more than 20 alternate locations * for a single file. * * Since uploaders send only good alternate locations, we add merge * proxies to the existing sets. * * @param altHeader the full alternate locations header */ private void readAlternateLocations(final String altHeader) { final String altStr = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(altHeader); if(altStr == null) return; final URN sha1 = _rfd.getSHA1Urn(); if(sha1 == null) return; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(altStr, ","); while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { try { AlternateLocation al = AlternateLocation.create(st.nextToken().trim(), sha1); Assert.that(al.getSHA1Urn().equals(sha1)); if (al.isMe()) continue; //if this is a direct altloc, add it to the appropriate collection if (al instanceof DirectAltLoc) { DirectAltLoc dal = (DirectAltLoc)al; // filter banned hosts. if(!IPFilter.instance().allow(dal.getHost().getHostBytes())) continue; if(_altLocsReceived == null) _altLocsReceived = AlternateLocationCollection.create(sha1); boolean added = _altLocsReceived.add(al); } else { // if(al instanceof PushAltLoc) if(_pushAltLocsReceived == null) _pushAltLocsReceived = AlternateLocationCollection.create(sha1); boolean added = _pushAltLocsReceived.add(al); } } catch(IOException e) { // continue without adding it. continue; } } } /** * Reads the Server header. All information after the ':' is considered * to be the Server. */ public static String readServer(final String serverHeader) { int colon = serverHeader.indexOf(':'); // if it existed & wasn't at the end... if ( colon != -1 && colon < serverHeader.length()-1 ) return serverHeader.substring(colon+1).trim(); else return ""; } /** * Reads the Content-Length. Invalid Content-Lengths are set to 0. */ public static int readContentLength(final String header) { String value = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(header); if(value == null) return 0; else { try { return Integer.parseInt(value.trim()); } catch(NumberFormatException nfe) { return 0; } } } /** * Returns the HTTP response code from the given string, throwing * an exception if it couldn't be parsed. * * @param str an HTTP response string, e.g., "HTTP/1.1 200 OK \r\n" * @exception NoHTTPOKException str didn't contain "HTTP" * @exception ProblemReadingHeaderException some other problem * extracting result code */ private static int parseHTTPCode(String str, RemoteFileDesc rfd) throws IOException { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, " "); String token; // just a safety if (! tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) throw new NoHTTPOKException(); token = tokenizer.nextToken(); // the first token should contain HTTP if (token.toUpperCase().indexOf("HTTP") < 0 ) throw new NoHTTPOKException("got: " + str); // does the server support http 1.1? else rfd.setHTTP11( token.indexOf("1.1") > 0 ); // the next token should be a number // just a safety if (! tokenizer.hasMoreTokens() ) throw new NoHTTPOKException(); token = tokenizer.nextToken(); String num = token.trim(); try { return java.lang.Integer.parseInt(num); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException(e); } } /** * Reads the X-Queue headers from str, storing fields in refQueueInfo. * @param str a header value of form * "X-Queue: position=2,length=5,limit=4,pollMin=45,pollMax=120" * @param refQueueInfo an array of 3 elements to store results. * refQueueInfo[0] is set to the value of pollMin, or -1 if problems; * refQueueInfo[1] is set to the value of pollMax, or -1 if problems; * refQueueInfo[2] is set to the value of position, or -1 if problems; */ private void parseQueueHeaders(String str, int[] refQueueInfo) { //Note: According to the specification there are 5 headers, LimeWire //ignores 2 of them - queue length, and maxUploadSlots. if(str==null) return; StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str," ,:="); if(!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) //no tokens on new line?? return; String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); if(!token.equalsIgnoreCase("X-Queue")) return; while(tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { token = tokenizer.nextToken(); String value; try { if(token.equalsIgnoreCase("pollMin")) { value = tokenizer.nextToken(); refQueueInfo[0] = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase("pollMax")) { value = tokenizer.nextToken(); refQueueInfo[1] = Integer.parseInt(value); } else if(token.equalsIgnoreCase("position")) { value = tokenizer.nextToken(); refQueueInfo[2] = Integer.parseInt(value); } } catch(NumberFormatException nfx) {//bad headers drop