package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger; import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory; import; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.Channel; import org.webpieces.nio.api.channels.ChannelSession; import org.webpieces.nio.api.exceptions.NioClosedChannelException; import org.webpieces.nio.api.exceptions.NioException; import org.webpieces.nio.api.handlers.DataListener; import org.webpieces.nio.api.handlers.RecordingDataListener; import org.webpieces.nio.impl.util.ChannelSessionImpl; /** * @author Dean Hiller */ public abstract class BasChannelImpl extends RegisterableChannelImpl implements Channel { private static final Logger apiLog = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Channel.class); private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasChannelImpl.class); private ChannelSession session = new ChannelSessionImpl(); private long waitingBytesCounter = 0; private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<WriteInfo> dataToBeWritten = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<WriteInfo>(); private boolean isClosed = false; private boolean doNotAllowWrites; private int maxBytesWaitingSize = 500_000; //0.5 megabyte before telling client to backpressure the channel private AtomicBoolean applyingBackpressure = new AtomicBoolean(false); private boolean isRegisterdForReads; private BufferPool pool; private DataListener dataListener; private Object writeLock = new Object(); private boolean inDelayedWriteMode; private boolean isRecording; protected SocketAddress isConnectingTo; public BasChannelImpl(IdObject id, SelectorManager2 selMgr, BufferPool pool) { super(id, selMgr); this.pool = pool; this.isRecording = false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see biz.xsoftware.nio.RegisterableChannelImpl#getRealChannel() */ public abstract SelectableChannel getRealChannel(); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public abstract boolean isBlocking(); public abstract int readImpl(ByteBuffer b); protected abstract int writeImpl(ByteBuffer b); @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> connect(SocketAddress addr, DataListener listener) { this.dataListener = listener; if(isRecording) dataListener = new RecordingDataListener("singleThreaded-", listener); CompletableFuture<Channel> future = connectImpl(addr); return future.thenApply(c -> { registerForReads(dataListener); return c; }); } protected abstract CompletableFuture<Channel> connectImpl(SocketAddress addr); private void unqueueAndFailWritesThenClose(CloseRunnable action) { List<CompletableFuture<Channel>> promises; synchronized(this) { //put here for emphasis that we are synchronizing here but not below promises = failAllWritesInQueue(); } //TODO: This should really be inlined now. It's a remnant of an old design since close didn't //work well outside the selector thread previously action.runDelayedAction(); //we used to do this to put the close on the selector thread but if writes are held up it won't work //registerForWritesOrClose(); //notify clients outside the synchronization block!!! for(CompletableFuture<Channel> promise : promises) {"WRITES outstanding while close was called, notifying client through his failure method of the exception"); //we only incur the cost of Throwable.fillInStackTrace() if we will use this exception //(it's called in the Throwable constructor) so we don't do this on every close channel NioClosedChannelException closeExc = new NioClosedChannelException("There are "+promises.size() +" writes that are not complete yet(you called write but " + "they did not call success back to the client)."); promise.completeExceptionally(closeExc); } } @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> write(ByteBuffer b) { if(b.remaining() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer has no data"); else if(!getSelectorManager().isRunning()) throw new IllegalStateException(this+"ChannelManager must be running and is stopped"); else if(isClosed) throw new NioClosedChannelException(this+"Client cannot write after the client closed the socket"); else if(doNotAllowWrites) throw new IllegalStateException("This channel is in a failed state. " + "failure functions were called so look for exceptions from them"); apiLog.trace(()->this+"Basic.write"); CompletableFuture<Channel> future = new CompletableFuture<Channel>(); boolean wroteAllData = writeSynchronized(b, future); if(wroteAllData) { //since we didn't