package org.webpieces.templating.impl.tags; import; import java.util.Map; import org.webpieces.templating.api.ClosureUtil; import org.webpieces.templating.api.HtmlTag; import org.webpieces.templating.impl.GroovyTemplateSuperclass; import groovy.lang.Closure; public class HtmlGetTag implements HtmlTag { @Override public void runTag(Map<Object, Object> args, Closure<?> body, PrintWriter out, GroovyTemplateSuperclass template, String srcLocation) { Object name = args.get("defaultArgument"); if(name == null) name = args.get("key"); if (name == null) { //TODO: Figure out how to pass html line numbers and file name to tags for better reporting so we must //generate source code info in the groovy scriptlet to do this... throw new IllegalArgumentException("#{get}# tag needs single argument or an argument named 'key'"+srcLocation); } boolean isFailFast = true; Object failFast = args.get("failfast"); if(failFast != null && failFast instanceof Boolean) { isFailFast = (Boolean)failFast; } Object result = template.getSetTagProperty(name); if(result != null) { out.print(result); } else if(isFailFast) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("#{get "+name+"/}# failed since property='"+name+"' was not found. Perhaps you\n" + "forgot quotes around your argument? as it is then used as a variable if there are no quotes.\n" + "Another thing you could do is have the tag be #{get key:variable, failfast:false}# or #{get key:'name', failfast:false}# if\n" + "you would like it to not fail and just print whatever the body of the get is when the property is not found.\nlocation="+srcLocation); } else if(body != null){ //put the body of the #{get}#...body...#{/get}# into the page String value = ClosureUtil.toString(getName(), body, null); out.print(value); } } @Override public String getName() { return "get"; } }