package org.apache.solr.handler; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import; import java.util.Stack; import; import org.apache.noggit.JSONParser; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputField; import org.apache.solr.common.util.ContentStream; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.update.AddUpdateCommand; import org.apache.solr.update.CommitUpdateCommand; import org.apache.solr.update.DeleteUpdateCommand; import org.apache.solr.update.RollbackUpdateCommand; import org.apache.solr.update.processor.UpdateRequestProcessor; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * @since solr 4.0 */ class JsonLoader extends ContentStreamLoader { final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( JsonLoader.class ); protected UpdateRequestProcessor processor; public JsonLoader(UpdateRequestProcessor processor) { this.processor = processor; } @Override public void load(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, ContentStream stream) throws Exception { errHeader = "JSONLoader: " + stream.getSourceInfo(); Reader reader = null; try { reader = stream.getReader(); if (XmlUpdateRequestHandler.log.isTraceEnabled()) { String body = IOUtils.toString(reader); XmlUpdateRequestHandler.log.trace("body", body); reader = new StringReader(body); } JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(reader); this.processUpdate(processor, parser); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } void processUpdate(UpdateRequestProcessor processor, JSONParser parser) throws IOException { int ev = parser.nextEvent(); while( ev != JSONParser.EOF ) { switch( ev ) { case JSONParser.STRING: if( parser.wasKey() ) { String v = parser.getString(); if( v.equals( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.ADD ) ) { processor.processAdd( parseAdd( parser ) ); } else if( v.equals( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.COMMIT ) ) { CommitUpdateCommand cmd = new CommitUpdateCommand( false ); cmd.waitFlush = cmd.waitSearcher = true; parseCommitOptions( parser, cmd ); processor.processCommit( cmd ); } else if( v.equals( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.OPTIMIZE ) ) { CommitUpdateCommand cmd = new CommitUpdateCommand( true ); cmd.waitFlush = cmd.waitSearcher = true; parseCommitOptions( parser, cmd ); processor.processCommit( cmd ); } else if( v.equals( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.DELETE ) ) { processor.processDelete( parseDelete( parser ) ); } else if( v.equals( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.ROLLBACK ) ) { processor.processRollback( parseRollback( parser ) ); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown command: "+v+" ["+parser.getPosition()+"]" ); } break; } // fall through case JSONParser.LONG: case JSONParser.NUMBER: case JSONParser.BIGNUMBER: case JSONParser.BOOLEAN: "can't have a value here! " +JSONParser.getEventString(ev)+" "+parser.getPosition() ); case JSONParser.OBJECT_START: case JSONParser.OBJECT_END: case JSONParser.ARRAY_START: case JSONParser.ARRAY_END: break; default: System.out.println("UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID:"+ev); break; } // read the next event ev = parser.nextEvent(); } } DeleteUpdateCommand parseDelete(JSONParser js) throws IOException { assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_START ); DeleteUpdateCommand cmd = new DeleteUpdateCommand(); cmd.fromCommitted = cmd.fromPending = true; // TODO? enable this? while( true ) { int ev = js.nextEvent(); if( ev == JSONParser.STRING ) { String key = js.getString(); if( js.wasKey() ) { if( "id".equals( key ) ) { = js.getString(); } else if( "query".equals(key) ) { cmd.query = js.getString(); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown key: "+key+" ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else { throw new IOException( "invalid string: " + key +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else if( ev == JSONParser.OBJECT_END ) { if( == null && cmd.query == null ) { throw new IOException( "Missing id or query for delete ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } return cmd; } else { throw new IOException( "Got: "+JSONParser.getEventString( ev ) +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } } RollbackUpdateCommand parseRollback(JSONParser js) throws IOException { assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_START ); assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_END ); return new RollbackUpdateCommand(); } void parseCommitOptions( JSONParser js, CommitUpdateCommand cmd ) throws IOException { assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_START ); while( true ) { int ev = js.nextEvent(); if( ev == JSONParser.STRING ) { String key = js.getString(); if( js.wasKey() ) { if( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.WAIT_SEARCHER.equals( key ) ) { cmd.waitSearcher = js.getBoolean(); } else if( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.WAIT_FLUSH.equals( key ) ) { cmd.waitFlush = js.getBoolean(); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown key: "+key+" ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else { throw