switch and were not in this mode, complete the action outside sync block pool.releaseBuffer(b); future.complete(this); log.trace(()->this+" wrote bytes on client thread"); } else { log.trace(()->this+"sent write to queue"); } return future; } private boolean writeSynchronized(ByteBuffer b, CompletableFuture<Channel> future) { //I feel like there is a bit too much in this sync block BUT this is also an extremely complex problem and //VERY VERY VERY easy to get wrong. The calls I don't really like in here are registerForWrites() //and dataListener.applyBackPressure but both are pretty complex AND it is very important to not have //race conditions between //1. turning on and off write registration with the selector //2. turning on and off back pressure with the client //These operations need to get to the selector or client IN ORDER and not have race conditions to work //The corresponding code to worry about is writeAll method which reads from the waitingWriters synchronized (writeLock ) { if(!inDelayedWriteMode) { int totalToWriteOut = b.remaining(); int written = writeImpl(b); if(written != totalToWriteOut) { if(b.remaining() + written != totalToWriteOut) throw new IllegalStateException("Something went wrong. b.remaining()="+b.remaining()+" written="+written+" total="+totalToWriteOut); registerForWrites(); inDelayedWriteMode = true; } else return true; } WriteInfo holder = new WriteInfo(b, future); dataToBeWritten.add(holder); boolean needToApplyBackpressure = false; waitingBytesCounter += b.remaining(); if(waitingBytesCounter > maxBytesWaitingSize) { needToApplyBackpressure = true; } boolean changedValue = applyingBackpressure.compareAndSet(false, needToApplyBackpressure); if(needToApplyBackpressure && changedValue) { //we only fire when the value of applyingBackpressure changes //Also, this is a real PITA since we must do this in the sync block and I don't like calling //customers in a sync block though thankfully most won't use the single threaded channelmanager. //The reason is that if this is outside sync block, just before executor.execute({Runnable with call to //applyBackPressure}) is called (run from the writer thread that is), the channelmanager thread //can then call releaseBackPressure and that can beat applyBackPressure up the stack(and has) //This results in the client permanently enabling pressure since it is the last call....when //we need releaseBackPressure to always be after apply. dataListener.applyBackPressure(this); } } return false; } //synchronized with writeAll as both try to go through every element in the queue //while most of the time there will be no contention(only on the close do we hit this) private synchronized List<CompletableFuture<Channel>> failAllWritesInQueue() { doNotAllowWrites = true; List<CompletableFuture<Channel>> copy = new ArrayList<>(); while(!dataToBeWritten.isEmpty()) { WriteInfo runnable = dataToBeWritten.remove(); ByteBuffer buffer = runnable.getBuffer(); buffer.position(buffer.limit()); //mark buffer read before releasing it pool.releaseBuffer(buffer); copy.add(runnable.getPromise()); } waitingBytesCounter = 0; return copy; } private void registerForWrites() { log.trace(()->this+"registering channel for write msg. size="+dataToBeWritten.size()); getSelectorManager().registerSelectableChannel(this, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, null); } /** * This method is reading from the queue and writing out to the socket buffers that * did not get written out when client called write. * */ void writeAll() { List<CompletableFuture<Channel>> finishedPromises = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized(writeLock) { if(dataToBeWritten.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalStateException("bug, I am not sure this is shouldn't be...look into"); while(!dataToBeWritten.isEmpty()) { WriteInfo writer = dataToBeWritten.peek(); ByteBuffer buffer = writer.getBuffer(); int initialSize = buffer.remaining(); int wroteOut = this.writeImpl(buffer); if(buffer.hasRemaining()) { if(buffer.remaining() + wroteOut != initialSize) throw new IllegalStateException("Something went wrong. b.remaining()="+buffer.remaining()+" written="+wroteOut+" total="+initialSize); log.trace(()->this+"Did not write all data out"); int leftOverSize = buffer.remaining(); int writtenOut = initialSize - leftOverSize; waitingBytesCounter -= writtenOut; break; } //if it finished, remove the item from the queue. It //does not need to be run