package com.webpieces.http2parser.impl.marshallers; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Base64; import java.util.Base64.Decoder; import java.util.Base64.Encoder; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.ConnectionException; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.ParseFailReason; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.SettingsFrame; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.AbstractHttp2Frame; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.Http2Frame; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.Http2Setting; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.SettingsParameter; import com.webpieces.http2parser.impl.FrameHeaderData; import com.webpieces.http2parser.impl.Http2MementoImpl; import com.webpieces.http2parser.impl.UnsignedData; public class SettingsMarshaller extends AbstractFrameMarshaller implements FrameMarshaller { public SettingsMarshaller(BufferPool bufferPool, DataWrapperGenerator dataGen) { super(bufferPool); } @Override public DataWrapper marshal(Http2Frame frame) { if(frame.getStreamId() != 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("SettingsFrame can never be any other stream id except 0 which is already set"); SettingsFrame castFrame = (SettingsFrame) frame; for(Http2Setting setting : castFrame.getSettings()) { validate(setting); } byte flags = 0x0; if (castFrame.isAck()) flags |= 0x1; DataWrapper dataPayload; if (castFrame.isAck()) { if(castFrame.getSettings() != null && castFrame.getSettings().size() > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ack SettingsFrame can not have setting in it"); dataPayload = dataGen.emptyWrapper(); } else if(castFrame.getSettings().size() == 0) { dataPayload = dataGen.emptyWrapper(); } else { List<Http2Setting> settings = castFrame.getSettings(); dataPayload = marshalOut(settings); } return super.marshalFrame(frame, flags, dataPayload); } @Override public AbstractHttp2Frame unmarshal(Http2MementoImpl state, DataWrapper payload) { FrameHeaderData frameHeaderData = state.getFrameHeaderData(); int payloadLength = frameHeaderData.getPayloadLength(); int streamId = frameHeaderData.getStreamId(); SettingsFrame frame = new SettingsFrame(); super.unmarshalFrame(state, frame); byte flags = state.getFrameHeaderData().getFlagsByte(); frame.setAck((flags & 0x1) == 0x1); if(frame.isAck()) { if(payloadLength != 0) { throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.FRAME_SIZE_INCORRECT, streamId, "size of payload of a settings frame ack must be 0 but was="+payloadLength); } } else if(payloadLength % 6 != 0) { throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.FRAME_SIZE_INCORRECT, streamId, "payload size must be a multiple of 6 but was="+state.getFrameHeaderData().getPayloadLength()); } else if(streamId != 0) throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.INVALID_STREAM_ID, streamId, "settings frame had stream id="+streamId); ByteBuffer payloadByteBuffer = bufferPool.createWithDataWrapper(payload); List<Http2Setting> settingsList = unmarshal(payloadByteBuffer); frame.setSettings(settingsList); bufferPool.releaseBuffer(payloadByteBuffer); return frame; } private List<Http2Setting> unmarshal(ByteBuffer payloadByteBuffer) { List<Http2Setting> settings = new ArrayList<>(); while (payloadByteBuffer.hasRemaining()) { int id = UnsignedData.getUnsignedShort(payloadByteBuffer); long value = UnsignedData.getUnsignedInt(payloadByteBuffer); Http2Setting http2Setting = new Http2Setting(id, value); settings.add(http2Setting); validate(http2Setting); } return settings; } private void validate(Http2Setting http2Setting) { SettingsParameter key = SettingsParameter.lookup(http2Setting.getId()); long value = http2Setting.getValue(); if(key == null) return; //unknown setting switch(key) { case SETTINGS_ENABLE_PUSH: if(value != 0 && value != 1) throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.INVALID_SETTING, 0, "push setting must be 0 or 1 but was="+value); break; case SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: validateWindowSize(value); break; case SETTINGS_MAX_FRAME_SIZE: validateMaxFrameSize(value); break; case SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: case SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: case SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("case statement missing new setting="+key+" with value="+value); } } private void validateWindowSize(long value) { // 2^31 - 1 - max flow control window int min = 0; int max = 2147483647; if(value < min || value > max) throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.SETTINGS_WINDOW_SIZE_INVALID, 0, "window size must be between "+min+" and "+max+" but was="+value); } private void validateMaxFrameSize(long value) { // frame size must be between 16384 and 2^24 - 1 int min = 16384; int max = 1677215; if(value < min || value > max) throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.INVALID_SETTING, 0, "window size must be between "+min+" and "+max+" but was="+value); } public List<Http2Setting> unmarshalPayload(String base64SettingsPayload) { Decoder decoder = Base64.getDecoder(); byte[] decoded = decoder.decode(base64SettingsPayload); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(decoded); return unmarshal(buf); } public String marshalPayload(List<Http2Setting> settingsPayload) { DataWrapper data = marshalOut(settingsPayload); byte[] byteBuf = data.createByteArray(); Encoder encoder = Base64.getEncoder(); return encoder.encodeToString(byteBuf); } private DataWrapper marshalOut(List<Http2Setting> settings) { DataWrapper dataPayload; ByteBuffer payload = bufferPool.nextBuffer(6 * settings.size()); for (Http2Setting setting : settings) { UnsignedData.putUnsignedShort(payload, setting.getId()); UnsignedData.putUnsignedInt(payload, setting.getValue()); } payload.flip(); dataPayload = dataGen.wrapByteBuffer(payload); return dataPayload; } }