package org.webpieces.frontend2.impl; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.webpieces.frontend2.api.FrontendSocket; import org.webpieces.frontend2.api.HttpRequestListener; import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.Memento; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.TCPChannel; import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger; import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; import com.webpieces.http2engine.api.ConnectionReset; import com.webpieces.http2engine.api.StreamWriter; import com.webpieces.http2engine.api.server.Http2ServerEngine; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.RstStreamFrame; import com.webpieces.http2parser.api.dto.lib.Http2ErrorCode; public class FrontendSocketImpl implements FrontendSocket { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FrontendSocketImpl.class); private TCPChannel channel; private ProtocolType protocol; private Memento http1_1ParseState; private Http2ServerEngine http2Engine; private StreamWriter writer; private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Http1_1StreamImpl> http11Queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private boolean isClosed; public FrontendSocketImpl(TCPChannel channel, ProtocolType protocol) { = channel; this.protocol = protocol; } public ProtocolType getProtocol() { return protocol; } @Override public void close(String reason) { //need to do goAway here internalClose(); } public void internalClose() { channel.close(); } public void setHttp1_1ParseState(Memento parseState) { this.http1_1ParseState = parseState; } public Memento getHttp1_1ParseState() { return http1_1ParseState; } public void setProtocol(ProtocolType protocol) { this.protocol = protocol; } public void setHttp2Engine(Http2ServerEngine engine) { this.http2Engine = engine; } public Http2ServerEngine getHttp2Engine() { return http2Engine; } public TCPChannel getChannel() { return channel; } public void addWriter(StreamWriter writer) { this.writer = writer; } public StreamWriter getWriter() { return writer; } public void setAddStream(Http1_1StreamImpl stream) { http11Queue.add(stream); } public void removeStream(Http1_1StreamImpl http1_1StreamImpl) { if(isClosed) throw new IllegalStateException("The socket is closed(the far end most likely closed it)"); Http1_1StreamImpl str = http11Queue.poll(); if(str != http1_1StreamImpl) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bug, these streams should always match"); } public Http1_1StreamImpl getCurrentStream() { if(isClosed) throw new IllegalStateException("The socket is closed(the far end most likely closed it)"); return http11Queue.peek(); } public void farEndClosed(HttpRequestListener httpListener) { isClosed = true; ConnectionReset f = new ConnectionReset("The far end closed the socket", true); f.setKnownErrorCode(Http2ErrorCode.CONNECT_ERROR); if(protocol == ProtocolType.HTTP1_1) { cancelAllStreams(httpListener, f); } } private void cancelAllStreams(HttpRequestListener httpListener, ConnectionReset f) { while(true) { Http1_1StreamImpl poll = http11Queue.poll(); if(poll == null) break; fireCancel(httpListener, f, poll); } } private void fireCancel(HttpRequestListener httpListener, ConnectionReset f, Http1_1StreamImpl poll) { try { httpListener.cancelRequest(poll, f); } catch(Throwable e) { log.warn("exception from stream trying to cancel. swallowing and continuing", e); } } }