package org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.standard; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.Comparator; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.DocsAndPositionsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfo; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldInfos; import org.apache.lucene.index.FieldsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexFileNames; import org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentInfo; import org.apache.lucene.index.Terms; import org.apache.lucene.index.TermsEnum; import org.apache.lucene.index.codecs.FieldsProducer; import; import; import org.apache.lucene.util.Bits; import org.apache.lucene.util.DoubleBarrelLRUCache; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.CodecUtil; /** Handles a terms dict, but decouples all details of * doc/freqs/positions reading to an instance of {@link * StandardPostingsReader}. This class is reusable for * codecs that use a different format for * docs/freqs/positions (though codecs are also free to * make their own terms dict impl). * * <p>This class also interacts with an instance of {@link * StandardTermsIndexReader}, to abstract away the specific * implementation of the terms dict index. * @lucene.experimental */ public class StandardTermsDictReader extends FieldsProducer { // Open input to the main terms dict file (_X.tis) private final IndexInput in; // Reads the terms dict entries, to gather state to // produce DocsEnum on demand private final StandardPostingsReader postingsReader; private final TreeMap<String,FieldReader> fields = new TreeMap<String,FieldReader>(); // Comparator that orders our terms private final Comparator<BytesRef> termComp; // Caches the most recently looked-up field + terms: private final DoubleBarrelLRUCache<FieldAndTerm,TermState> termsCache; // Reads the terms index private StandardTermsIndexReader indexReader; // keeps the dirStart offset protected long dirOffset; // Used as key for the terms cache private static class FieldAndTerm extends DoubleBarrelLRUCache.CloneableKey { String field; BytesRef term; public FieldAndTerm() { } public FieldAndTerm(FieldAndTerm other) { field = other.field; term = new BytesRef(other.term); } @Override public boolean equals(Object _other) { FieldAndTerm other = (FieldAndTerm) _other; return other.field == field && term.bytesEquals(other.term); } @Override public Object clone() { return new FieldAndTerm(this); } @Override public int hashCode() { return field.hashCode() * 31 + term.hashCode(); } } public StandardTermsDictReader(StandardTermsIndexReader indexReader, Directory dir, FieldInfos fieldInfos, String segment, StandardPostingsReader postingsReader, int readBufferSize, Comparator<BytesRef> termComp, int termsCacheSize) throws IOException { this.postingsReader = postingsReader; termsCache = new DoubleBarrelLRUCache<FieldAndTerm,TermState>(termsCacheSize); this.termComp = termComp; in = dir.openInput(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(segment, "", StandardCodec.TERMS_EXTENSION), readBufferSize); boolean success = false; try { readHeader(in); // Have PostingsReader init itself postingsReader.init(in); // Read per-field details seekDir(in, dirOffset); final int numFields = in.readInt(); for(int i=0;i<numFields;i++) { final int field = in.readInt(); final long numTerms = in.readLong(); assert numTerms >= 0; final long termsStartPointer = in.readLong(); final StandardTermsIndexReader.FieldReader fieldIndexReader; final FieldInfo fieldInfo = fieldInfos.fieldInfo(field); fieldIndexReader = indexReader.getField(fieldInfo); if (numTerms > 0) { assert !fields.containsKey(; fields.put(, new FieldReader(fieldIndexReader, fieldInfo, numTerms, termsStartPointer)); } } success = true; } finally { if (!success) { in.close(); } } this.indexReader = indexReader; } protected void readHeader(IndexInput input) throws IOException { CodecUtil.checkHeader(in, StandardTermsDictWriter.CODEC_NAME, StandardTermsDictWriter.VERSION_START, StandardTermsDictWriter.VERSION_CURRENT); dirOffset = in.readLong(); } protected void seekDir(IndexInput input, long dirOffset) throws IOException {; } @Override public void loadTermsIndex(int indexDivisor) throws IOException { indexReader.loadTermsIndex(indexDivisor); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { try { if (indexReader != null) { indexReader.close(); } } finally { // null so if an app hangs on to us (ie, we are not // GCable, despite being closed) we still free most // ram indexReader = null; if (in != null) { in.close(); } } } finally { try { if (postingsReader != null) { postingsReader.close(); } } finally { for(FieldReader field : fields.values()) { field.close(); } } } } public static void files(Directory dir, SegmentInfo segmentInfo, Collection<String> files) { files.add(IndexFileNames.segmentFileName(, "", StandardCodec.TERMS_EXTENSION)); } public static void getExtensions(Collection<String> extensions) { extensions.add(StandardCodec.TERMS_EXTENSION); } @Override public FieldsEnum iterator() { return new TermFieldsEnum(); } @Override public Terms terms(String field) throws IOException { return fields.get(field); } // Iterates through all fields private class TermFieldsEnum extends FieldsEnum { final Iterator<FieldReader> it; FieldReader current; TermFieldsEnum() { it = fields.values().iterator(); } @Override public String next() { if (it.hasNext()) { current =; return; } else { current = null; return null; } } @Override public TermsEnum terms() throws IOException { return current.iterator(); } } private class FieldReader extends Terms implements Closeable { final long numTerms; final FieldInfo fieldInfo; final long termsStartPointer; final StandardTermsIndexReader.FieldReader