package com.feebee.rings; import; import android.content.Context; import android.view.ViewGroup; import com.feebe.lib.Const; import com.feebee.rings.R; import; import; public class AdsView { // Replace with your own AdSense client ID. private static final String CLIENT_ID = "ca-mb-app-pub-1063898187057934"; // Replace with your own company name. private static final String COMPANY_NAME = "Feebe Mobile"; // Replace with your own application name. private static final String APP_NAME = "Feebe Ringtone"; // Replace with your own keywords used to target Google ad. // Join multiple words in a phrase with '+' and join multiple phrases with ','. private static final String KEYWORDS = "ringtones,search+ringtone,free+downloads+ringtone,mobile+ringtone,phones+ringtone"; // Replace with your own AdSense channel ID. public static final String CHANNEL_ID = "9815443938"; public static final String CHANNEL_ID_2 = "3228384568"; public static void createAdsenseAds(Activity activity , String chanID){ adsense = new; AdSenseSpec adSenseSpec = new AdSenseSpec(CLIENT_ID) // Specify client ID. (Required) .setCompanyName(COMPANY_NAME) // Set company name. (Required) .setAppName(APP_NAME) // Set application name. (Required) .setKeywords(KEYWORDS) // Specify keywords. .setChannel(chanID) // Set channel ID. .setAdType(AdType.TEXT_IMAGE) // Set ad type to Text. .setAdTestEnabled(false); // Keep true while testing. adsense.showAds(adSenseSpec); ViewGroup parentView = (ViewGroup)activity.findViewById(; parentView.setFocusable(false); parentView.addView(adsense); } }