package org.webpieces.nio.impl.ssl; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; public class ClientHelloParser { private static final short HANDSHAKE_CONTENT_TYPE = 22; private static final short CLIENTHELLO_MESSAGE_TYPE = 1; private static final short SSLV2_CLIENTHELLO = 128; private static final int SERVER_NAME_EXTENSION_TYPE = 0; private static final short HOST_NAME_TYPE = 0; private ByteBuffer cachedBuffer; private BufferPool pool; public ClientHelloParser(BufferPool pool) { this.pool = pool; } /** * Returns null if we still need more data * * @param b * @return */ ParseResult fetchServerNamesIfEntirePacketAvailable(ByteBuffer b) { if(cachedBuffer != null) { //prefix cachedBuffer in front of b and assign to b as the packet that is coming in ByteBuffer newBuf = pool.nextBuffer(cachedBuffer.remaining()+b.remaining()); newBuf.put(cachedBuffer); newBuf.put(b); newBuf.flip(); pool.releaseBuffer(b); //release b that is now in the newBuf pool.releaseBuffer(cachedBuffer); //release cached buffer that is now in newBuf b = newBuf; } if(b.remaining() < 5) { cachedBuffer = b; return null; //wait for more data } int recordSize = 0; ByteBuffer duplicate = b.duplicate(); short contentType = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); if(contentType == HANDSHAKE_CONTENT_TYPE) { getUnsignedByte(duplicate); getUnsignedByte(duplicate); recordSize = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); // Now wait until we have the entire record if (b.remaining() < (5 + recordSize)) { // Keep buffering return null; } } else if (contentType == SSLV2_CLIENTHELLO) { short len = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); // Decode the length recordSize = ((contentType & 0x7f) << 8 | len); // Now wait until we have the entire record if (b.remaining() < (2 + recordSize)) { // Keep buffering return null; } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("contentType="+contentType+" not supported in ssl hello handshake packet"); } short messageType = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); if (messageType != CLIENTHELLO_MESSAGE_TYPE) { throw new IllegalStateException("something came before ClientHello :( messageType="+messageType); } if (contentType == HANDSHAKE_CONTENT_TYPE) { // If we're not an SSLv2 ClientHello, then skip the ClientHello // message size. duplicate.get(new byte[3]); // Use the ClientHello ProtocolVersion getUnsignedShort(duplicate); // Skip ClientRandom duplicate.get(new byte[32]); // Skip SessionID int sessionIDSize = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); duplicate.get(new byte[sessionIDSize]); //read in and discard cipherSuite... int cipherSuiteSize = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); duplicate.get(new byte[cipherSuiteSize]); //read in compression methods size and discard.. short compressionMethodsLen = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); duplicate.get(new byte[compressionMethodsLen]); int extensionLen = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); List<String> names = readInExtensionServerNames(duplicate, extensionLen); return new ParseResult(b, names); } else { // SSLv2 ClientHello. // Use the ClientHello ProtocolVersion //SslVersion version = SslVersion.decode(getUnsignedByte(duplicate)); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported yet"); } } private List<String> readInExtensionServerNames(ByteBuffer duplicate, int len) { List<String> serverNames = new ArrayList<>(); int byteCount = 0; while(byteCount < len) { byteCount += 4; //reading in 4 bytes so add them in if(duplicate.remaining() < 4) throw new IllegalStateException("Corrupt packet with incorrect format"); int type = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); int extLen = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); if(duplicate.remaining() < extLen) throw new IllegalStateException("Corrupt packet with incorrect format as len didn't match"); if(type == SERVER_NAME_EXTENSION_TYPE) { String name = readServerNames(duplicate, extLen); serverNames.add(name); } else duplicate.get(new byte[extLen]); byteCount += extLen; } return serverNames; } private String readServerNames(ByteBuffer duplicate, int extLen) { int byteCount = 0; byteCount += 2; //for listLen 2 bytes int listLen = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); if(listLen + 2 != extLen) throw new RuntimeException("we have something we need to fix here as listLen is only two less bytes then extensionLength"); byteCount += 1; //for serverNameType short serverNameType = getUnsignedByte(duplicate); if(serverNameType != HOST_NAME_TYPE) throw new IllegalStateException("Server name type="+serverNameType+" not supported yet"); byteCount += 2; //for serverNameLen int serverNameLen = getUnsignedShort(duplicate); byteCount += serverNameLen; if(byteCount != extLen) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("bytes read in servernames extension does not match extLen(we need to loop here then)"); byte[] data = new byte[serverNameLen]; duplicate.get(data); String serverName = new String(data); return serverName; } public short getUnsignedByte(ByteBuffer bb) { return ((short)(bb.get() & 0xff)); } public int getUnsignedShort (ByteBuffer bb) { return (bb.getShort() & 0xffff); } }