package scm.vss; import com4j.Com4jObject; import com4j.Holder; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Util; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.util.IOException2; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Build; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser; import hudson.scm.SCM; import hudson.scm.SCMDescriptor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import vss.ClassFactory; import vss.IVSSDatabase; import vss.IVSSItem; import vss.IVSSItems; import vss.IVSSVersion; import vss.IVSSVersions; import vss.VSSFlags; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * * Manages the content from Microsoft Visual Source Safe. * * @author vara * */ public class VSSSCM extends SCM { /** * * Maximum history entries to be maintained. * */ private static final int MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES = 100; /** * * Date format to display the log details. * */ private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); /** * * The change log XML tags. * */ static final String[] TAGS = new String[]{ "file", "user", "comment", "action", "date", "version"}; /** * * Constant representing deleted type history entry from VSS. * */ private static final String DELETED_ACTION = "Deleted"; /** * * Constant representing destroyed type history entry from VSS. * */ private static final String DESTROYED_ACTION = "Destroyed"; /** * * Constant representing added type history entry from VSS. * */ private static final String ADDED_ACTION = "Added"; /** * * Constant representing recovered type history entry from VSS. * */ private static final String RECOVERED_ACTION = "Recovered"; /** * * Path to srcsafe.ini file. * */ private String serverPath = null; /** * * User name. * */ private String user = null; /** * * Password. * */ private String password = null; /** * * Directory path in the VSS server. * */ private String vssPath = null; /** * * Indicates whether to keep the files in wriable mode or not. * */ private boolean isWritable = false; /** * * Indicates whether to check/get the files in recusive order or not. * */ private boolean isRecursive = true; /** * * Indicates whether entire set of files are to be fetched or to get only * updates from the VSS. * */ private boolean useUpdate = false; /** * * All the details necessary to get the content from VSS. * * @param serverPath Path to srcsafe.ini file. * @param user User name. * @param password Password. * @param vssPath Directory path in the VSS server. * @param isWritable Indicates whether to keep the files in wriable mode or * not. * @param isRecursive Indicates whether to get the files in recursive order * or not. * */ public VSSSCM(String serverPath, String user, String password, String vssPath, boolean isWritable, boolean isRecursive, boolean useUpdate) { this.serverPath = serverPath; this.user = user; this.password = password; this.vssPath = vssPath; this.isWritable = isWritable; this.isRecursive = isRecursive; this.useUpdate = useUpdate; } /** * * Module root same as the workspace root. * */ public FilePath getModuleRoot(FilePath workspace) { return workspace; } /** * * Poll for changes in the workspace in VSS. * */ public boolean pollChanges(AbstractProject project, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener) throws IOException { //If this is the build then it deserves a build. Build lastBuild = (Build)project.getLastBuild(); if(lastBuild == null) { return true; } else { //Are there any changes from last build. Date buildTime = lastBuild.getTimestamp().getTime(); return getHistoryEntries(buildTime, 1, null).size() != 0; } } /** * * Fetches the content from VSS. * */ public boolean checkout(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, BuildListener listener, File changelogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // better be on Windows, or else it won't work if(launcher.isUnix()) { listener.getLogger().println("Visual SourceSafe support only runs on Windows"); return false; } //Are there any builds made before this? List<Object[]> historyEntries; List<String> deletions = null; AbstractBuild lastBuild = (AbstractBuild) build.getPreviousBuild(); if(lastBuild == null) { //Get all changes. historyEntries = getHistoryEntries(new Date(0), null); } else { if(useUpdate) { deletions = new ArrayList<String>(); } //Get the changes from last build time. Date buildTime = lastBuild.getTimestamp().getTime(); historyEntries = getHistoryEntries(buildTime, deletions); //Too many changes? if(historyEntries.size() >= MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES) { deletions = null; } } //Clean and refetch the content. if(deletions != null) { delete(new File(workspace.toURI()), deletions); } else { workspace.deleteContents(); } get(new File(workspace.toURI()).getAbsolutePath()); //Persist the changes. save(changelogFile, historyEntries); return true; } /** * * Returns the history entries