package org.webpieces.nio.impl.ssl; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.function.Function; import; import; import; import; import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger; import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; import; import org.webpieces.nio.api.SSLEngineFactory; import org.webpieces.nio.api.SSLEngineFactoryWithHost; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.Channel; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.TCPChannel; import org.webpieces.nio.api.exceptions.NioClosedChannelException; import org.webpieces.nio.api.handlers.ConnectionListener; import org.webpieces.nio.api.handlers.DataListener; import org.webpieces.ssl.api.AsyncSSLEngine; import org.webpieces.ssl.api.AsyncSSLFactory; import org.webpieces.ssl.api.SslListener; public class SslTCPChannel extends SslChannel implements TCPChannel { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SslTCPChannel.class); private AsyncSSLEngine sslEngine; private SslTryCatchListener clientDataListener; private final TCPChannel realChannel; private SocketDataListener socketDataListener = new SocketDataListener(); private ConnectionListener conectionListener; private CompletableFuture<Channel> sslConnectfuture; private CompletableFuture<Channel> closeFuture; private SslListener sslListener = new OurSslListener(); private SSLEngineFactory sslFactory; private BufferPool pool; private ClientHelloParser parser; public SslTCPChannel(Function<SslListener, AsyncSSLEngine> function, TCPChannel realChannel) { super(realChannel); sslEngine = function.apply(sslListener ); this.realChannel = realChannel; } public SslTCPChannel(BufferPool pool, TCPChannel realChannel2, ConnectionListener connectionListener, SSLEngineFactory sslFactory) { super(realChannel2); this.pool = pool; parser = new ClientHelloParser(pool); this.realChannel = realChannel2; this.conectionListener = connectionListener; this.sslFactory = sslFactory; } @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> connect(SocketAddress addr, DataListener listener) { clientDataListener = new SslTryCatchListener(listener); CompletableFuture<Channel> future = realChannel.connect(addr, socketDataListener); return future.thenCompose( c -> beginHandshake()); } public SocketDataListener getSocketDataListener() { return socketDataListener; } private CompletableFuture<Channel> beginHandshake() { sslConnectfuture = new CompletableFuture<Channel>(); sslEngine.beginHandshake(); return sslConnectfuture; } @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> write(ByteBuffer b) { if(b.remaining() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must pass in bytebuffers that contain data. b.remaining==0 in this buffer"); return sslEngine.feedPlainPacket(b).thenApply(v -> this); } @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> close() { closeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); if(sslEngine == null) { //this happens in the case where encryption link was not yet established(or even started for that matter) //ie. HttpFrontend does a timeout on incoming client connections to the server so if someone connects to ssl, it //times out and closes it return realChannel.close(); } sslEngine.close(); return closeFuture.thenApply(channel -> actuallyCloseSocket(channel, realChannel)); } private Channel actuallyCloseSocket(Channel sslChannel, Channel realChannel) { realChannel.close(); return sslChannel; } private class OurSslListener implements SslListener { @Override public void encryptedLinkEstablished() { if(sslConnectfuture != null) sslConnectfuture.complete(SslTCPChannel.this); else { CompletableFuture<DataListener> future = conectionListener.connected(SslTCPChannel.this, true); if(!future.isDone()) conectionListener.failed(SslTCPChannel.this, new IllegalArgumentException("Client did not return a datalistener")); try { clientDataListener = new SslTryCatchListener(future.get()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } @Override public CompletableFuture<Void> packetEncrypted(ByteBuffer engineToSocketData) { return realChannel.write(engineToSocketData).thenApply(c -> empty()); } public Void empty() { return null; } @Override public void sendEncryptedHandshakeData(ByteBuffer engineToSocketData) { try { realChannel.write(engineToSocketData); } catch(NioClosedChannelException e) {"Remote end closed before handshake was finished. (nothing we can do about that)"); } //we don't care about future as we won't write anything out anyways until we get //data back and we have not fired connected to client so he should also not be writing yet too } @Override public void packetUnencrypted(ByteBuffer out) { clientDataListener.incomingData(SslTCPChannel.this, out); } @Override public void runTask(Runnable r) { //we are multithreaded underneath anyways using SessionExecutor so //we mine as well run this on same thread.; } @Override public void closed(boolean clientInitiated) { if(!clientInitiated) clientDataListener.farEndClosed(SslTCPChannel.this); else if(closeFuture == null) throw new RuntimeException("bug, this should not be possible"); else closeFuture.complete(SslTCPChannel.this); } } private class SocketDataListener implements DataListener { @Override public void incomingData(Channel channel, ByteBuffer b) { if(sslEngine == null) { b = setupSSLEngine(channel, b); if(b == null) return; //not fully setup yet } sslEngine.feedEncryptedPacket(b); } private ByteBuffer setupSSLEngine(Channel channel, ByteBuffer b) { try { return setupSSLEngineImpl(channel, b); } catch (SSLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private ByteBuffer setupSSLEngineImpl(Channel channel, ByteBuffer b) throws SSLException { if(sslFactory instanceof SSLEngineFactoryWithHost) { SSLEngineFactoryWithHost sslFactoryWithHost = (SSLEngineFactoryWithHost) sslFactory; ParseResult result = parser.fetchServerNamesIfEntirePacketAvailable(b); List<String> sniServerNames = result.getNames(); if(sniServerNames.size() == 0) { log.error("SNI servernames missing from client. channel="+channel.getRemoteAddress()); } else if(sniServerNames.size() > 1) { log.error("SNI servernames are too many. names="+sniServerNames+" channel="+channel.getRemoteAddress()); } String host = sniServerNames.get(0); SSLEngine engine = sslFactoryWithHost.createSslEngine(host); sslEngine = AsyncSSLFactory.create(realChannel+"", engine, pool, sslListener); return result.getBuffer(); // return the full accumulated packet(which may just be the buffer passed in above) } else { SSLEngine engine = sslFactory.createSslEngine(); sslEngine = AsyncSSLFactory.create(realChannel+"", engine, pool, sslListener); return b; } } @Override public void farEndClosed(Channel channel) { if(clientDataListener != null) clientDataListener.farEndClosed(SslTCPChannel.this); } @Override public void failure(Channel channel, ByteBuffer data, Exception e) { clientDataListener.failure(SslTCPChannel.this, data, e); } @Override public void applyBackPressure(Channel channel) { clientDataListener.applyBackPressure(SslTCPChannel.this); } @Override public void releaseBackPressure(Channel channel) { clientDataListener.releaseBackPressure(SslTCPChannel.this); } } public SSLEngine createSslEngine() { try { // Create/initialize the SSLContext with key material InputStream in = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("selfsigned.jks"); char[] passphrase = "password".toCharArray(); // First initialize the key and trust material. KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS"); ks.load(in, passphrase); SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS"); //****************Server side specific********************* // KeyManager's decide which key material to use. KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509"); kmf.init(ks, passphrase); sslContext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, null); //****************Server side specific********************* SSLEngine engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(); engine.setUseClientMode(false); return engine; } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public boolean getKeepAlive() { return realChannel.getKeepAlive(); } @Override public void setKeepAlive(boolean b) { realChannel.setKeepAlive(b); } public DataListener getDataListener() { return socketDataListener; } @Override public boolean isSslChannel() { return true; } }