package; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.LowerCaseFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.StopFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.miscellaneous.KeywordMarkerFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardFilter; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardTokenizer; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharArraySet; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ReusableAnalyzerBase; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.WordlistLoader; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; import*; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /** * {@link Analyzer} for Czech language. * <p> * Supports an external list of stopwords (words that will not be indexed at * all). A default set of stopwords is used unless an alternative list is * specified. * </p> * * <a name="version"/> * <p> * You must specify the required {@link Version} compatibility when creating * CzechAnalyzer: * <ul> * <li>As of 3.1, words are stemmed with {@link CzechStemFilter} * <li>As of 2.9, StopFilter preserves position increments * <li>As of 2.4, Tokens incorrectly identified as acronyms are corrected (see * <a href="">LUCENE-1068</a>) * </ul> */ public final class CzechAnalyzer extends ReusableAnalyzerBase { /** * List of typical stopwords. * @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultStopSet()} instead */ // TODO make this private in 3.1 @Deprecated public final static String[] CZECH_STOP_WORDS = { "a","s","k","o","i","u","v","z","dnes","cz","t\u00edmto","bude\u0161","budem", "byli","jse\u0161","m\u016fj","sv\u00fdm","ta","tomto","tohle","tuto","tyto", "jej","zda","pro\u010d","m\u00e1te","tato","kam","tohoto","kdo","kte\u0159\u00ed", "mi","n\u00e1m","tom","tomuto","m\u00edt","nic","proto","kterou","byla", "toho","proto\u017ee","asi","ho","na\u0161i","napi\u0161te","re","co\u017e","t\u00edm", "tak\u017ee","sv\u00fdch","jej\u00ed","sv\u00fdmi","jste","aj","tu","tedy","teto", "bylo","kde","ke","prav\u00e9","ji","nad","nejsou","\u010di","pod","t\u00e9ma", "mezi","p\u0159es","ty","pak","v\u00e1m","ani","kdy\u017e","v\u0161ak","neg","jsem", "tento","\u010dl\u00e1nku","\u010dl\u00e1nky","aby","jsme","p\u0159ed","pta","jejich", "byl","je\u0161t\u011b","a\u017e","bez","tak\u00e9","pouze","prvn\u00ed","va\u0161e","kter\u00e1", "n\u00e1s","nov\u00fd","tipy","pokud","m\u016f\u017ee","strana","jeho","sv\u00e9","jin\u00e9", "zpr\u00e1vy","nov\u00e9","nen\u00ed","v\u00e1s","jen","podle","zde","u\u017e","b\u00fdt","v\u00edce", "bude","ji\u017e","ne\u017e","kter\u00fd","by","kter\u00e9","co","nebo","ten","tak", "m\u00e1","p\u0159i","od","po","jsou","jak","dal\u0161\u00ed","ale","si","se","ve", "to","jako","za","zp\u011bt","ze","do","pro","je","na","atd","atp", "jakmile","p\u0159i\u010dem\u017e","j\u00e1","on","ona","ono","oni","ony","my","vy", "j\u00ed","ji","m\u011b","mne","jemu","tomu","t\u011bm","t\u011bmu","n\u011bmu","n\u011bmu\u017e", "jeho\u017e","j\u00ed\u017e","jeliko\u017e","je\u017e","jako\u017e","na\u010de\u017e", }; /** File containing default Czech stopwords. */ public final static String DEFAULT_STOPWORD_FILE = "stopwords.txt"; /** * Returns a set of default Czech-stopwords * * @return a set of default Czech-stopwords */ public static final Set<?> getDefaultStopSet(){ return DefaultSetHolder.DEFAULT_SET; } private static class DefaultSetHolder { private static final Set<?> DEFAULT_SET; static { try { DEFAULT_SET = CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(new CharArraySet( Version.LUCENE_CURRENT, WordlistLoader.getWordSet(CzechAnalyzer.class, DEFAULT_STOPWORD_FILE, "#"), false)); } catch (IOException ex) { // default set should always be present as it is part of the // distribution (JAR) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load default stopword set"); } } } /** * Contains the stopwords used with the {@link StopFilter}. */ // TODO once loadStopWords is gone those member should be removed too in favor of StopwordAnalyzerBase private Set<?> stoptable; private final Version matchVersion; private final Set<?