after the start date. * * @param startDate The date after which the history entries are needed. * @param deletions List of files deleted to collect. * @return The list of history entries. * @throws IOException Any error while getting the history information. * */ private List<Object[]> getHistoryEntries(Date startDate, List<String> deletions) throws IOException { return getHistoryEntries(startDate, MAX_HISTORY_ENTRIES, deletions); } /** * * Returns the history entries after the start date. Maximum specified * number of entries will be collected. * * @param startDate The date after which the history entries are needed. * @param maxEntries Maximum number of entries to be fetched. * @param deletions List of files deleted to collect. * @return The list of history entries. * @throws IOException Any error while getting the history information. * */ private List<Object[]> getHistoryEntries(Date startDate, int maxEntries, List<String> deletions) throws IOException { try { if(!new File(serverPath).exists()) { throw new IOException(serverPath+" doesn't exist. Configuration error?"); } if(new File(serverPath).isDirectory()) { throw new IOException(serverPath+" is a directory. Please specify the location of srcsafe.ini"); } //Open database. IVSSDatabase database = ClassFactory.createVSSDatabase();, user, password); //Get history. IVSSItem vssItem = database.vssItem(vssPath, false); int vssLength = vssItem.spec().length(); int flag; if(isRecursive) { flag = VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSYES.comEnumValue(); } else { flag = VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSNO.comEnumValue(); } IVSSVersions versions = vssItem.versions(flag); //Loop through and collect he information. List<Object[]> historyEntries = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); int historyCount = 0; Iterator iterator = versions.iterator(); while(historyCount < maxEntries && iterator.hasNext()) { Com4jObject object = (Com4jObject); IVSSVersion version = object.queryInterface(IVSSVersion.class); //Break off if the history entries are before the given start //date. Date historyDate =; if(historyDate.before(startDate)) { version.dispose(); object.dispose(); break; } //Form the history entry. int versionNo = version.versionNumber(); IVSSItem historyItem = version.vssItem(); Object[] content = new Object[6]; content[0] = historyItem.spec(); content[1] = version.username(); content[2] = version.comment(); content[3] = version.action().trim(); content[4] = DATE_FORMAT.format(; content[5] = Integer.toString(versionNo); //Workaround: VSS returns folder name for the files deleted or //added under it. This is workaround to find files added/deleted //under a folder. Version no can not be 1 for files added or //deleted. This check is only for safety. if(versionNo != 1 && (DELETED_ACTION.equals(content[3]) || DESTROYED_ACTION.equals(content[3]) || ADDED_ACTION.equals(content[3]) || RECOVERED_ACTION.equals(content[3]))) { IVSSItem preItem = historyItem.version(versionNo - 1); //Collect files from this version and previous version. Set post = collectItems(historyItem); Set pre = collectItems(preItem); preItem.dispose(); //Collect the added/deleted file to post. if(ADDED_ACTION.equals(content[3]) || RECOVERED_ACTION.equals(content[3])) { post.removeAll(pre); } else { pre.removeAll(post); post = pre; } //Find out the file added or deleted. Iterator chgIterator = post.iterator(); if(chgIterator.hasNext()) { content[0] =; } } //Update deletions. It will be used if useUpdate is set. if(deletions != null && (DELETED_ACTION.equals(content[3]) || RECOVERED_ACTION.equals(content[3]))) { deletions.add(((String)content[0]).substring(vssLength)); } //Dispose off. historyItem.dispose(); version.dispose(); object.dispose(); historyEntries.add(content); historyCount ++; } //Dispose. while(iterator.hasNext()) { Com4jObject object = (Com4jObject); object.dispose(); } versions.dispose(); vssItem.dispose(); database.dispose(); return historyEntries; } catch(RuntimeException error) { //Some COM error. throw new IOException2(error); } } /** * * Saves history entries to the change log file. * * @param file Change log file. * @param history History entries. * @throws IOException Any error while writing the log file. * */ private void save(File file, List<Object[]> history) throws IOException { PrintWriter stream = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file),"UTF-8")); Object[] entry; int size = history.size(); int tagcount = TAGS.length; stream.println("<history>"); for(int index = 0;index < size;index ++) { stream.println("\t<entry>"); entry = history.get(index); for(int tag = 0;tag < tagcount;tag ++) { stream.print("\t\t<"); stream.print(TAGS[tag]); stream.print('>'); stream.print(escapeForXml(entry[tag])); stream.print("</"); stream.print(TAGS[tag]); stream.println('>'); } stream.println("\t</entry>"); } stream.println("</history>"); stream.close(); } /** * * Gets