connection //We could return at this point--basically does the same things. Arrays.fill(refQueueInfo,-1); } catch(NoSuchElementException nsex) {//bad headers drop connection //We could return at this point--basically does the same things. Arrays.fill(refQueueInfo,-1); } } //end of while - done parsing this line. } /** * Returns the interval of the responding content range. * If the full content range (start & stop interval) is not given, * we assume it to be the interval that we requested. * The returned interval's low & high ranges are both INCLUSIVE. * * Does not strictly enforce HTTP; allows minor errors like replacing the * space after "bytes" with an equals. Also tries to interpret malformed * LimeWire 0.5 headers. * * @param str a Content-range header line, e.g., * "Content-range: bytes 0-9/10" or * "Content-range:bytes 0-9/10" or * "Content-range:bytes 0-9/X" (replacing X with "*") or * "Content-range:bytes X/10" (replacing X with "*") or * "Content-range:bytes X/X" (replacing X with "*") or * Will also accept the incorrect but common * "Content-range: bytes=0-9/10" * @exception ProblemReadingHeaderException some problem * extracting the start offset. */ private Interval parseContentRange(String str) throws IOException { int numBeforeDash; int numBeforeSlash; int numAfterSlash; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("reading content range: "+str); //Try to parse all three numbers from header for verification. //Special case "*" before or after slash. try { int start=str.indexOf("bytes")+6; //skip "bytes " or "bytes=" int slash=str.indexOf('/'); //"bytes */*" or "bytes */10" // We don't know what we're getting, but it'll start at 0. // Assume that we're going to get until the part we requested. // If we read more, good. If we read less, it'll work out just // fine. if (str.substring(start, slash).equals("*")) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(_rfd + " Content-Range like */?, " + str); synchronized(this) { return new Interval(0, _amountToRead - 1); } } int dash=str.lastIndexOf("-"); //skip past "Content-range" numBeforeDash=Integer.parseInt(str.substring(start, dash)); numBeforeSlash=Integer.parseInt(str.substring(dash+1, slash)); if(numBeforeSlash < numBeforeDash) throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException( "invalid range, high (" + numBeforeSlash + ") less than low (" + numBeforeDash + ")"); //"bytes 0-9/*" if (str.substring(slash+1).equals("*")) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(_rfd + " Content-Range like #-#/*, " + str); return new Interval(numBeforeDash, numBeforeSlash); } numAfterSlash=Integer.parseInt(str.substring(slash+1)); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException(str); } // In order to be backwards compatible with // LimeWire 0.5, which sent broken headers like: // Content-range: bytes=1-67818707/67818707 // // If the number preceding the '/' is equal // to the number after the '/', then we want // to decrement the first number and the number // before the '/'. if (numBeforeSlash == numAfterSlash) { numBeforeDash--; numBeforeSlash--; } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(_rfd + " Content-Range like #-#/#, " + str); return new Interval(numBeforeDash, numBeforeSlash); } /** * Parses X-Available-Ranges header and stores the available ranges as a * list. * * @param line the X-Available-Ranges header line which should look like: * "X-Available-Ranges: bytes A-B, C-D, E-F" * "X-Available-Ranges:bytes A-B" * @param rfd the RemoteFileDesc2 for the location we are trying to download * from. We need this to store the available Ranges. * @exception ProblemReadingHeaderException when we could not parse the * header line. */ private void parseAvailableRangesHeader(String line, RemoteFileDesc rfd) throws IOException { IntervalSet availableRanges = new IntervalSet(); line = line.toLowerCase(); // start parsing after the word "bytes" int start = line.indexOf("bytes") + 6; // if start == -1 the word bytes has not been found // if start >= line.length we are at the end of the // header line while (start != -1 && start < line.length()) { // try to parse the number before the dash int stop = line.indexOf('-', start); // test if this is a valid interval if ( stop == -1 ) break; // this is the interval to store the available // range we are parsing in. Interval interval = null; try { // read number before dash // bytes A-B, C-D // ^ int low = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(start, stop).trim()); // now moving the start index to the // character after the dash: // bytes A-B, C-D // ^ start = stop + 1; // we are parsing the number before