fieldIndexReader; FieldReader(StandardTermsIndexReader.FieldReader fieldIndexReader, FieldInfo fieldInfo, long numTerms, long termsStartPointer) { assert numTerms > 0; this.fieldInfo = fieldInfo; this.numTerms = numTerms; this.termsStartPointer = termsStartPointer; this.fieldIndexReader = fieldIndexReader; } @Override public Comparator<BytesRef> getComparator() { return termComp; } @Override public void close() { super.close(); } @Override public TermsEnum iterator() throws IOException { return new SegmentTermsEnum(); } @Override public long getUniqueTermCount() { return numTerms; } // Iterates through terms in this field private class SegmentTermsEnum extends TermsEnum { private final IndexInput in; private final DeltaBytesReader bytesReader; private final TermState state; private boolean seekPending; private final StandardTermsIndexReader.TermsIndexResult indexResult = new StandardTermsIndexReader.TermsIndexResult(); private final FieldAndTerm fieldTerm = new FieldAndTerm(); SegmentTermsEnum() throws IOException { in = (IndexInput);; bytesReader = new DeltaBytesReader(in); fieldTerm.field =; state = postingsReader.newTermState(); state.ord = -1; } @Override public Comparator<BytesRef> getComparator() { return termComp; } /** Seeks until the first term that's >= the provided * text; returns SeekStatus.FOUND if the exact term * is found, SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND if a different term * was found, SeekStatus.END if we hit EOF */ @Override public SeekStatus seek(BytesRef term, boolean useCache) throws IOException { // Check cache fieldTerm.term = term; TermState cachedState; if (useCache) { cachedState = termsCache.get(fieldTerm); if (cachedState != null) { state.copy(cachedState); seekPending = true; bytesReader.term.copy(term); return SeekStatus.FOUND; } } else { cachedState = null; } boolean doSeek = true; if (state.ord != -1) { // we are positioned final int cmp =, term); if (cmp == 0) { // already at the requested term return SeekStatus.FOUND; } if (cmp < 0 && fieldIndexReader.nextIndexTerm(state.ord, indexResult) &&, term) > 0) { // Optimization: requested term is within the // same index block we are now in; skip seeking // (but do scanning): doSeek = false; } } // Used only for assert: final long startOrd; if (doSeek) { // As index to find biggest index term that's <= // our text: fieldIndexReader.getIndexOffset(term, indexResult);; seekPending = false; // NOTE: the first next() after an index seek is // wasteful, since it redundantly reads the same // bytes into the buffer. We could avoid storing // those bytes in the primary file, but then when // scanning over an index term we'd have to // special case it: bytesReader.reset(indexResult.term); state.ord = indexResult.position-1; assert state.ord >= -1: "ord=" + state.ord + " pos=" + indexResult.position; startOrd = indexResult.position; } else { startOrd = -1; } // Now scan: while(next() != null) { final int cmp =, term); if (cmp == 0) { if (doSeek && useCache) { // Store in cache FieldAndTerm entryKey = new FieldAndTerm(fieldTerm); cachedState = (TermState) state.clone(); // this is fp after current term cachedState.filePointer = in.getFilePointer(); termsCache.put(entryKey, cachedState); } return SeekStatus.FOUND; } else if (cmp > 0) { return SeekStatus.NOT_FOUND; } // The purpose of the terms dict index is to seek // the enum to the closest index term before the // term we are looking for. So, we should never // cross another index term (besides the first // one) while we are scanning: assert state.ord == startOrd || !fieldIndexReader.isIndexTerm(state.ord, state.docFreq, true): "state.ord=" + state.ord + " startOrd=" + startOrd + " ir.isIndexTerm=" + fieldIndexReader.isIndexTerm(state.ord, state.docFreq, true) + " state.docFreq=" + state.docFreq; } return SeekStatus.END; } @Override public SeekStatus seek(long ord) throws IOException { // TODO: should we cache term lookup by ord as well...? if (ord >= numTerms) { state.ord = numTerms-1; return SeekStatus.END; } fieldIndexReader.getIndexOffset(ord, indexResult);; seekPending = false; // NOTE: the first next() after an index seek is // wasteful, since it redundantly reads the same // bytes into the buffer bytesReader.reset(indexResult.term); state.ord = indexResult.position-1; assert state.ord >= -1: "ord=" + state.ord; // Now, scan: int left = (int) (ord - state.ord); while(left > 0) { final BytesRef term = next(); assert term != null; left--; } // always found return SeekStatus.FOUND; } @Override public BytesRef term() { return bytesReader.term; } @Override public long ord() { return state.ord; } @Override public BytesRef next() throws IOException { if (seekPending) { seekPending = false;; } if (state.ord >= numTerms-1) { return null; }; state.docFreq = in.readVInt(); // TODO: would be cleaner, but space-wasting, to // simply record a bit into each index entry as to // whether it's an index entry or not, rather than // re-compute that information... or, possibly store // a "how many terms until next index entry" in each // index entry, but that'd require some tricky // lookahead work when writing the index postingsReader.readTerm(in, fieldInfo, state, fieldIndexReader.isIndexTerm(1+state.ord, state.docFreq, false)); state.ord++; return bytesReader.term; } @Override public int docFreq() { return state.docFreq; } @Override public DocsEnum docs(Bits skipDocs, DocsEnum reuse) throws IOException { DocsEnum docsEnum =, state, skipDocs, reuse); assert docsEnum != null; return docsEnum; } @Override public DocsAndPositionsEnum docsAndPositions(Bits skipDocs, DocsAndPositionsEnum reuse) throws IOException { if (fieldInfo.omitTermFreqAndPositions) { return null; } else { return postingsReader.docsAndPositions(fieldInfo, state, skipDocs, reuse); } } } } }