> stemExclusionTable; /** * Builds an analyzer with the default stop words ({@link #CZECH_STOP_WORDS}). * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} */ public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion) { this(matchVersion, DefaultSetHolder.DEFAULT_SET); } /** * Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} * @param stopwords a stopword set */ public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords) { this(matchVersion, stopwords, CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET); } /** * Builds an analyzer with the given stop words and a set of work to be * excluded from the {@link CzechStemFilter}. * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} * @param stopwords a stopword set * @param stemExclusionTable a stemming exclusion set */ public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Set<?> stopwords, Set<?> stemExclusionTable) { this.matchVersion = matchVersion; this.stoptable = CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(CharArraySet.copy(matchVersion, stopwords)); this.stemExclusionTable = CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(CharArraySet.copy(matchVersion, stemExclusionTable)); } /** * Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} * @param stopwords a stopword set * @deprecated use {@link #CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set)} instead */ @Deprecated public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, String... stopwords) { this(matchVersion, StopFilter.makeStopSet( matchVersion, stopwords )); } /** * Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} * @param stopwords a stopword set * @deprecated use {@link #CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set)} instead */ @Deprecated public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, HashSet<?> stopwords) { this(matchVersion, (Set<?>)stopwords); } /** * Builds an analyzer with the given stop words. * * @param matchVersion Lucene version to match See * {@link <a href="#version">above</a>} * @param stopwords a file containing stopwords * @deprecated use {@link #CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set)} instead */ @Deprecated public CzechAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, File stopwords ) throws IOException { this(matchVersion, (Set<?>)WordlistLoader.getWordSet( stopwords )); } /** * Loads stopwords hash from resource stream (file, database...). * @param wordfile File containing the wordlist * @param encoding Encoding used (win-1250, iso-8859-2, ...), null for default system encoding * @deprecated use {@link WordlistLoader#getWordSet(Reader, String) } * and {@link #CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set)} instead */ // TODO extend StopwordAnalyzerBase once this method is gone! @Deprecated public void loadStopWords( InputStream wordfile, String encoding ) { setPreviousTokenStream(null); // force a new stopfilter to be created if ( wordfile == null ) { stoptable = Collections.emptySet(); return; } try { // clear any previous table (if present) stoptable = Collections.emptySet(); InputStreamReader isr; if (encoding == null) isr = new InputStreamReader(wordfile); else isr = new InputStreamReader(wordfile, encoding); stoptable = WordlistLoader.getWordSet(isr); } catch ( IOException e ) { // clear any previous table (if present) // TODO: throw IOException stoptable = Collections.emptySet(); } } /** * Creates * {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ReusableAnalyzerBase.TokenStreamComponents} * used to tokenize all the text in the provided {@link Reader}. * * @return {@link org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.ReusableAnalyzerBase.TokenStreamComponents} * built from a {@link StandardTokenizer} filtered with * {@link StandardFilter}, {@link LowerCaseFilter}, {@link StopFilter} * , and {@link CzechStemFilter} (only if version is >= LUCENE_31). If * a version is >= LUCENE_31 and a stem exclusion set is provided via * {@link #CzechAnalyzer(Version, Set, Set)} a * {@link KeywordMarkerFilter} is added before * {@link CzechStemFilter}. */ @Override protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName, Reader reader) { final Tokenizer source = new StandardTokenizer(matchVersion, reader); TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(source); result = new LowerCaseFilter(matchVersion, result); result = new StopFilter( matchVersion, result, stoptable); if (matchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_31)) { if(!this.stemExclusionTable.isEmpty()) result = new KeywordMarkerFilter(result, stemExclusionTable); result = new CzechStemFilter(result); } return new TokenStreamComponents(source, result); } }