the latest from the VSS to the given local path. * * @param localPath Local directory path where the information has to be * retrieved. * @throws IOException Any error while getting the latest. * */ private void get(String localPath) throws IOException { try { //Open database. IVSSDatabase database = ClassFactory.createVSSDatabase();, user, password); //Get the patch to the given VSS path. IVSSItem vssItem = database.vssItem(vssPath, false); int flags = VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_FORCEDIRNO.comEnumValue(); //Writable flag for the files fetched. if(isWritable) { flags |= VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_USERRONO.comEnumValue(); } else { flags |= VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_USERROYES.comEnumValue(); } //Recursive flag to decide whether all subfolders & files to be //fetched. if(isRecursive) { flags |= VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSYES.comEnumValue(); } else { flags |= VSSFlags.VSSFLAG_RECURSNO.comEnumValue(); } //Get the latest from vss. vssItem.get(new Holder<String>(localPath), flags); //Dispose. vssItem.dispose(); database.dispose(); } catch(RuntimeException error) { //Some COM error. throw new IOException2(error); } } /** * * Delete the given list of files. * * @param workspace Base folder. * @param deletions Files to be deleted recursively. * */ private void delete(File workspace, List<String> deletions) { for (String deletion : deletions) { File file = new File(workspace,deletion); if(file.exists()) { try { Util.deleteRecursive(file); } catch(IOException e) { //Just ignore the error. } } } } /** * * Converts the input in the way that it can be written to the XML. * Special characters are converted to XML understandable way. * * @param object The object to be escaped. * @return Escaped string that can be written to XML. */ public static String escapeForXml(Object object) { if(object == null) { return null; } //Loop through and replace the special chars. String string = object.toString(); int size = string.length(); char ch; StringBuilder escapedString = new StringBuilder(size); for(int index = 0;index < size;index ++) { //Convert special chars. ch = string.charAt(index); switch(ch) { case '&' : escapedString.append("&"); break; case '<' : escapedString.append("<"); break; case '>' : escapedString.append(">"); break; case '\'' : escapedString.append("'"); break; case '\"' : escapedString.append(""");break; default: escapedString.append(ch); } } return escapedString.toString(); } /** * * Collects the sub items from the folder given. * * @param folder Folder to be checked. * @return The set of sub items from the folder. */ private Set collectItems(IVSSItem folder) { //Get the items from the folder. IVSSItems items = folder.items(false); Iterator iterator = items.iterator(); Set<String> itemSet = new HashSet<String>(items.count()); //Just copy the items to a set. while(iterator.hasNext()) { Com4jObject object = (Com4jObject); IVSSItem item = object.queryInterface(IVSSItem.class); itemSet.add(item.spec()); } return itemSet; } /** * * Returns the change log parser. * */ public ChangeLogParser createChangeLogParser() { return new VSSChangeLogParser(); } //Attributes. /** * * @return The writable flag. * */ public boolean isWritable() { return isWritable; } /** * * @return The recursive flag. * */ public boolean isRecursive() { return isRecursive; } /** * * @return The useUpdate flag. * */ public boolean isUseUpdate() { return useUpdate; } /** * * @return The password. * */ public String getPassword() { return password; } /** * * @return VSS srcsafe.ini path. * */ public String getServerPath() { return serverPath; } /** * * @return The user name. * */ public String getUser() { return user; } /** * * @return The VSS path. * */ public String getVssPath() { return vssPath; } /** * * The VSS change log parser. * */ private static class VSSChangeLogParser extends ChangeLogParser { /** * * Parses and returns the change log details. * */ public VSSChangeLogSet parse(AbstractBuild build, File changeLogFile) throws IOException, SAXException { return new VSSChangeLogSet(build, changeLogFile); } } /** * * VSS descriptor that describes about the VSS SCM. * */ @Extension public static class VSSDescriptor extends SCMDescriptor<VSSSCM> { /** * * Passes the necessary information to Descriptor. * */ public VSSDescriptor() { super(VSSSCM.class, null); load(); } /** * * @return The display name. * */ public String getDisplayName() { return "Visual Source Safe"; } /** * * @return New instance of VSS SCM. * */ public VSSSCM newInstance(StaplerRequest req) throws FormException { return new VSSSCM( req.getParameter("server_path"), req.getParameter("user"), req.getParameter("password"), req.getParameter("vss_path"), req.getParameter("writable") != null, req.getParameter("recursive") != null, req.getParameter("useupdate") != null); } } }