again. dataToBeWritten.poll(); //release bytebuffer back to pool pool.releaseBuffer(writer.getBuffer()); waitingBytesCounter -= initialSize; finishedPromises.add(writer.getPromise()); } //we are only applying backpressure when queue is too large boolean applyPressure = !dataToBeWritten.isEmpty(); boolean changedValue = applyingBackpressure.compareAndSet(true, applyPressure); if(!applyPressure && changedValue) { //we only fire when the value of applyingBackpressure changes dataListener.releaseBackPressure(this); } //we are registered for writes with ANY size queue if(dataToBeWritten.isEmpty() && inDelayedWriteMode) { inDelayedWriteMode = false; log.trace(()->this+"unregister writes"); Helper.unregisterSelectableChannel(this, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE); } } //MAKE SURE to notify clients outside of synchronization block so no deadlocks with their locks for(CompletableFuture<Channel> promise : finishedPromises) { promise.complete(this); } } public void bind(SocketAddress addr) { if(!(addr instanceof InetSocketAddress)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(this+"Can only bind to InetSocketAddress addressses"); apiLog.trace(()->this+"Basic.bind called addr="+addr); try { bindImpl(addr); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NioException(e); } } private void bindImpl(SocketAddress addr) throws IOException { try { bindImpl2(addr); } catch(Error e) { //NOTE: jdk was throwing Error instead of BindException. We fix //this and throw BindException which is the logical choice!! //We are crossing our fingers hoping there are not other SocketExceptions //from things other than address already in use!!! if(e.getCause() instanceof SocketException) { BindException exc = new BindException(e.getMessage()); exc.initCause(e.getCause()); throw exc; } throw e; } } /** * * @param addr * @throws IOException */ protected abstract void bindImpl2(SocketAddress addr) throws IOException; void registerForReads(DataListener l) { this.dataListener = l; registerForReads(); } public CompletableFuture<Channel> registerForReads() { if(dataListener == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(this+"listener cannot be null"); else if(!isConnecting() && !isConnected()) { throw new IllegalStateException(this+"Must call one of the connect methods first(ie. connect THEN register for reads)"); } else if(isClosed()) throw new IllegalStateException("Channel is closed"); apiLog.trace(()->this+"Basic.registerForReads called"); try { return getSelectorManager().registerChannelForRead(this, dataListener).thenApply(v -> { isRegisterdForReads = true; return this; }); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NioException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new NioException(e); } } public CompletableFuture<Channel> unregisterForReads() { apiLog.trace(()->this+"Basic.unregisterForReads called"); try { isRegisterdForReads = false; return getSelectorManager().unregisterChannelForRead(this).thenApply(v -> this); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NioException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new NioException(e); } } protected void setConnecting(SocketAddress addr) { this.isConnectingTo = addr; } protected boolean isConnecting() { return this.isConnectingTo != null; } protected void setClosed(boolean b) { isClosed = b; } @Override public CompletableFuture<Channel> close() { //To prevent the following exception, in the readImpl method, we //check if the socket is already closed, and if it is we don't read //and just return -1 to indicate socket closed. CompletableFuture<Channel> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); try { apiLog.trace(()->this+"Basic.close called"); if(!getRealChannel().isOpen()) { future.complete(this); return future; } setClosed(true); CloseRunnable runnable = new CloseRunnable(this, future); unqueueAndFailWritesThenClose(runnable); } catch(Exception e) { log.error(this+"Exception closing channel", e); future.completeExceptionally(e); } return future; } public void closeOnSelectorThread() throws IOException { setClosed(true); closeImpl(); } protected abstract void closeImpl() throws IOException; public ChannelSession getSession() { return session; } @Override public void setMaxBytesWriteBackupSize(int maxQueueSize) { this.maxBytesWaitingSize = maxQueueSize; } @Override public int getMaxBytesBackupSize() { return maxBytesWaitingSize; } public boolean isRegisteredForReads() { return isRegisterdForReads; } }