/* * Copyright (c) 2011, the Last.fm Java Project and Committers * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package de.umass.lastfm; import java.util.*; import de.umass.util.MapUtilities; import de.umass.util.StringUtilities; import de.umass.xml.DomElement; /** * Contains user information and provides bindings to the methods in the user. namespace. * * @author Janni Kovacs */ public class User extends ImageHolder { static final ItemFactory<User> FACTORY = new UserFactory(); private String id; private String name; private String url; private String realname; private String language; private String country; private int age = -1; private String gender; private boolean subscriber; private int numPlaylists; private int playcount; private Date registeredDate; private User(String name, String url) { this.name = name; this.url = url; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getRealname() { return realname; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public int getAge() { return age; } public String getCountry() { return country; } public String getGender() { return gender; } public String getLanguage() { return language; } public int getNumPlaylists() { return numPlaylists; } public int getPlaycount() { return playcount; } public boolean isSubscriber() { return subscriber; } public String getImageURL() { return getImageURL(ImageSize.MEDIUM); } public String getId() { return id; } public Date getRegisteredDate() { return registeredDate; } /** * Get a list of tracks by a given artist scrobbled by this user, including scrobble time. Can be limited to specific timeranges, defaults * to all time. * * @param user The last.fm username to fetch the recent tracks of * @param artist The artist name you are interested in * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return a list of Tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getArtistTracks(String user, String artist, String apiKey) { return getArtistTracks(user, artist, 1, 0, 0, apiKey); } /** * Get a list of tracks by a given artist scrobbled by this user, including scrobble time. Can be limited to specific timeranges, defaults * to all time. * * @param user The last.fm username to fetch the recent tracks of * @param artist The artist name you are interested in * @param page An integer used to fetch a specific page of tracks * @param startTimestamp An unix timestamp to start at * @param endTimestamp An unix timestamp to end at * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return a list of Tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getArtistTracks(String user, String artist, int page, long startTimestamp, long endTimestamp, String apiKey) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("user", user); params.put("artist", artist); params.put("page", String.valueOf(page)); params.put("startTimestamp", String.valueOf(startTimestamp)); params.put("endTimestamp", String.valueOf(endTimestamp)); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getArtistTracks", apiKey, params); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } public static Collection<User> getFriends(String user, String apiKey) { return getFriends(user, false, 100, apiKey); } public static Collection<User> getFriends(String user, boolean recenttracks, int limit, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getFriends", apiKey, "user", user, "recenttracks", String.valueOf(recenttracks ? 1 : 0), "limit", String.valueOf(limit)); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, User.class); } public static Collection<User> getNeighbours(String user, String apiKey) { return getNeighbours(user, 100, apiKey); } public static Collection<User> getNeighbours(String user, int limit, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getNeighbours", apiKey, "user", user, "limit", String.valueOf(limit)); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, User.class); } public static PaginatedResult<Track> getRecentTracks(String user, String apiKey) { return getRecentTracks(user, 10, apiKey, 1); } public static PaginatedResult<Track> getRecentTracks(String user, int limit, String apiKey, int page) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("user", user); params.put("limit", String.valueOf(limit)); params.put("page", String.valueOf(page)); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getRecentTracks", apiKey, params); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } public static Collection<Album> getTopAlbums(String user, String apiKey) { return getTopAlbums(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey); } public static Collection<Album> getTopAlbums(String user, Period period, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getTopAlbums", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString()); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Album.class); } public static Collection<Artist> getTopArtists(String user, String apiKey) { return getTopArtists(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey); } public static Collection<Artist> getTopArtists(String user, Period period, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getTopArtists", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString()); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Artist.class); } public static Collection<Track> getTopTracks(String user, String apiKey) { return getTopTracks(user, Period.OVERALL, apiKey); } public static Collection<Track> getTopTracks(String user, Period period, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getTopTracks", apiKey, "user", user, "period", period.getString()); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Track.class); } public static Collection<Tag> getTopTags(String user, String apiKey) { return getTopTags(user, -1, apiKey); } public static Collection<Tag> getTopTags(String user, int limit, String apiKey) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("user", user); MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "limit", limit); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getTopTags", apiKey, params); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Tag.class); } public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyAlbumChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey); } public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyAlbumChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey); } public