package; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException; import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger; import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; import; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.Channel; import org.webpieces.nio.api.exceptions.NioException; import org.webpieces.nio.api.handlers.DataListener; import org.webpieces.nio.api.testutil.nioapi.Select; public final class Helper { private static final Logger apiLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataListener.class); private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Helper.class); //private static BufferHelper helper = ChannelManagerFactory.bufferHelper(null); private static boolean logBufferNextRead = false; private Helper() {} public static String opType(int ops) { String retVal = ""; if((ops & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) > 0) retVal+="A"; if((ops & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) > 0) retVal+="C"; if((ops & SelectionKey.OP_READ) > 0) retVal+="R"; if((ops & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) > 0) retVal+="W"; return retVal; } public static void processKeys(Set<SelectionKey> keySet, SelectorManager2 mgr, BufferPool pool) { Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = keySet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key = null; try { key =; final SelectionKey current = key; log.trace(() -> current.attachment()+" ops="+Helper.opType(current.readyOps()) +" acc="+current.isAcceptable()+" read="+current.isReadable()+" write"+current.isWritable()); processKey(key, mgr, pool); // } catch(CancelledKeyException e) { // log.log(Level.INFO, "Cancelled key may be normal", e); } catch(IOException e) { log.error(key.attachment()+"Processing of key failed, closing channel", e); try { if(key != null); } catch(Throwable ee) { log.error(key.attachment()+"Close of channel failed", ee); } } catch(CancelledKeyException e) { final SelectionKey current = key; //TODO: get rid of this if...else statement by fixing //CancelledKeyException on linux so the tests don't fail log.trace(() -> current.attachment()+"Processing of key failed, but continuing channel manager loop", e); } catch(Throwable e) { log.error(key.attachment()+"Processing of key failed, but continuing channel manager loop", e); try { key.cancel(); } catch(Throwable ee) {"cancelling key failed. exception type="+ee.getClass()+" msg="+ee.getMessage()); } } } //clear the whole keySet as we processed them all in the while loop. //If you do not clear the keySet, keys that have been already processed stay //in the selected Key set. If another key gets added to this set, the selector //goes off again and has the stale key plus the new key and the stale key //is processed again. keySet.clear(); } private static void processKey(SelectionKey key, SelectorManager2 mgr, BufferPool pool) throws IOException, InterruptedException { log.trace(() -> key.attachment()+"proccessing"); //This is code to try to avoid the CancelledKeyExceptions if(! || !key.isValid()) return; //if isAcceptable, than is a ServerSocketChannel if(key.isAcceptable()) { Helper.acceptSocket(key); } if(key.isConnectable()) Helper.connect(key); if(key.isWritable()) { Helper.write(key); } //The read MUST be after the write as a call to key.isWriteable is invalid if the //read resulted in the far end closing the socket. if(key.isReadable()) {, mgr, pool); } } //each of these functions should be a handler for a new type that we set up //on the outside of this thing. The signature is the same thing every time // and we pass key and the Channel. We can cast to the proper one. private static void acceptSocket(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { // SelectableChannel s =; log.trace(() -> key.attachment()+"Incoming Connection="+key); WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); BasTCPServerChannel channel = (BasTCPServerChannel)struct.getChannel(); channel.accept(channel.getChannelCount()); } private static void connect(SelectionKey key) throws IOException { log.trace(() -> key.attachment()+"finishing connect process"); WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); CompletableFuture<Channel> callback = struct.getConnectCallback(); BasTCPChannel channel = (BasTCPChannel)struct.getChannel(); //must change the interests to not interested in connect anymore //since we are connected otherwise selector seems to keep firing over //and over again with 0 keys wasting cpu like a while(true) loop int interests = key.interestOps(); key.interestOps(interests & (~SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT)); try { channel.finishConnect(); callback.complete(channel); } catch(Exception e) { log.error(key.attachment()+"Could not open connection", e); callback.completeExceptionally(e); } } private static void read(SelectionKey key, SelectorManager2 mgr, BufferPool pool) throws IOException { log.trace(() -> key.attachment()+"reading data"); WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); DataListener in = struct.getDataHandler(); BasChannelImpl channel = (BasChannelImpl)struct.getChannel(); //if someone JUST unregistered for reads, then let's not read from this socket since it would put more //pressure in RAM so just wait until they re-registerForReads and they will get the data then if(!channel.isRegisteredForReads()) { //"not registered for reads so skipping"); return; //do not process reads if we were unregistered } ByteBuffer chunk = pool.nextBuffer(512); try { if(logBufferNextRead)"buffer="+chunk); int bytes = channel.readImpl(chunk); if(logBufferNextRead) { logBufferNextRead = false;"buffer2="+chunk); } processBytes(key, chunk, bytes, mgr); } catch(PortUnreachableException e) { //this is a normal occurence when some writes out udp to a port that is not //listening for udp!!! log as finer and fire to client to deal with it. log.trace(() -> "Client sent data to a host or port that is not listening " + "to udp, or udp can't get through to that machine", e); in.failure(channel, null, e); } catch(NotYetConnectedException e) { //this happens in udp when I disconnect after someone had already been streaming me //data. It is supposed to stop listening but selector keeps firing. log.error("Can't read until UDPChannel is connected", e); in.failure(channel, null, e); } catch(IOException e) { //kept getting the following exception so I added this as protection //NOTE: this exceptionn should never occur. read should be returning -1 //but for some reason is returning hte exception instead. // WARNING: [server] Processing of key failed, closing channel // An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine // at Method) // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at$ // ( //another one that landes here is the Connection reset by peer".... // Jan 18, 2012 1:00:42 PM read // INFO: [stserver] Exception // Connection reset by peer // at Method) // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at // at$ //One other exception starts with "An existing connection was forcibly closed" //in the case of SSL over TCP only, sometimes instead of reading off a -1, this will //throw an IOException: "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" //we also close UDPChannels as well on IOException. Not sure if this is good or not. process(key, mgr, in, channel, chunk, e); } catch(NioException e) { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if(cause instanceof IOException) { IOException ioExc = (IOException) cause; process(key, mgr, in, channel, chunk, ioExc); } else throw e; } } private static void process(SelectionKey key, SelectorManager2 mgr, DataListener in, BasChannelImpl channel, ByteBuffer chunk, IOException e) throws IOException { String msg = e.getMessage(); if(msg != null && (msg.contains("An existing connection was forcibly closed") || msg.contains("Connection reset by peer") || msg.contains("An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine"))) { log.trace(() -> "Exception 2", e); processBytes(key, chunk, -1, mgr); } else { log.error("IO Exception unexpected", e); in.failure(channel, null, e); } } /** * @param id * @param b * @param bytes * @param mgr * @throws IOException */ private static void processBytes(SelectionKey key, ByteBuffer data, int bytes, SelectorManager2 mgr) throws IOException { WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); DataListener in = struct.getDataHandler(); BasChannelImpl channel = (BasChannelImpl)struct.getChannel(); ByteBuffer b = data; b.flip(); if(bytes < 0) { apiLog.trace(()->channel+"far end closed, cancel key, close socket"); channel.closeOnSelectorThread(); in.farEndClosed(channel); } else if(bytes > 0) { apiLog.trace(()->channel+"READ bytes="+bytes); in.incomingData(channel, b); } } private static void write(SelectionKey key) throws IOException, InterruptedException { log.trace(()->key.attachment()+"writing data"); WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); BasChannelImpl channel = (BasChannelImpl)struct.getChannel(); log.trace(()->channel+"notifying channel of write"); channel.writeAll(); } static void unregisterSelectableChannel(RegisterableChannelImpl channel, int ops) { SelectorManager2 mgr = channel.getSelectorManager(); if(!Thread.currentThread().equals(mgr.getThread())) throw new RuntimeException(channel+"Bug, changing selector keys can only be done " + "on registration thread because there is not synchronization"); //this could be dangerous and result in deadlock....may want //to move this to the selector thread from jdk bugs!!! //but alas, follow KISS, move on... Select select = channel.getSelectorManager().getSelector(); SelectionKey key = channel.keyFor(select); if(key == null || !key.isValid()) //no need to unregister, key is cancelled return; int previous = key.interestOps(); int opsNow = previous & ~ops; //subtract out the operation key.interestOps(opsNow); //"unregistering="+Helper.opType(opsNow)+" opToSubtract="+Helper.opType(ops)+" previous="+Helper.opType(previous)+" type="+type); //make sure we remove the appropriate listener and clean up if(key.attachment() != null) { WrapperAndListener struct = (WrapperAndListener)key.attachment(); struct.removeListener(ops); } } }