package org.webpieces.templatingdev.impl.source; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.webpieces.templating.api.HtmlTag; import org.webpieces.templating.api.HtmlTagLookup; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.AbstractTag; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.HtmlGen; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.TemplateCompileConfig; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.impl.tags.RoutePathTranslator; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.impl.tags.TagGen; public class ScriptWriter { //Some compilers can't deal with long lines so let's max at 30k protected static final int maxLineLength = 30000; private Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\""); private ThreadLocal<Stack<TagState>> tagStack = new ThreadLocal<>(); private GenLookup generatorLookup; private HtmlTagLookup htmlTagLookup; private UniqueIdGenerator uniqueIdGen; private TemplateCompileConfig config; private RoutePathTranslator translator; private boolean initialized; @Inject public ScriptWriter( HtmlTagLookup htmlTagLookup, GenLookup lookup, UniqueIdGenerator generator, RoutePathTranslator translator, TemplateCompileConfig config) { this.htmlTagLookup = htmlTagLookup; generatorLookup = lookup; this.uniqueIdGen = generator; this.translator = translator; this.config = config; } public void init() { if(initialized) return; initialized = true; generatorLookup.init(); } public void printHead(ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode, String packageStr, String className) { tagStack.set(new Stack<>()); if(packageStr != null && !"".equals(packageStr.trim())) { sourceCode.println("package "+packageStr, null); sourceCode.println(); } sourceCode.println("import org.webpieces.ctx.api.Current", null); sourceCode.println(); sourceCode.print("class "); //This generated classname is parsed when creating cleanStackTrace. //The part after "Template_" is used as key when //looking up the file on disk this template-class is generated from. //cleanStackTrace is looking in TemplateLoader.templates sourceCode.print(className); sourceCode.println(" extends org.webpieces.templating.impl.GroovyTemplateSuperclass {", null); sourceCode.println(" public Object run() {", null); sourceCode.println(" use(org.webpieces.templating.impl.source.GroovyExtensions) {", null); // for (String n : extensionsClassnames) { // println("use(_('" + n + "')) {"); // } } public void printEnd(ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { sourceCode.println(" }", null); sourceCode.println(" }", null); sourceCode.println("}", null); if(tagStack.get().size() > 0) { TagState state = tagStack.get().pop(); TokenImpl token = state.getToken(); throw new IllegalStateException("Found unmatched tag #{"+token.getCleanValue()+"}#. "+token.getSourceLocation(true)); } } public void printPlain(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String srcText = token.getValue(); if(srcText.length() < maxLineLength) { String text = addEscapesForGroovy(srcText); sourceCode.println(" __out.print(\""+text+"\");", token); return; } //while our max line lenght is 40k, the addEscapes lengthens the text for each new line and each //'/' character BUT someone would have to double the size so just throw in that one case to notify //the user before groovy breaks(this should not happen, but who fast) while(srcText.length() > 0) { int cutpoint = Math.min(srcText.length(), maxLineLength); String prefix = srcText.substring(0, cutpoint); srcText = srcText.substring(cutpoint); String text = addEscapesForGroovy(prefix); sourceCode.println(" __out.print(\""+text+"\");", token); } } private String addEscapesForGroovy(String srcText) { String text = srcText.replace("\\", "\\\\"); text = pattern.matcher(text).replaceAll("\\\\\""); text = text.replace("\n", "\\n"); text = text.replace("$", "\\$"); return text; } public void printScript(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { sourceCode.println(token.getValue().trim(), token); } public void printExpression(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String expr = token.getCleanValue(); sourceCode.println(); sourceCode.println(" enterExpression('"+token.getSourceLocation(false)+"');", token); //purely so we can add info to missing properties if(expr.startsWith("_")) //variables starting with underscore do not get html escaped so they can return html to put in the page like _body sourceCode.println(" __out.print("+expr+");", token); else sourceCode.println(" __out.print(useFormatter("+expr+"));", token); sourceCode.println(" exitExpression();", token); sourceCode.println(); } public void printMessage(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String value = token.getValue().replaceAll("\r", ""); String withValidNewLines = replaceNewLinesBetweenQuotes(value, token); //any newlines left, we can remove withValidNewLines = withValidNewLines.replace("\n", " "); sourceCode.println(); //This is here so when groovy calls getProperty() to resolve variables, there is info on what line had the issue if not there sourceCode.println(" enterExpression('"+token.getSourceLocation(false)+"');", token); //purely so we can add info to missing properties sourceCode.println(" __out.print(getMessage("+withValidNewLines+"));", token); sourceCode.println(" exitExpression();", token); sourceCode.println(); } private String replaceNewLinesBetweenQuotes(String value, TokenImpl token) { int currentIndex = 0; while(true) { int indexOf = value.indexOf("'", currentIndex); if(indexOf < 0) return value; int secondQuote = value.indexOf("'", indexOf+1); if(secondQuote < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("unbalanced quote in &{...