/* * Copyright (c) 2011, the Last.fm Java Project and Committers * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are * permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the * following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package de.umass.lastfm; import java.util.*; import de.umass.util.MapUtilities; import de.umass.xml.DomElement; /** * Bean for Chart information. Contains a start date, an end date and a list of entries. * * @author Janni Kovacs */ public class Chart<T extends MusicEntry> { private Date from, to; private Collection<T> entries; public Chart(Date from, Date to, Collection<T> entries) { this.from = from; this.to = to; this.entries = entries; } public Collection<T> getEntries() { return entries; } public Date getFrom() { return from; } public Date getTo() { return to; } /** * This is an internal method to retrieve Chart data. * * @param method The method to call, must be one of the getWeeklyXXXChart methods * @param sourceType The name of the parameter to get the charts for, either "user", "tag" or "group" * @param source The username, tag or group to get charts from * @param target The expected chart type, either "album", "artist" or "track" * @param from Start date or <code>null</code> * @param to End date or <code>null</code> * @param limit The number of chart items to return or -1 * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a Chart */ static <T extends MusicEntry> Chart<T> getChart(String method, String sourceType, String source, String target, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(sourceType, source); return getChart(method, target, params, from, to, limit, apiKey); } /** * This is an internal method to retrieve Chart data. * * @param method The method to call, must be one of the getWeeklyXXXChart methods * @param params Extra parameters that will be passed to the webservice, e.g. containing user or tag name * @param target The expected chart type, either "album", "artist" or "track" * @param from Start date or <code>null</code> * @param to End date or <code>null</code> * @param limit The number of chart items to return or -1 * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a Chart */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T extends MusicEntry> Chart<T> getChart(String method, String target, Map<String, String> params, String from, String to, int limit, String apiKey) { if (from != null && to != null) { params.put("from", from); params.put("to", to); } MapUtilities.nullSafePut(params, "limit", limit); Result result = Caller.getInstance().call(method, apiKey, params); if (!result.isSuccessful()) return null; DomElement element = result.getContentElement(); Collection<DomElement> children = element.getChildren(target); Collection collection = new ArrayList(children.size()); boolean targetArtist = "artist".equals(target); boolean targetTrack = "track".equals(target); boolean targetAlbum = "album".equals(target); for (DomElement domElement : children) { if (targetArtist) collection.add(ResponseBuilder.buildItem(domElement, Artist.class)); if (targetTrack) collection.add(ResponseBuilder.buildItem(domElement, Track.class)); if (targetAlbum) collection.add(ResponseBuilder.buildItem(domElement, Album.class)); } long fromTime = 0; long toTime = 0; // workaround for geo.getMetroXXX methods, since they don't have from & to attributes if no dates were given upon calling if (element.hasAttribute("from")) { fromTime = 1000 * Long.parseLong(element.getAttribute("from")); toTime = 1000 * Long.parseLong(element.getAttribute("to")); } return new Chart<T>(new Date(fromTime), new Date(toTime), collection); } /** * This is an internal method to get a list of available charts. * * @param methodName The name of the method to be called, e.g. <code>user.getWeeklyChartList</code> * @param paramName The name of the parameter which is passed to the specified method, e.g. <code>user</code> * @param paramValue The value of the parameter which is passed to the specified method, e.g. the user name * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of available charts as a Map */ static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getWeeklyChartList(String methodName, String paramName, String paramValue, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call(methodName, apiKey, paramName, paramValue); if (!result.isSuccessful()) return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(0); DomElement element = result.getContentElement(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> list = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("chart")) { list.put(domElement.getAttribute("from"), domElement.getAttribute("to")); } return list; } /** * This is an internal method to get a list of available charts. * * @param sourceType The name of the parameter to get the charts for, either "user", "tag" or "group" * @param source The username, tag or group to get charts from * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key. * @return a list of available charts as a Collection of Charts */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static Collection<Chart> getWeeklyChartListAsCharts(String sourceType, String source, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call(sourceType + ".getWeeklyChartList", apiKey, sourceType, source); if (!result.isSuccessful()) return Collections.emptyList(); DomElement element = result.getContentElement(); List<Chart> list = new ArrayList<Chart>(); for (DomElement domElement : element.getChildren("chart")) { long fromTime = 1000 * Long.parseLong(domElement.getAttribute("from")); long toTime = 1000 * Long.parseLong(domElement.getAttribute("to")); list.add(new Chart(new Date(fromTime), new Date(toTime), null)); } return list; } /** * Get the top artists chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top artists chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getTopArtists(String apiKey) { return getTopArtists(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the top artists chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top artists chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getTopArtists(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getTopArtists", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Artist.class); } /** * Get the top tags chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top tags chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Tag> getTopTags(String apiKey) { return getTopTags(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the top tags chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top tags chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Tag> getTopTags(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getTopTags", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Tag.class); } /** * Get the top tracks chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getTopTracks(String apiKey) { return getTopTracks(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the top tracks chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Top tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getTopTracks(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getTopTracks", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } /** * Get the most loved tracks chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Most loved tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getLovedTracks(String apiKey) { return getLovedTracks(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the most loved tracks chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Most loved tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getLovedTracks(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getLovedTracks", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } /** * Get the hyped tracks chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Hyped tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getHypedTracks(String apiKey) { return getHypedTracks(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the hyped tracks chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Hyped tracks chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Track> getHypedTracks(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getHypedTracks", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Track.class); } /** * Get the hyped artists chart. * * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Hyped artists chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getHypedArtists(String apiKey) { return getHypedArtists(1, apiKey); } /** * Get the hyped artists chart. * * @param page The page to fetch * @param apiKey A Last.fm API key * @return Hyped artists chart */ public static PaginatedResult<Artist> getHypedArtists(int page, String apiKey) { Result result = Caller.getInstance().call("chart.getHypedArtists", apiKey, "page", String.valueOf(page)); return ResponseBuilder.buildPaginatedResult(result, Artist.class); } }