package org.webpieces.templatingdev.impl.tags; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.AbstractTag; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.ScriptOutput; import org.webpieces.templatingdev.api.Token; public class IfGen extends AbstractTag { @Override public String getName() { return "if"; } @Override public void generateStart(ScriptOutput sourceCode, Token token, int uniqueId) { String cleanValue = token.getCleanValue(); int indexOf = cleanValue.indexOf(" "); if(indexOf < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("if statement is missing expression. " + "It must be #{if expression}# to work. "+token.getSourceLocation(true)); String expression = cleanValue.substring(indexOf+1); sourceCode.println("if ("+expression+") {", token); sourceCode.println(); } @Override public void generateEnd(ScriptOutput sourceCode, Token token, int uniqueId) { sourceCode.println("}", token); sourceCode.println(); } }