package com.webpieces.hpack.impl; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import com.twitter.hpack.Decoder; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.ConnectionException; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.Http2Exception; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.ParseFailReason; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.StreamException; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.Http2Header; public class HeaderDecoding { public void setMaxHeaderTableSize(Decoder decoder, int newSize) { synchronized(decoder) { decoder.setMaxHeaderTableSize(newSize); } } public List<Http2Header> decode(Decoder decoder, DataWrapper data, int streamId) { try { return decodeImpl(decoder, data, streamId); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO: this doesn't catch the h2spec -s 4.3 invalid header block fragment throw new ConnectionException(ParseFailReason.HEADER_DECODE, streamId, "Error from hpack library", e); //TODO: clone hpack and fix so they throw with debug info as their errors contain no info :( } } private List<Http2Header> decodeImpl(Decoder decoder, DataWrapper data, int streamId) throws IOException { List<Http2Header> headers = new ArrayList<>(); byte[] bytes = data.createByteArray(); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); //keep this synchronized very very small... synchronized(decoder) { decoder.decode(in, (n, v, s) -> addToHeaders(headers, n, v, s, streamId)); decoder.endHeaderBlock(); return headers; } } private Object addToHeaders(List<Http2Header> headers, byte[] name, byte[] value, boolean sensitive, int streamId) { String h = new String(name); String v = new String(value); if(!h.equals(h.toLowerCase())) throw new StreamException(ParseFailReason.HEADER_NOT_LOWER_CASE, streamId, "header="+h+" was not lower case in stream="+streamId); headers.add(new Http2Header(h, v)); return null; } }