package org.webpieces.http2client; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.webpieces.http2client.api.Http2Client; import org.webpieces.http2client.api.Http2ClientFactory; import org.webpieces.http2client.api.Http2Socket; import org.webpieces.http2client.mock.MockChanMgr; import org.webpieces.http2client.mock.MockHttp2Channel; import org.webpieces.http2client.mock.Preface; import org.webpieces.http2client.util.Requests; import org.webpieces.mock.time.MockTime; import org.webpieces.util.threading.DirectExecutor; import com.webpieces.http2engine.api.client.Http2Config; import com.webpieces.http2engine.api.client.InjectionConfig; import com.webpieces.http2engine.impl.shared.HeaderSettings; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.SettingsFrame; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.Http2Msg; /** * Test this section of rfc.. * */ public class TestC3InitialHttpConnections { private MockChanMgr mockChanMgr = new MockChanMgr(); private MockHttp2Channel mockChannel = new MockHttp2Channel();; private Http2Socket socket; private HeaderSettings localSettings = Requests.createSomeSettings(); private MockTime mockTime = new MockTime(true); @Before public void setUp() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { mockChannel.setIncomingFrameDefaultReturnValue(CompletableFuture.completedFuture(mockChannel)); Http2Config config = new Http2Config(); config.setInitialRemoteMaxConcurrent(1); //start with 1 max concurrent config.setLocalSettings(localSettings); InjectionConfig injConfig = new InjectionConfig(new DirectExecutor(), mockTime, config); Http2Client client = Http2ClientFactory.createHttpClient(mockChanMgr, injConfig); mockChanMgr.addTCPChannelToReturn(mockChannel); socket = client.createHttpSocket("simple"); CompletableFuture<Http2Socket> connect = socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(555)); Assert.assertTrue(connect.isDone()); Assert.assertEquals(socket, connect.get()); } /** * Works with everyone but incurs a round trip overhead * * should send * * GET / HTTP/1.1 * Host: * Connection: Upgrade, HTTP2-Settings * Upgrade: h2c * HTTP2-Settings: <base64url encoding of HTTP/2 SETTINGS payload> * * Server sends * HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols * Connection: Upgrade * Upgrade: h2c * * The first HTTP/2 frame sent by the server MUST be a server connection preface (Section 3.5) * consisting of a SETTINGS frame (Section 6.5). Upon * receiving the 101 response, the client MUST send a connection preface * (Section 3.5), which includes a SETTINGS frame. */ @Test public void testSection3_2WithH2cTokenAfterUpgrade() { //not sure we need ever so implement only when we need it } /** * Only will work with webpieces and 'jetty with alpn installed' * * should send PRI * HTTP/2.0\r\n\r\nSM\r\n\r\n * and server sends back it's preface... * The server connection preface consists of a potentially empty SETTINGS * frame (Section 6.5) that MUST be the first frame the server sends in the HTTP/2 connection. * * SettingsFrame{streamId=0, ack=false, settings=[{SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE: 4096}, {SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: 1024}, {SETTINGS_INITIAL_WINDOW_SIZE: 65535}, {SETTINGS_MAX_HEADER_LIST_SIZE: 8192}]} * SettingsFrame{streamId=0, ack=true, settings=[]} */ @Test public void testSection3_4WithH2cTokenPriorKnowledge() { //verify settings on connect were sent List<Http2Msg> frames = mockChannel.getFramesAndClear(); Preface preface = (Preface) frames.get(0); preface.verify(); Http2Msg settings1 = frames.get(1); Assert.assertEquals(HeaderSettings.createSettingsFrame(localSettings), settings1); //server's settings frame is finally coming in as well with maxConcurrent=1 HeaderSettings settings = new HeaderSettings(); settings.setMaxConcurrentStreams(1L); mockChannel.write(HeaderSettings.createSettingsFrame(settings)); mockChannel.write(new SettingsFrame(true)); //ack client frame SettingsFrame clientAck = (SettingsFrame) mockChannel.getFrameAndClear(); Assert.assertEquals(true, clientAck.isAck()); } @Test public void testSection3_4WithH2cTokenFailsIfHttp1_1() { //do we want to implement? basically some weird parse error happens and we could catch //and say this appears not to be http2 to the client } }