the comma stop = line.indexOf(',', start); // If we are at the end of the header line, there is no comma // following. if ( stop == -1 ) stop = line.length(); // read number after dash // bytes A-B, C-D // ^ int high = Integer.parseInt(line.substring(start, stop).trim()); // start parsing after the next comma. If we are at the // end of the header line start will be set to // line.length() +1 start = stop + 1; if(high >= rfd.getSize()) high = rfd.getSize()-1; if(low > high)//interval read off network is bad, try next one continue; // this interval should be inclusive at both ends interval = new Interval( low, high ); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException(e); } availableRanges.add(interval); } rfd.setAvailableRanges(availableRanges); } /** * Parses the Retry-After header. * @param str - expects a simple integer number specifying the * number of seconds to wait before retrying the host. * @exception ProblemReadingHeaderException if we could not read * the header */ private static void parseRetryAfterHeader(String str, RemoteFileDesc rfd) throws IOException { str = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(str); int seconds = 0; try { seconds = Integer.parseInt(str); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ProblemReadingHeaderException(e); } // make sure the value is not smaller than MIN_RETRY_AFTER seconds seconds = Math.max(seconds, MIN_RETRY_AFTER); // make sure the value is not larger than MAX_RETRY_AFTER seconds seconds = Math.min(seconds, MAX_RETRY_AFTER); rfd.setRetryAfter(seconds); } /** * This method reads the "X-Features" header and looks for features we * understand. * * @param str * the header line. */ private void parseFeatureHeader(String str) { str = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(str); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str, ","); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String feature = tok.nextToken(); String protocol = ""; int slash = feature.indexOf("/"); if(slash == -1) { protocol = feature.toLowerCase().trim(); } else { protocol = feature.substring(0, slash).toLowerCase().trim(); } // ignore the version for now. if (protocol.equals(HTTPConstants.CHAT_PROTOCOL)) _chatEnabled = true; else if (protocol.equals(HTTPConstants.BROWSE_PROTOCOL)) _browseEnabled = true; else if (protocol.equals(HTTPConstants.PUSH_LOCS)) _wantsFalts=true; else if (protocol.equals(HTTPConstants.FW_TRANSFER)) { //for this header we care about the version int FWTVersion=0; try{ FWTVersion = (int)HTTPUtils.parseFeatureToken(feature); _wantsFalts=true; }catch(ProblemReadingHeaderException prhe) { //ignore this header continue; } // update the FWT version we know for this host PushEndpoint.setFWTVersionSupported(_rfd.getClientGUID(),FWTVersion); } } } /** * * Method for parsing the header containing firewalled alternate * locations. The format is a modified version of the one described * in the push proxy spec at the_gdf * */ private void parseFALTHeader(String str) { //if we entered this method means the other side is interested //in receiving firewalled locations. _wantsFalts=true; //this just delegates to readAlternateLocationHeader readAlternateLocations(str); } /** * parses the header containing the current set of push proxies for * the given host, and updates the rfd */ private void parseProxiesHeader(String str) { str = HTTPUtils.extractHeaderValue(str); if (_rfd.getPushAddr()==null || str==null || str.length()<12) return; try { PushEndpoint.overwriteProxies(_rfd.getClientGUID(),str); }catch(IOException tooBad) { // invalid header - ignore it. } } /////////////////////////////// Download //////////////////////////////// /* * Downloads the content from the server and writes it to a temporary * file. Blocking. This MUST be initialized via connect() beforehand, and * doDownload MUST NOT have already been called. If there is * a mismatch in overlaps, the VerifyingFile triggers a callback to * the ManagedDownloader, which triggers a callback to the GUI to let us * know whether to continue or interrupt. * * @exception IOException download was interrupted, typically (but not * always) because the other end closed the connection. */ public void doDownload() throws DiskException, IOException { _socket.setSoTimeout(10*60*1000);//downloading, can stall upto 10 mins long currPos = _initialReadingPoint; try { _isActive = true; int c = -1; byte[] buf = new byte[BUF_LENGTH]; while (true) { //Read from network. It's possible that we've read more than //requested because of a call to setAmountToRead() or stopAt() from another //thread. We check for that before we write to disk. int