}&. "+token.getSourceLocation(true)); String before = value.substring(0, indexOf); String middle = value.substring(indexOf, secondQuote+1); middle = middle.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); String after = value.substring(secondQuote+1); String firstPartWithQuotes = before+middle; currentIndex = firstPartWithQuotes.length(); //set current index to after the quote value = firstPartWithQuotes + after; } } public void printAction(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode, boolean isAbsolute) { if(isAbsolute) throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not supported yet. Need to modify to use the Host header as input as the domain"); String expr = token.getCleanValue(); String groovySnippet = translator.translateRouteId(expr, token); //fetchUrl('VERBATIM_ROUTE_ID', [:], 'at') sourceCode.println(" __out.print("+groovySnippet+");", token); } /** * This is for tags with no body(or ones where the body is optional and #{../}# was used. * * @param token * @param sourceCode * @param callbacks */ public void printStartEndTag(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String expr = token.getCleanValue(); int indexOfSpace = expr.indexOf(" "); String tagName = expr; if(indexOfSpace > 0) { tagName = expr.substring(0, indexOfSpace); } int id = uniqueIdGen.generateId(); HtmlGen generator = generatorLookup.lookup(tagName, token); HtmlTag htmltag = htmlTagLookup.lookup(tagName); if(generator != null) { generator.generateStartAndEnd(sourceCode, token, id); } else if(htmltag == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tag="+tagName+" location="+token.getSourceLocation(true)); } else { new TagGen(tagName, token, translator).generateStartAndEnd(sourceCode, token, id); } } public void printStartTag(TokenImpl token, TokenImpl previousToken, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String tagName = token.getTagName(); HtmlGen generator = generatorLookup.lookup(tagName, token); HtmlTag htmltag = htmlTagLookup.lookup(tagName); if(generator != null) { if(generator instanceof AbstractTag) { AbstractTag abstractTag = (AbstractTag) generator; //Things like #{else}# tag are given chance to validate that it is only after an #{if}# tag abstractTag.validatePreviousSibling(token, previousToken); } } else { if(htmltag == null && !config.getCustomTagsFromPlugin().contains(tagName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tag=#{"+tagName+"}# OR you didn't add '" +tagName+"' to list of customTags in build.gradle file. "+token.getSourceLocation(true)); generator = new TagGen(tagName, token, translator); } int id = uniqueIdGen.generateId(); generator.generateStart(sourceCode, token, id); tagStack.get().push(new TagState(token, generator, id)); } public void printEndTag(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String expr = token.getCleanValue(); if(tagStack.get().size() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched end tag #{/"+expr+"}# as the begin tag was not found..only the end tag. location="+token.getSourceLocation(true)); TagState currentState = tagStack.get().pop(); TokenImpl currentToken = currentState.getToken(); if(!expr.equals(currentToken.getTagName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched end tag #{/"+expr+"}# as the begin tag appears to be #{"+currentToken.getCleanValue() +"}# which does not match. end tag location="+token.getSourceLocation(false)+" begin tag location="+currentToken.getSourceLocation(false)); HtmlGen generator = currentState.getGenerator(); int uniqueId = currentState.getUniqueId(); generator.generateEnd(sourceCode, token, uniqueId); } public void unprintUpToLastNewLine() { } public void cleanup() { tagStack.set(null); } public void printFilePath(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { //TODO: record the script to pre-emptively send by calling into the groovy //superclass recording all these scripts to send //THEN, after script is run, client can call getScriptsToPreemptivelySend and send //all those scripts before the browser client asks for them(in http2 at least) //BUT we must also RECORD all these on that connection and not send them a //second time which would be a waste of our CPU String value = token.getCleanValue(); String path = translator.recordPath(value, token.getSourceLocation(false)); sourceCode.println(" __out.print(\""+path+"\");", token); } public void printEscaped(TokenImpl token, ScriptOutputImpl sourceCode) { String value = token.getValue(); value = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(value); value = addEscapesForGroovy(value); sourceCode.println(" __out.print(\""+value+"\");", token); } }