static Chart<Album> getWeeklyAlbumChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) { return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyAlbumChart", "user", user, "album", from, to, limit, apiKey); } public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyArtistChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey); } public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyArtistChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey); } public static Chart<Artist> getWeeklyArtistChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) { return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyArtistChart", "user", user, "artist", from, to, limit, apiKey); } public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyTrackChart(user, null, null, -1, apiKey); } public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, int limit, String apiKey) { return getWeeklyTrackChart(user, null, null, limit, apiKey); } public static Chart<Track> getWeeklyTrackChart(String user, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) { return Chart.getChart("user.getWeeklyTrackChart", "user", user, "track", from, to, limit, apiKey); } public static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getWeeklyChartList(String user, String apiKey) { return Chart.getWeeklyChartList("user.getWeeklyChartList", "user", user, apiKey); } public static Collection<Chart> getWeeklyChartListAsCharts(String user, String apiKey) { return Chart.getWeeklyChartListAsCharts("user", user, apiKey); } /** * GetS a list of upcoming events that this user is attending. * * @param user The user to fetch the events for. * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of upcoming events */ public static Collection<Event> getEvents(String user, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getEvents", apiKey, "user", user); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Event.class); } /** * Get the first page of a paginated result of all events a user has attended in the past. * * @param user The username to fetch the events for. * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of past {@link Event}s */ public static PaginatedResult<Event> getPastEvents(String user, String apiKey) { return getPastEvents(user, 1, apiKey); } /** * Gets a paginated list of all events a user has attended in the past. * * @param user The username to fetch the events for. * @param page The page number to scan to. * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of past {@link Event}s */ public static PaginatedResult<Event> getPastEvents(String user, int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getPastEvents", apiKey, "user", user, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Event.class); } public static PaginatedResult<Event> getRecommendedEvents(Session session) { return getRecommendedEvents(1, session); } public static PaginatedResult<Event> getRecommendedEvents(int page, Session session) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getRecommendedEvents", session, "page", String.valueOf(page), "user", session.getUsername()); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Event.class); } /** * Gets a list of a user's playlists on Last.fm. Note that this method only fetches metadata regarding the user's playlists. If you want to * retrieve the list of tracks in a playlist use {@link Playlist#fetch(String, String) Playlist.fetch()}. * * @param user The last.fm username to fetch the playlists of. * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of Playlists */ public static Collection<Playlist> getPlaylists(String user, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getPlaylists", apiKey, "user", user); if (!result.isSuccessful()) return Collections.emptyList(); Collection<Playlist> playlists = new ArrayList<Playlist>(); for (DomElement element : result.getContentElement().getChildren("playlist")) { playlists.add(Playlist.playlistFromElement(element)); } return playlists; } /** * Retrieves the loved tracks by a user. * * @param user The user name to fetch the loved tracks for. * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return the loved tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getLovedTracks(String user, String apiKey) { return getLovedTracks(user, 1, apiKey); } /** * Retrieves the loved tracks by a user. * * @param user The user name to fetch the loved tracks for. * @param page The page number to scan to * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return the loved tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getLovedTracks(String user, int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getLovedTracks", apiKey, "user", user, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } /** * Retrieves profile information about the specified user. * * @param user A username * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return User info */ public static User getInfo(String user, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getInfo", apiKey, "user", user); return ResponseBuilder.buildItem(result, User.class); } /** * Get Last.fm artist recommendations for a user. * * @param session A Session instance * @return a list of {@link Artist}s */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getRecommendedArtists(Session session) { return getRecommendedArtists(1, session); } /** * Get Last.fm artist recommendations for a user. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param session A Session instance * @return a list of {@link Artist}s */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getRecommendedArtists(int page, Session session) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getRecommendedArtists", session, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Artist.class); } /** * Shout on this user's shoutbox * * @param user The name of the user to shout on * @param message The message to post to the shoutbox * @param session A Session instance * @return the result of the operation */ public static Result shout(String user, String message, Session session) { return Caller.getInstance().call("user.shout", session, "user", user, "message", message); } /** * Gets a list of forthcoming releases based on a user's musical taste. * * @param user The Last.fm username * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return a Collection of new {@link Album} releases */ public static Collection<Album> getNewReleases(String user, String apiKey) { return getNewReleases(user, false, apiKey); } /** * Gets a list of forthcoming releases based on a user's musical taste. * * @param user The Last.fm username * @param useRecommendations If <code>true</code>, the feed contains new releases based on Last.fm's artist recommendations for this user. * Otherwise, it is based on their library (the default) * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return a Collection of new {@link Album} releases */ public static Collection<Album> getNewReleases(String user, boolean useRecommendations, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getNewReleases", apiKey, "user", user, "userecs", useRecommendations ? "1" : "0"); return ResponseBuilder.buildCollection(result, Album.class); } /** * Returns the tracks banned by the user. * * @param user The user name * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return the banned tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getBannedTracks(String user, String apiKey) { return getBannedTracks(user, 1, apiKey); } /** * Returns the tracks banned by the user. * * @param user The user name * @param page The page number to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return the banned tracks */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getBannedTracks(String user, int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getBannedTracks", apiKey, "user", user, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } /** * Get shouts for a user. * * @param user The username to fetch shouts for * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a page of <code>Shout</code>s */ public static PaginatedResult<Shout> getShouts(String user, String apiKey) { return getShouts(user, -1, -1, apiKey); } /** * Get shouts for a user. * * @param user The username to fetch shouts for * @param page The page number to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a page of <code>Shout</code>s */ public static PaginatedResult<Shout> getShouts(String user, int page, String apiKey) { return getShouts(user, page, -1, apiKey); } /** * Get shouts for a user. * * @param user The username to fetch shouts for * @param page The page number to fetch * @param limit An integer used to limit the number of shouts returned per page or -1 for default * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a page of <code>Shout</code>s */ public static PaginatedResult<Shout> getShouts(String user, int page, int limit, String apiKey) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("user", user); MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "limit", limit); MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "page", page); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getShouts", apiKey, params); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Shout.class); } /* * Get the user's personal tags. * * @param user The user who performed the taggings * @param tag The tag you're interested in * @param taggingType Either <code>Artist.class</code>, <code>Album.class</code> or <code>Track.class</code> * @param page The page number to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return the items the user has tagged with the specified tag * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>taggingType</code> is <code>null</code> or not one of the above mentioned classes */ // TODO: implement method when this is cleared: http://www.last.fm/group/Last.fm+Web+Services/forum/21604/_/660979 /* public static <T extends MusicEntry> PaginatedResult<T> getPersonalTags(String user, String tag, Class<T> taggingType, int page, String apiKey) { Map<String, String> params = StringUtilities.map("user", user, "tag", tag); MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "page", page); String taggingTypeParam = "taggingtype"; if(taggingType == Track.class) params.put(taggingTypeParam, "track"); else if(taggingType == Artist.class) params.put(taggingTypeParam, "artist"); else if(taggingType == Album.class) params.put(taggingTypeParam, "album"); else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter taggingType has to be one of Artist.class, Album.class or Track.class."); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("user.getPersonalTags", apiKey, params); // TODO: none of the buildPaginatedResult methods are working with this service if(!result.isSuccessful()) return new PaginatedResult<T>(0, 0, Collections.<T>emptyList()); DomElement firstChild = result.getContentElement().getChildren().get(0); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(firstChild, taggingType); } */ private static class UserFactory implements ItemFactory<User> { public User createItemFromElement(DomElement element) { User user = new User(element.getChildText("name"), element.getChildText("url")); user.id = element.getChildText("id"); if (element.hasChild("realname")) user.realname = element.getChildText("realname"); ImageHolder.loadImages(user, element); user.language = element.getChildText("lang"); user.country = element.getChildText("country"); if (element.hasChild("age")) { try { user.age = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("age")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no age } } user.gender = element.getChildText("gender"); user.subscriber = "1".equals(element.getChildText("subscriber")); if (element.hasChild("playcount")) { // extended user information try { user.playcount = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("playcount")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no playcount } } if (element.hasChild("playlists")) { // extended user information try { user.numPlaylists = Integer.parseInt(element.getChildText("playlists")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // no playlists } } return user; } } }