atr,ar; synchronized(this) { atr=_amountToRead; ar = _amountRead; } if (ar >= atr) break; int left=atr - ar; Assert.that(left>0); int toRead = Math.min(BUF_LENGTH, left); c =, 0, toRead); if (c == -1) break; synchronized(this) { if (_isActive) { // skip until we reach the initial writing point int skipped = 0; while (_initialWritingPoint > currPos && c > 0) { skipped++; currPos++; c--; _amountRead++; } // if we're still not there, continue if (_initialWritingPoint > currPos || c == 0) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("skipped "+skipped+" bytes"); continue; } // if are past our initial writing point, but we had to skip some bytes // or were told to stop sooner, trim the buffer byte []toWrite; if (skipped > 0 || _amountRead+c >= _amountToRead) { c = Math.min(c,_amountToRead - _amountRead); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("trimming buffer by "+ skipped +" to "+c+" bytes"); toWrite = new byte[c]; System.arraycopy(buf,skipped,toWrite,0,c); } else toWrite = buf; // write to disk _incompleteFile.writeBlock(currPos,c,toWrite); _amountRead+=c; currPos += c;//update the currPos for next iteration } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("WORKER:"+this+" stopping at "+(_initialReadingPoint+_amountRead)); break; } } } // end of while loop synchronized(this) { if ( _amountRead < _amountToRead ) { throw new FileIncompleteException(); } } } finally { _bodyConsumed = true; _isActive = false; if(!isHTTP11() || _disconnect) throw new IOException("stolen from"); } } /** * Stops this immediately. This method is always safe to call. * @modifies this */ public void stop() { synchronized(this) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("WORKER:"+this+" signaled to stop at "+(_initialReadingPoint+_amountRead)); _isActive = false; } if (_byteReader != null) _byteReader.close(); try { if (_socket != null) _socket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } try { if(_input != null) _input.close(); } catch(IOException e) {} try { if(_output != null) _output.close(); } catch(IOException e) {} } /** * Instructs this stop just before reading the given byte. * This cannot be used to increase the initial range. * @param stop the index just past the last byte to read; * stop-1 is the index of the last byte to be downloaded */ public synchronized void stopAt(int stop) { _disconnect = true; _amountToRead = Math.min(_amountToRead,stop-_initialReadingPoint); } public void startAt(int start) { if (_isActive) throw new IllegalStateException("downloader already running"); synchronized(this) { _initialWritingPoint = start; } } ///////////////////////////// Accessors /////////////////////////////////// public synchronized int getInitialReadingPoint() {return _initialReadingPoint;} public synchronized int getInitialWritingPoint() {return _initialWritingPoint;} public synchronized int getAmountRead() {return _amountRead;} public synchronized int getTotalAmountRead() {return _totalAmountRead + _amountRead;} public synchronized int getAmountToRead() {return _amountToRead;} public boolean isActive() { return _isActive; } /** * Forces this to not write past the given byte of the file, if it has not * already done so. Typically this is called to reduce the download window; * doing otherwise will typically result in incomplete downloads. * * @param stop a byte index into the file, using 0 to N-1 notation. */ public InetAddress getInetAddress() {return _socket.getInetAddress();} public boolean chatEnabled() { return _chatEnabled; } public boolean browseEnabled() { return _browseEnabled; } /** * @return whether the remote host is interested in receiving * firewalled alternate locations. */ public boolean wantsFalts() { return _wantsFalts; } public String getVendor() { return _server; } public long getIndex() {return _index;} public String getFileName() {return _filename;} public byte[] getGUID() {return _guid;} public int getPort() {return _port;} /** * Returns the RemoteFileDesc passed to this' constructor. */ public RemoteFileDesc getRemoteFileDesc() {return _rfd;} /** * Returns true iff this is a push download. */ public boolean isPush() {return _isPush;} /** * returns true if we have think that the server * supports HTTP1.1 */ public boolean isHTTP11() { return _rfd.isHTTP11(); } /////////////////////Bandwidth tracker interface methods////////////// public void measureBandwidth() { bandwidthTracker.measureBandwidth(getTotalAmountRead()); } public float getMeasuredBandwidth() throws InsufficientDataException { return bandwidthTracker.getMeasuredBandwidth(); } public float getAverageBandwidth() { return bandwidthTracker.getAverageBandwidth(); } }