new IOException( "invalid string: " + key +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else if( ev == JSONParser.OBJECT_END ) { return; } else { throw new IOException( "Got: "+JSONParser.getEventString( ev ) +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } } AddUpdateCommand parseAdd( JSONParser js ) throws IOException { assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_START ); AddUpdateCommand cmd = new AddUpdateCommand(); cmd.allowDups = false; float boost = 1.0f; while( true ) { int ev = js.nextEvent(); if( ev == JSONParser.STRING ) { if( js.wasKey() ) { String key = js.getString(); if( "doc".equals( key ) ) { if( cmd.solrDoc != null ) { throw new IOException( "multiple docs in same add command" ); } ev = assertNextEvent( js, JSONParser.OBJECT_START ); cmd.solrDoc = parseDoc( ev, js ); } else if( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.OVERWRITE.equals( key ) ) { cmd.allowDups = !js.getBoolean(); // reads next boolean } else if( XmlUpdateRequestHandler.COMMIT_WITHIN.equals( key ) ) { cmd.commitWithin = (int)js.getLong(); } else if( "boost".equals( key ) ) { boost = Float.parseFloat( js.getNumberChars().toString() ); } else { throw new IOException( "Unknown key: "+key+" ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else { throw new IOException( "Should be a key " +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else if( ev == JSONParser.OBJECT_END ) { if( cmd.solrDoc == null ) { throw new IOException("missing solr document. "+js.getPosition() ); } cmd.solrDoc.setDocumentBoost( boost ); cmd.overwriteCommitted = !cmd.allowDups; cmd.overwritePending = !cmd.allowDups; return cmd; } else { throw new IOException( "Got: "+JSONParser.getEventString( ev ) +" at ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } } int assertNextEvent( JSONParser parser, int ev ) throws IOException { int got = parser.nextEvent(); if( ev != got ) { throw new IOException( "Expected: "+JSONParser.getEventString( ev ) +" but got "+JSONParser.getEventString( got ) +" at ["+parser.getPosition()+"]" ); } return got; } SolrInputDocument parseDoc( int ev, JSONParser js ) throws IOException { Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<Object>(); Object obj = null; boolean inArray = false; if( ev != JSONParser.OBJECT_START ) { throw new IOException( "object should already be started" ); } while( true ) { //System.out.println( ev + "["+JSONParser.getEventString(ev)+"] "+js.wasKey() ); //+ js.getString() ); switch (ev) { case JSONParser.STRING: if( js.wasKey() ) { obj = stack.peek(); String v = js.getString(); if( obj instanceof SolrInputField ) { SolrInputField field = (SolrInputField)obj; if( "boost".equals( v ) ) { ev = js.nextEvent(); if( ev != JSONParser.NUMBER && ev != JSONParser.LONG && ev != JSONParser.BIGNUMBER ) { throw new IOException( "boost should have number! "+JSONParser.getEventString(ev) ); } field.setBoost( Float.valueOf( js.getNumberChars().toString() ) ); } else if( "value".equals( v ) ) { // nothing special... stack.push( field ); // so it can be popped } else { throw new IOException( "invalid key: "+v + " ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else if( obj instanceof SolrInputDocument ) { SolrInputDocument doc = (SolrInputDocument)obj; SolrInputField f = doc.get( v ); if( f == null ) { f = new SolrInputField( v ); doc.put( f.getName(), f ); } stack.push( f ); } else { throw new IOException( "hymmm ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } else { addValToField(stack, js.getString(), inArray, js); } break; case JSONParser.LONG: case JSONParser.NUMBER: case JSONParser.BIGNUMBER: addValToField(stack, js.getNumberChars().toString(), inArray, js); break; case JSONParser.BOOLEAN: addValToField(stack, js.getBoolean(),inArray, js); break; case JSONParser.OBJECT_START: if( stack.isEmpty() ) { stack.push( new SolrInputDocument() ); } else { obj = stack.peek(); if( obj instanceof SolrInputField ) { // should alreay be pushed... } else { throw new IOException( "should not start new object with: "+obj + " ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } } break; case JSONParser.OBJECT_END: obj = stack.pop(); if( obj instanceof SolrInputDocument ) { return (SolrInputDocument)obj; } else if( obj instanceof SolrInputField ) { // should already be pushed... } else { throw new IOException( "should not start new object with: "+obj + " ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } break; case JSONParser.ARRAY_START: inArray = true; break; case JSONParser.ARRAY_END: inArray = false; stack.pop(); // the val should have done it... break; default: System.out.println("UNKNOWN_EVENT_ID:"+ev); break; } ev = js.nextEvent(); if( ev == JSONParser.EOF ) { throw new IOException( "should finish doc first!" ); } } } static void addValToField( Stack stack, Object val, boolean inArray, JSONParser js ) throws IOException { Object obj = stack.peek(); if( !(obj instanceof SolrInputField) ) { throw new IOException( "hymmm ["+js.getPosition()+"]" ); } SolrInputField f = inArray ? (SolrInputField)obj : (SolrInputField)stack.pop(); float boost = (f.getValue()==null)?f.getBoost():1.0f; f.addValue( val,boost ); } }