package org.webpieces.webserver.test; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.common.Header; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.common.KnownHeaderName; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.ContentType; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpChunk; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpLastChunk; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpResponse; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.KnownStatusCode; /** * This ensures your test is the same rather it is a chunked download of the resource or a single HttpResponse so testing * becomes easier and changes between chunked and non-chunked coming down don't matter */ public class FullResponse { private static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); private DataWrapperGenerator dataGen = DataWrapperGeneratorFactory.createDataWrapperGenerator(); private HttpResponse response; private List<HttpChunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(); private HttpLastChunk lastChunk; public FullResponse(HttpResponse response) { this.response = response; } public void addChunk(HttpChunk httpChunk) { chunks.add(httpChunk); } public HttpResponse getResponse() { return response; } public List<HttpChunk> getChunks() { return chunks; } public HttpLastChunk getLastChunk() { return lastChunk; } public void setLastChunk(HttpLastChunk lastHttpChunk) { lastChunk = lastHttpChunk; } public DataWrapper getBody() { if(chunks.size() == 0) return response.getBodyNonNull(); HttpChunk chunk = chunks.get(0); DataWrapper data = chunk.getBodyNonNull(); for(int i = 1; i < chunks.size(); i++) { HttpChunk next = chunks.get(i); data = dataGen.chainDataWrappers(data, next.getBodyNonNull()); } return data; } public String getBodyAsString() { Charset charset = extractCharset(); //get charset from headers? DataWrapper body = getBody(); if(body == null) return null; return body.createStringFrom(0, body.getReadableSize(), charset); } private Charset extractCharset() { Header header = response.getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.CONTENT_TYPE); if(header == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("no ContentType header could be found"); ContentType ct = ContentType.parse(header); Charset charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; if(ct.getCharSet() != null) charset = Charset.forName(ct.getCharSet()); return charset; } public void assertStatusCode(KnownStatusCode status) { KnownStatusCode knownStatus = response.getStatusLine().getStatus().getKnownStatus(); if(status != knownStatus) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected status="+status+" but received="+knownStatus); } public void assertContains(String text) { String bodyAsString = getBodyAsString(); if(!bodyAsString.contains(text)) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected body to contain='"+text+"' but body was="+bodyAsString); } public void assertNotContains(String text) { String bodyAsString = getBodyAsString(); if(bodyAsString.contains(text)) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected body to NOT contain='"+text+"' but body was="+bodyAsString); } public void assertContentType(String mimeType) { Header type = getResponse().getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.CONTENT_TYPE); String value = type.getValue(); if(!mimeType.equals(value)) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected mimeType="+mimeType+" but found type="+value); } public void uncompressBodyAndAssertContainsString(String text) { Header header = getResponse().getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.CONTENT_ENCODING); if(header == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Body is not compressed as no CONTENT_ENCODING header field exists"); else if(!"gzip".equals(header.getValue())) throw new IllegalStateException("Body has wrong compression type="+header.getValue()+" in CONTENT_ENCODING header field"); DataWrapper wrapper = getBody(); byte[] compressed = wrapper.createByteArray(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(compressed); byte[] out = new byte[10000]; DataWrapper output = dataGen.emptyWrapper(); try (GZIPInputStream str = new GZIPInputStream(in)) { int read = 0; while((read = > 0) { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(out, 0, read); DataWrapper byteWrapper = dataGen.wrapByteBuffer(buffer); output = dataGen.chainDataWrappers(output, byteWrapper); out = new byte[10000]; } } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Charset charset = extractCharset(); String bodyAsString = output.createStringFrom(0, output.getReadableSize(), charset); if(!bodyAsString.contains(text)) throw new IllegalStateException("Expected compressed body to contain='"+text+"' but body was="+bodyAsString); } public String getRedirectUrl() { Header header = response.getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.LOCATION); if(header == null) return null; return header.getValue(); } /** * Example request cookie from chrome * Cookie: webSession=1-gzvc03bKRP2YYvWySwgENREwFSg=:__ST=3a2fda5dad7547d3b15b1f61bd3d12f5; webFlash=1:_message=Invalid+values+below&user.address.zipCode=Text+instead+of+number&__secureToken=3a2fda5dad7547d3b15b1f61bd3d12f5&user.firstName=Dean+Hiller; webErrors=1:user.address.zipCode=Could+not+convert+value * @return */ public Header createCookieRequestHeader() { List<Header> headers = response.getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeaders(KnownHeaderName.SET_COOKIE); String fullRequestCookie = ""; boolean firstLine = true; for(Header header : headers) { String value = header.getValue(); if(value.contains(";")) { String[] split = value.split(";"); value = split[0]; } String[] keyVal = value.split("="); if(keyVal.length <= 1) continue; //skip adding this cookie as it was cleared out if(firstLine) { firstLine = false; fullRequestCookie += value; } else fullRequestCookie += "; "+value; } return new Header(KnownHeaderName.COOKIE, fullRequestCookie); } }