package org.webpieces.httpparser.api; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.subparsers.HeaderPriorityParser; import org.webpieces.httpparser.impl.HttpParserImpl; import org.webpieces.httpparser.impl.subparsers.HeaderPriorityParserImpl; import org.webpieces.httpparser.impl.subparsers.HttpStatefulParserImpl; public class HttpParserFactory { public static final Charset iso8859_1 = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"); /** * * @param pool Purely to release ByteBuffers back to the pool and be released * @return */ public static HttpParser createParser(BufferPool pool) { //to get around verifydesign later AND enforce build breaks on design violations //like api depending on implementation, we need reflection here to create this //instance... return new HttpParserImpl(pool); } public static HttpStatefulParser createStatefulParser(HttpParser statelessParser) { return new HttpStatefulParserImpl(statelessParser); } public static HeaderPriorityParser createHeaderParser() { return new HeaderPriorityParserImpl(); } }