package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ByteOrder; ; /** The open interval [low, high] inclusive on the both ends. */ public class Interval implements Serializable{ /** Ensure backwards compatibility. */ static final long serialVersionUID = -2562093104400487554L; /** INVARIANT: low<=high */ public final int low; public final int high; /** @requires low<=high */ public Interval(int low, int high) { if(high < low) throw new IllegalArgumentException("low: " + low + ", high: " + high); this.low=low; this.high=high; } public Interval(int singleton) { this.low=singleton; this.high=singleton; } /** * @return true if this Interval is a "subrange" of the other interval */ public boolean isSubrange(Interval other) { return (this.low >= other.low && this.high <= other.high); } public String toString() { if (low==high) return String.valueOf(low); else return String.valueOf(low)+"-"+String.valueOf(high); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (! (o instanceof Interval)) return false; Interval other=(Interval)o; return low==other.low && high==other.high; } public byte [] toBytes() { byte [] res = new byte[8]; ByteOrder.int2beb(low,res,0); ByteOrder.int2beb(high,res,4); return res; } }