package hudson.plugins.analysis.util; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; /** * Detects module names by parsing the name of a source file, the Maven pom.xml file or the ANT build.xml file. * * @author Ulli Hafner */ public class ModuleDetector { private static final String BACK_SLASH = "\\"; private static final String SLASH = "/"; private static final String ALL_DIRECTORIES = "**/"; /** Filename of Maven pom. */ protected static final String MAVEN_POM = "pom.xml"; /** Filename of Ant project file. */ protected static final String ANT_PROJECT = "build.xml"; /** Prefix of a Maven target folder. */ private static final String TARGET = "/target"; /** The factory to create input streams with. */ private FileInputStreamFactory factory = new DefaultFileInputStreamFactory(); /** Maps file names to module names. */ private final Map<String, String> fileNameToModuleName; /** Sorted list of file name prefixes. */ private final List<String> prefixes; /** * Creates a new instance of {@link ModuleDetector}. */ public ModuleDetector() { fileNameToModuleName = new HashMap<String, String>(); prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link ModuleDetector}. * * @param workspace * the workspace to scan for maven pom.xml or ant build.xml files */ public ModuleDetector(final File workspace) { this(workspace, new DefaultFileInputStreamFactory()); } /** * Creates a new instance of {@link ModuleDetector}. * * @param workspace * the workspace to scan for Maven pom.xml or ant build.xml files * @param fileInputStreamFactory the value to set */ @SuppressWarnings("PMD.ConstructorCallsOverridableMethod") public ModuleDetector(final File workspace, final FileInputStreamFactory fileInputStreamFactory) { setFileInputStreamFactory(fileInputStreamFactory); fileNameToModuleName = createFilesToModuleMapping(workspace); prefixes = new ArrayList<String>(fileNameToModuleName.keySet()); Collections.sort(prefixes); } /** * Sets the factory to the specified value. * * @param fileInputStreamFactory the value to set */ public final void setFileInputStreamFactory(final FileInputStreamFactory fileInputStreamFactory) { factory = fileInputStreamFactory; } /** * Returns a mapping of path prefixes to module names. * * @param workspace * the workspace to start scanning for files * @return the mapping of path prefixes to module names */ private Map<String, String> createFilesToModuleMapping(final File workspace) { String[] projects = findMavenModules(workspace); Map<String, String> mapping = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (projects.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { String fileName = projects[i]; String moduleName = parsePom(fileName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName)) { mapping.put(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(fileName, MAVEN_POM), moduleName); } } } if (mapping.isEmpty()) { projects = findAntProjects(workspace); for (int i = 0; i < projects.length; i++) { String fileName = projects[i]; String moduleName = parseBuildXml(fileName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(moduleName)) { mapping.put(StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(fileName, ANT_PROJECT), moduleName); } } } return mapping; } /** * Uses the path prefixes of pom.xml or build.xml files to guess a module * name for the specified file. * * @param originalFileName * file name to guess a module for * @return a module name or an empty string */ public String guessModuleName(final String originalFileName) { String fullPath = originalFileName.replace('\\', '/'); String guessedModule = StringUtils.EMPTY; for (String path : prefixes) { if (fullPath.startsWith(path)) { guessedModule = fileNameToModuleName.get(path); } } return guessedModule; } /** * Returns the maven modules in the workspace. * * @param workspace the workspace * @return the maven modules in the workspace */ private String[] findMavenModules(final File workspace) { return find(workspace, ALL_DIRECTORIES + MAVEN_POM); } /** * Returns the Ant projects in the workspace. * * @param workspace the workspace * @return the Ant projects in the workspace */ private String[] findAntProjects(final File workspace) { return find(workspace, ALL_DIRECTORIES + ANT_PROJECT); } /** * Finds files of the matching pattern. * * @param path * root path to scan in * @param pattern * pattern of files * @return the found files */ protected String[] find(final File path, final String pattern) { String[] relativeFileNames = new FileFinder(pattern).find(path); String[] absoluteFileNames = new String[relativeFileNames.length]; String absolutePath = path.getAbsolutePath(); for (int file = 0; file < absoluteFileNames.length; file++) { absoluteFileNames[file] = (absolutePath + SLASH + relativeFileNames[file]).replace(BACK_SLASH, SLASH); } return absoluteFileNames; } /** * Guesses a module name based on the source folder or the content in the pom.xml or build.xml files. * * @param fileName * the absolute path of the file (UNIX style) to guess the module * for * @param isMavenBuild * determines whether this build uses maven * @param isAntBuild * determines whether this build uses maven * @return the guessed module name or an empty string if the name could not be * resolved */ public String guessModuleName(final String fileName, final boolean isMavenBuild, final boolean isAntBuild) { String unixName = fileName.replace(BACK_SLASH, SLASH); if (isMavenBuild) { String projectName = parsePom(unixName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(projectName)) { return projectName; } } String path = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(unixName, SLASH); if (isAntBuild) { String projectName = parseBuildXml(path); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(projectName)) { return projectName; } } if (path.contains(SLASH)) { return StringUtils.substringAfterLast(path, SLASH); } else { return path; } } /** * Returns the project name stored in the build.xml. * * @param path * root folder * @return the project name or an empty string if the name could not be * resolved */ private String parseBuildXml(final String path) { try { String fileName; if (StringUtils.isBlank(path)) { fileName = ANT_PROJECT; } else { fileName = path + "/build.xml"; } InputStream pom = factory.create(fileName); Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.setValidating(false); digester.setClassLoader(ModuleDetector.class.getClassLoader()); digester.push(new StringBuffer()); String xPath = "project"; digester.addCallMethod(xPath, "append", 1); digester.addCallParam(xPath, 0, "name"); StringBuffer result = (StringBuffer)digester.parse(pom); return result.toString(); } catch (IOException exception) { // ignore } catch (SAXException exception) { // ignore } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } /** * Returns the project name stored in the POM. * * @param fileName * maven module root folder * @return the project name or an empty string if the name could not be * resolved */ private String parsePom(final String fileName) { try { InputStream pom = null; if (fileName.endsWith(MAVEN_POM)) { pom = factory.create(fileName); } else if (fileName.contains(TARGET)) { String module = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(fileName, TARGET); pom = factory.create(module + "/pom.xml"); } if (pom != null) { