package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import com.bitzi.util.Base32; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPHeaderValue; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.IntWrapper; /** * This class represents an individual Uniform Resource Name (URN), as * specified in RFC 2141. This does extensive validation of URNs to * make sure that they are valid, with the factory methods throwing * excpeptions when the arguments do not meet URN syntax. This does * not perform rigorous verification of the SHA1 values themselves. * * This class is immutable. * * @see FileDesc * @see UrnType * @see */ public final class URN implements HTTPHeaderValue, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6053855548211564799L; /** * A constant invalid URN that classes can use to represent an invalid URN. */ public static final URN INVALID = new URN("bad:bad", UrnType.INVALID); /** * Cached constant to avoid making unnecessary string allocations * in validating input. */ private static final String SPACE = " "; /** * Cached constant to avoid making unnecessary string allocations * in validating input. */ private static final String QUESTION_MARK = "?"; /** * Cached constant to avoid making unnecessary string allocations * in validating input. */ private static final String SLASH = "/"; /** * Cached constant to avoid making unnecessary string allocations * in validating input. */ private static final String TWO = "2"; /** * Cached constant to avoid making unnecessary string allocations * in validating input. */ private static final String DOT = "."; /** * The string representation of the URN. */ private transient String _urnString; /** * Variable for the <tt>UrnType</tt> instance for this URN. */ private transient UrnType _urnType; /** * Cached hash code that is lazily initialized. */ private volatile transient int hashCode = 0; /** * Creates a new <tt>URN</tt> instance from the specified string. * The resulting URN can have any Namespace Identifier and any * Namespace Specific String. * * @param urnString a string description of the URN. Typically * this will be a SHA1 containing a 32-character value, e.g., * "urn:sha1:GLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKPZWUGYQYPFB". * @return a new <tt>URN</tt> instance * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> urnString was malformed or an * unsupported type */ public static URN createSHA1Urn(final String urnString) throws IOException { String typeString = URN.getTypeString(urnString).toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (typeString.indexOf(UrnType.SHA1_STRING) == 4) return createSHA1UrnFromString(urnString); else if (typeString.indexOf(UrnType.BITPRINT_STRING) == 4) return createSHA1UrnFromBitprint(urnString); else throw new IOException("unsupported or malformed URN"); } /** * Convenience method for creating a SHA1 <tt>URN</tt> from a <tt>URL</tt>. * For the url to work, its getFile method must return the SHA1 urn * in the form:<p> * * /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:SHA1URNHERE * * @param url the <tt>URL</tt> to extract the <tt>URN</tt> from * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> if there is an error reading the URN from * the URL */ public static URN createSHA1UrnFromURL(final URL url) throws IOException { return createSHA1UrnFromUriRes(url.getFile()); } /** * Convenience method for creating a <tt>URN</tt> instance from a string * in the form:<p> * * /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB */ public static URN createSHA1UrnFromUriRes(String sha1String) throws IOException { sha1String.trim(); if(isValidUriResSHA1Format(sha1String)) { return createSHA1UrnFromString(sha1String.substring(13)); } else { throw new IOException("could not parse string format: "+sha1String); } } /** * Creates a URN instance from the specified HTTP request line. * The request must be in the standard from, as specified in * RFC 2169. Note that com.limegroup.gnutella.Acceptor parses out * the first word in the request, such as "GET" or "HEAD." * * @param requestLine the URN HTTP request of the form specified in * RFC 2169, for example:<p> * * /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1 * /uri-res/N2X?urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB HTTP/1.1 * /uri-res/N2R?urn:bitprint:QLFYWY2RI5WZCTEP6MJKR5CAFGP7FQ5X.VEKXTRSJPTZJLY2IKG5FQ2TCXK26SECFPP4DX7I HTTP/1.1 * /uri-res/N2X?urn:bitprint:QLFYWY2RI5WZCTEP6MJKR5CAFGP7FQ5X.VEKXTRSJPTZJLY2IKG5FQ2TCXK26SECFPP4DX7I HTTP/1.1 * * @return a new <tt>URN</tt> instance from the specified request, or * <tt>null</tt> if no <tt>URN</tt> could be created * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.Acceptor */ public static URN createSHA1UrnFromHttpRequest(final String requestLine) throws IOException { if(!URN.isValidUrnHttpRequest(requestLine)) { throw new IOException("INVALID URN HTTP REQUEST"); } String urnString = URN.extractUrnFromHttpRequest(requestLine); if(urnString == null) { throw new IOException("COULD NOT CONSTRUCT URN"); } return createSHA1Urn(urnString); } /** * Convenience method that runs a standard validation check on the URN * string before calling the <tt>URN</tt> constructor. * * @param urnString the string for the urn * @return a new <tt>URN</tt> built from the specified string * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> if there is an error */ private static URN createSHA1UrnFromString(final String urnString) throws IOException { if(urnString == null) { throw new IOException("cannot accept null URN string"); } if(!URN.isValidUrn(urnString)) { throw new IOException("invalid urn string: "+urnString); } String typeString = URN.getTypeString(urnString); if(!UrnType.isSupportedUrnType(typeString)) { throw new IOException("urn type not recognized: "+typeString); } UrnType type = UrnType.createUrnType(typeString); return new URN(urnString, type); } /** * Constructs a new SHA1 URN from a bitprint URN * * @param bitprintString * the string for the bitprint * @return a new <tt>URN</tt> built from the specified string * @throws <tt>IOException</tt> if there is an error */ private static URN createSHA1UrnFromBitprint(final String bitprintString) throws IOException { // extract the BASE32 encoded SHA1 from the bitprint int dotIdx = bitprintString.indexOf(DOT); if(dotIdx == -1) throw new IOException("invalid bitprint: " + bitprintString); String sha1 = bitprintString.substring( bitprintString.indexOf(':', 4) + 1, dotIdx); return createSHA1UrnFromString( UrnType.URN_NAMESPACE_ID + UrnType.SHA1_STRING + sha1); } /** * Constructs a new URN based on the specified <tt>File</tt> instance. * The constructor calculates the SHA1 value for the file, and is a * costly operation as a result. * * @param file the <tt>File</tt> instance to construct the URN from * @param urnType the type of URN to construct for the <tt>File</tt> * instance, such as SHA1_URN */ private URN(final String urnString, final UrnType urnType) { int lastColon = urnString.lastIndexOf(":"); String nameSpace = urnString.substring(0,lastColon+1); String hash = urnString.substring(lastColon+1); this._urnString = nameSpace.toLowerCase(Locale.US) + hash.toUpperCase(Locale.US); this._urnType = urnType; } /** * Returns the <tt>UrnType</tt> instance for this <tt>URN</tt>. * * @return the <tt>UrnType</tt> instance for this <tt>URN</tt> */ public UrnType getUrnType() { return _urnType; } // implements HTTPHeaderValue public String httpStringValue() { return _urnString; } /** * Returns whether or not the URN_STRING argument is a valid URN * string, as specified in RFC 2141. * * @param urnString the urn string to check for validity * @return <tt>true</tt> if the string argument is a URN, * <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public static boolean isUrn(final String urnString) { return URN.isValidUrn(urnString); } /** * Returns whether or not this URN is a SHA1 URN. Note that a bitprint * URN will return false, even though it contains a SHA1 hash. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if this is a SHA1 URN, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public boolean isSHA1() { return _urnType.isSHA1(); } /** * Checks for URN equality. For URNs to be equal, their URN strings must * be equal. * * @param o the object to compare against * @return <tt>true</tt> if the URNs are equal, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ public boolean equals(Object o) { if(o == this) return true; if(!(o instanceof URN)) { return false; } URN urn = (URN)o; return (_urnString.equals(urn._urnString) && _urnType.equals(urn._urnType)); } /** * Overrides the hashCode method of Object to meet the contract of * hashCode. Since we override equals, it is necessary to also * override hashcode to ensure that two "equal" instances of this * class return the same hashCode, less we unleash unknown havoc on * the hash-based collections. * * @return a hash code value for this object */ public int hashCode() { if(hashCode == 0) { int result = 17; result = (37*result) + this._urnString.hashCode(); result = (37*result) + this._urnType.hashCode(); hashCode = result; } return hashCode; } /** * Overrides toString to return the URN string. * * @return the string representation of the URN */ public String toString() { return _urnString; } /** * This.method checks whether or not the specified string fits the * /uri-res/N2R?urn:sha1: format. It does so by checking the start of the * string as well as verifying the overall length. * * @param sha1String the string to check * @return <tt>true</tt> if the string follows the proper format, otherwise * <tt>false</tt> */ private static boolean isValidUriResSHA1Format(final String sha1String) { String copy = sha1String.toLowerCase(Locale.US); if(copy.startsWith("/uri-res/n2r?urn:sha1:")) { // just check the length return sha1String.length() == 54; } return false; } /** * Returns a <tt>String</tt> containing the URN for the http request. For * a typical SHA1 request, this will return a 41 character URN, including * the 32 character hash value. * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the request * @return a <tt>String</tt> containing the URN for the http request, or * <tt>null</tt> if the request could not be read */ private static String extractUrnFromHttpRequest(final String requestLine) { int qIndex = requestLine.indexOf(QUESTION_MARK) + 1; int spaceIndex = requestLine.indexOf(SPACE, qIndex); if((qIndex == -1) || (spaceIndex == -1)) { return null; } return requestLine.substring(qIndex, spaceIndex); } /** * Returns whether or not the http request is valid, as specified in * HUGE v. 0.93 and IETF RFC 2169. This verifies everything except * whether or not the URN itself is valid -- the URN constructor * can do that, however. * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the http * request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the reques is valid, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ private static boolean isValidUrnHttpRequest(final String requestLine) { return (URN.isValidLength(requestLine) && URN.isValidUriRes(requestLine) && URN.isValidResolutionProtocol(requestLine) && URN.isValidHTTPSpecifier(requestLine)); } /** * Returns whether or not the specified http request meets size * requirements. * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the http request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the size of the request line is valid, * <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ private static final boolean isValidLength(final String requestLine) { int size = requestLine.length(); if((size != 63) && (size != 107)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether or not the http request corresponds with the standard * uri-res request * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the http request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the http request includes the standard "uri-res" * (case-insensitive) request, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ private static final boolean isValidUriRes(final String requestLine) { int firstSlash = requestLine.indexOf(SLASH); if(firstSlash == -1 || firstSlash == requestLine.length()) { return false; } int secondSlash = requestLine.indexOf(SLASH, firstSlash+1); if(secondSlash == -1) { return false; } String uriStr = requestLine.substring(firstSlash+1, secondSlash); if(!uriStr.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.URI_RES)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether or not the "resolution protocol" for the given URN http * line is valid. We currently only support N2R, which specifies "Given * a URN, return the named resource," and N2X. * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the resolution protocol is valid, <tt>false</tt> * otherwise */ private static boolean isValidResolutionProtocol(final String requestLine) { int nIndex = requestLine.indexOf(TWO); if(nIndex == -1) { return false; } String n2s = requestLine.substring(nIndex-1, nIndex+3); // we could add more protocols to this check if(!n2s.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.NAME_TO_RESOURCE) && !n2s.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.NAME_TO_THEX)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether or not the HTTP specifier for the URN http request * is valid. * * @param requestLine the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the http request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the HTTP specifier is valid, <tt>false</tt> * otherwise */ private static boolean isValidHTTPSpecifier(final String requestLine) { int spaceIndex = requestLine.lastIndexOf(SPACE); if(spaceIndex == -1) { return false; } String httpStr = requestLine.substring(spaceIndex+1); if(!httpStr.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.HTTP10) && !httpStr.equalsIgnoreCase(HTTPConstants.HTTP11)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the URN type string for this URN. This requires that each URN * have a specific type - a general "urn:" type is not accepted. As an example * of how this method behaves, if the string for this URN is:<p> * * urn:sha1:PLSTHIPQGSSZTS5FJUPAKUZWUGYQYPFB <p> * * then this method will return: <p> * * urn:sha1: * * @param fullUrnString the string containing the full urn * @return the urn type of the string */ private static String getTypeString(final String fullUrnString) throws IOException { // trims any leading whitespace from the urn string -- without // whitespace the urn must start with 'urn:' String type = fullUrnString.trim(); if(type.length() <= 4) throw new IOException("no type string"); return type.substring(0,type.indexOf(':', 4)+1); } /** * Returns whether or not the specified string represents a valid * URN. For a full description of what qualifies as a valid URN, * see RFC2141 ( ).<p> * * The broad requirements of the URN are that it meet the following * syntax: <p> * * <URN> ::= "urn:" <NID> ":" <NSS> <p> * * where phrases enclosed in quotes are required and where "<NID>" is the * Namespace Identifier and "<NSS>" is the Namespace Specific String. * * @param urnString the <tt>String</tt> instance containing the http request * @return <tt>true</tt> if the specified string represents a valid urn, * <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ private static boolean isValidUrn(final String urnString) { int colon1Index = urnString.indexOf(":"); if(colon1Index == -1 || colon1Index+1 > urnString.length()) { return false; } int urnIndex1 = colon1Index-3; int urnIndex2 = colon1Index+1; if((urnIndex1 < 0) || (urnIndex2 < 0)) { return false; } // get the last colon -- this should separate the <NID> // from the <NIS> int colon2Index = urnString.indexOf(":", colon1Index+1); if(colon2Index == -1 || colon2Index+1 > urnString.length()) return false; String urnType = urnString.substring(0, colon2Index+1); if(!UrnType.isSupportedUrnType(urnType) || !isValidNamespaceSpecificString(urnString.substring(colon2Index+1))) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns whether or not the specified Namespace Specific String (NSS) * is a valid NSS. * * @param nss the Namespace Specific String for a URN * @return <tt>true</tt> if the NSS is valid, <tt>false</tt> otherwise */ private static boolean isValidNamespaceSpecificString(final String nss) { int length = nss.length(); // checks to make sure that it either is the length of a 32 // character SHA1 NSS, or is the length of a 72 character // bitprint NSS if((length != 32) && (length != 72)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Serializes this instance. * * @serialData the string representation of the URN */ private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s) throws IOException { s.defaultWriteObject(); s.writeUTF(_urnString); s.writeObject(_urnType); } /** * Deserializes this <tt>URN</tt> instance, validating the urn string * to ensure that it's valid. */ private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { s.defaultReadObject(); _urnString = s.readUTF(); _urnType = (UrnType)s.readObject(); if(!URN.isValidUrn(_urnString)) { throw new InvalidObjectException("invalid urn: "+_urnString); } if(_urnType.isSHA1()) { // this preserves instance equality for all SHA1 run types _urnType = UrnType.SHA1; } else { throw new InvalidObjectException("invalid urn type: "+_urnType); } } }