package org.webpieces.router.impl.compression; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.webpieces.router.api.RouterConfig; import org.webpieces.router.impl.StaticRoute; import org.webpieces.router.impl.compression.MimeTypes.MimeTypeResult; import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger; import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; import; public class ProdCompressionCacheSetup implements CompressionCacheSetup { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProdCompressionCacheSetup.class); private CompressionLookup lookup; private RouterConfig config; private MimeTypes mimeTypes; private List<String> encodings = new ArrayList<>(); private FileUtil fileUtil; private Map<String, FileMeta> pathToFileMeta = new HashMap<>(); @Inject public ProdCompressionCacheSetup(CompressionLookup lookup, RouterConfig config, MimeTypes mimeTypes, FileUtil fileUtil) { this.lookup = lookup; this.config = config; this.mimeTypes = mimeTypes; encodings.add(config.getStartupCompression()); this.fileUtil = fileUtil; } public void setupCache(List<StaticRoute> staticRoutes) { if(config.getCachedCompressedDirectory() == null) {"NOT setting up compressed cached directory so performance will not be as good"); return; }"setting up compressed cache directories"); for(StaticRoute route : staticRoutes) { createCache(route); }"all cached directories setup"); } private void createCache(StaticRoute route) { File routeCache = route.getTargetCacheLocation(); createDirectory(routeCache); File metaFile = new File(routeCache, ""); Properties p = load(metaFile); if(route.isFile()) { File file = new File(route.getFileSystemPath());"setting up cache for file="+file); File destination = new File(routeCache, file.getName()+".gz"); maybeAddFileToCache(p, file, destination, route.getFullPath()); } else { File directory = new File(route.getFileSystemPath());"setting up cache for directory="+directory); String urlPrefix = route.getFullPath(); transferAndCompress(p, directory, routeCache, urlPrefix); } route.setHashMeta(p); store(metaFile, p); } private void store(File metaFile, Properties p) { try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(metaFile);, "file hashes for next time. Single file format(key:urlPathOnly, value:hash), dir(key:urlPath+relativeFilePath, value:hash)"); } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private Properties load(File metaFile) { try { Properties p = new Properties(); if(!metaFile.exists()) return p; p.load(new FileInputStream(metaFile)); return p; } catch(IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void transferAndCompress(Properties p, File directory, File destination, String urlPath) { File[] files = directory.listFiles(); for(File f : files) { if(f.isDirectory()) { File newTarget = new File(destination, f.getName()); createDirectory(newTarget); transferAndCompress(p, f, newTarget, urlPath+f.getName()+"/"); } else { File newTarget = new File(destination, f.getName()+".gz"); String path = urlPath+f.getName(); maybeAddFileToCache(p, f, newTarget, path); } } } private void maybeAddFileToCache(Properties properties, File src, File destination, String urlPath) { String name = src.getName(); int indexOf = name.lastIndexOf("."); if(indexOf < 0) { pathToFileMeta.put(urlPath, new FileMeta()); return; //do nothing } String extension = name.substring(indexOf+1); MimeTypeResult mimeType = mimeTypes.extensionToContentType(extension, "application/octet-stream"); Compression compression = lookup.createCompressionStream(encodings, extension, mimeType); if(compression == null) { pathToFileMeta.put(urlPath, new FileMeta()); return; } //before we do the below, do a quick timestamp check to avoid reading in the files when not necessary long lastModifiedSrc = src.lastModified(); long lastModified = destination.lastModified(); //if hash is not there, the user may have changed the url so need to recalculate new hashes for new keys //There is a test for this... String previousHash = properties.getProperty(urlPath); if(lastModified > lastModifiedSrc && previousHash != null) {"timestamp later than src so skipping writing to="+destination); pathToFileMeta.put(urlPath, new FileMeta(previousHash)); return; //no need to check anything as destination was written after this source file } try { byte[] allData = fileUtil.readFileContents(urlPath, src); String hash = Security.hash(allData); if(previousHash != null) { if(hash.equals(previousHash)) { if(!destination.exists()) throw new IllegalStateException("Previously existing file is missing="+destination+" Your file cache was " + "corrupted. You will need to delete the whole cache directory");"Previous file is the same, no need to compress to="+destination+" hash="+hash); pathToFileMeta.put(urlPath, new FileMeta(previousHash)); return; } } //open, write, and close file with new data writeFile(destination, compression, allData, urlPath, src); //if file writing succeeded, set the hash properties.setProperty(urlPath, hash); FileMeta existing = pathToFileMeta.get(urlPath); if(existing != null) throw new IllegalStateException("this urlpath="+urlPath+" is referencing two files. hash1="+existing.getHash()+" hash2="+hash +" You should search your logs for this hash"); pathToFileMeta.put(urlPath, new FileMeta(hash));"compressed "+src.length()+" bytes to="+destination.length()+" to file="+destination+" hash="+hash); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void writeFile(File destination, Compression compression, byte[] allData, String urlPath, File src) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(destination); try(OutputStream compressionOut = compression.createCompressionStream(out)) { fileUtil.writeFile(compressionOut, allData, urlPath, src); } } private void createDirectory(File directoryToCreate) { if(directoryToCreate.exists()) { if(!directoryToCreate.isDirectory()) throw new RuntimeException("File="+directoryToCreate+" is NOT a directory and we need a directory there...perhaps" + " delete the cache and restart the server as something is corrupt"); return; } boolean success = directoryToCreate.mkdirs(); if(!success) throw new RuntimeException("Could not create cache directory="+directoryToCreate); } @Override public FileMeta relativeUrlToHash(String path) { return pathToFileMeta.get(path); } }