package org.webpieces.templating.impl.tags; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.webpieces.templating.api.HtmlTag; import org.webpieces.templating.impl.GroovyTemplateSuperclass; import; import; import groovy.lang.Closure; public class BootstrapModalTag implements HtmlTag { private Set<String> excludes = Sets.newHashSet("route", "modalId", "linkId"); public static final int AJAX_REDIRECT_CODE = 287; // generates this..... // // $(document).ready(function() { // $("#editLink_1").click(function(e){ // $('#addEditPatternModal').load('/ajax/user/edit/999999', function(){ // $("#addEditPatternModal").modal('show'); // }); // }); // }); // </script> @Override public void runTag(Map<Object, Object> args, Closure<?> body, PrintWriter out, GroovyTemplateSuperclass template, String srcLocation) { Object route = args.get("route"); Object modalId = args.get("modalId"); Object linkId = args.get("linkId"); if(route == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("#{bootstrapModal/}# tag must contain a route argument like #{bootstrapModal route:@[AJAX_EDIT_USER_FORM, id:'{id}']@}#. "+srcLocation); else if(modalId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("#{bootstrapModal/}# tag must contain a modalId argument like #{bootstrapModal modalId:'addEditModal'}#. "+srcLocation); else if(linkId == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("#{bootstrapModal/}# tag must contain a linkId argument like #{bootstrapModal linkId:'edit_'}#. "+srcLocation); else if(body != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only #{bootstrapModal/}# can be used. You cannot do #{bootstrapModal}# #{/bootstrapModal} as the body is not used with this tag"+srcLocation); String urlPath = fillInUrlParams(route+"", args); printXX(out, "<script type=`text/javascript`>"); println(out, " $(document).ready(function() {"); printXX(out, " $(`#"+linkId+"`).click(function(e){"); println(out, " $('#"+modalId+"').load('"+urlPath+"', function(response, status, xhr){"); println(out, " if (xhr.status == "+AJAX_REDIRECT_CODE+") {"); println(out, " window.location = xhr.getResponseHeader('Location')"); println(out, " } else {"); printXX(out, " $(`#"+modalId+"`).modal('show');"); println(out, " }"); println(out, " });"); println(out, " });"); println(out, " });"); println(out, "</script>"); } private String fillInUrlParams(String route, Map<Object, Object> args) { String modifiedRoute = URLEncoder.decode(route, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); for(Entry<Object, Object> entry : args.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey()+""; if(excludes.contains(key)) continue; String value = entry.getValue()+""; String encodedValue = URLEncoder.encode(value, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); modifiedRoute = modifiedRoute.replace("{"+key+"}", encodedValue); } return modifiedRoute; } private void println(PrintWriter out, String string) { out.println(string); } private void printXX(PrintWriter out, String string) { out.println(string.replace("`", "\"")); } @Override public String getName() { return "bootstrapModal"; } }