package org.apache.lucene.index; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.ArrayUtil; import org.apache.lucene.util.RamUsageEstimator; /** This is a DocFieldConsumer that writes stored fields. */ final class StoredFieldsWriter { FieldsWriter fieldsWriter; final DocumentsWriter docWriter; final FieldInfos fieldInfos; int lastDocID; private String docStoreSegment; PerDoc[] docFreeList = new PerDoc[1]; int freeCount; public StoredFieldsWriter(DocumentsWriter docWriter, FieldInfos fieldInfos) { this.docWriter = docWriter; this.fieldInfos = fieldInfos; } public StoredFieldsWriterPerThread addThread(DocumentsWriter.DocState docState) throws IOException { return new StoredFieldsWriterPerThread(docState, this); } synchronized public void flush(SegmentWriteState state) throws IOException { if (state.numDocsInStore > 0) { // It's possible that all documents seen in this segment // hit non-aborting exceptions, in which case we will // not have yet init'd the FieldsWriter: initFieldsWriter(); // Fill fdx file to include any final docs that we // skipped because they hit non-aborting exceptions fill(state.numDocsInStore - docWriter.getDocStoreOffset()); } if (fieldsWriter != null) fieldsWriter.flush(); } private synchronized void initFieldsWriter() throws IOException { if (fieldsWriter == null) { docStoreSegment = docWriter.getDocStoreSegment(); if (docStoreSegment != null) { fieldsWriter = new FieldsWriter(, docStoreSegment, fieldInfos); docWriter.addOpenFile(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(docStoreSegment, "", IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION)); docWriter.addOpenFile(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(docStoreSegment, "", IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION)); lastDocID = 0; } } } synchronized public void closeDocStore(SegmentWriteState state) throws IOException { final int inc = state.numDocsInStore - lastDocID; if (inc > 0) { initFieldsWriter(); fill(state.numDocsInStore - docWriter.getDocStoreOffset()); } if (fieldsWriter != null) { fieldsWriter.close(); fieldsWriter = null; assert docStoreSegment != null; assert state.docStoreSegmentName != null; assert docStoreSegment.equals(state.docStoreSegmentName): "fieldsWriter wrote to segment=" + docStoreSegment + " vs SegmentWriteState segment=" + state.docStoreSegmentName; lastDocID = 0; String fieldsName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.docStoreSegmentName, "", IndexFileNames.FIELDS_EXTENSION); String fieldsIdxName = IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(state.docStoreSegmentName, "", IndexFileNames.FIELDS_INDEX_EXTENSION); state.flushedFiles.add(fieldsName); state.flushedFiles.add(fieldsIdxName); docWriter.removeOpenFile(fieldsName); docWriter.removeOpenFile(fieldsIdxName); if (4+((long) state.numDocsInStore)*8 != throw new RuntimeException("after flush: fdx size mismatch: " + state.numDocsInStore + " docs vs " + + " length in bytes of " + fieldsIdxName + " file exists?=" +; } } int allocCount; synchronized PerDoc getPerDoc() { if (freeCount == 0) { allocCount++; if (allocCount > docFreeList.length) { // Grow our free list up front to make sure we have // enough space to recycle all outstanding PerDoc // instances assert allocCount == 1+docFreeList.length; docFreeList = new PerDoc[ArrayUtil.oversize(allocCount, RamUsageEstimator.NUM_BYTES_OBJECT_REF)]; } return new PerDoc(); } else return docFreeList[--freeCount]; } synchronized void abort() { if (fieldsWriter != null) { try { fieldsWriter.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { } fieldsWriter = null; lastDocID = 0; } } /** Fills in any hole in the docIDs */ void fill(int docID) throws IOException { final int docStoreOffset = docWriter.getDocStoreOffset(); // We must "catch up" for all docs before us // that had no stored fields: final int end = docID+docStoreOffset; while(lastDocID < end) { fieldsWriter.skipDocument(); lastDocID++; } } synchronized void finishDocument(PerDoc perDoc) throws IOException { assert docWriter.writer.testPoint("StoredFieldsWriter.finishDocument start"); initFieldsWriter(); fill(perDoc.docID); // Append stored fields to the real FieldsWriter: fieldsWriter.flushDocument(perDoc.numStoredFields, perDoc.fdt); lastDocID++; perDoc.reset(); free(perDoc); assert docWriter.writer.testPoint("StoredFieldsWriter.finishDocument end"); } public boolean freeRAM() { return false; } synchronized void free(PerDoc perDoc) { assert freeCount < docFreeList.length; assert 0 == perDoc.numStoredFields; assert 0 == perDoc.fdt.length(); assert 0 == perDoc.fdt.getFilePointer(); docFreeList[freeCount++] = perDoc; } class PerDoc extends DocumentsWriter.DocWriter { final DocumentsWriter.PerDocBuffer buffer = docWriter.newPerDocBuffer(); RAMOutputStream fdt = new RAMOutputStream(buffer); int numStoredFields; void reset() { fdt.reset(); buffer.recycle(); numStoredFields = 0; } @Override void abort() { reset(); free(this); } @Override public long sizeInBytes() { return buffer.getSizeInBytes(); } @Override public void finish() throws IOException { finishDocument(this); } } }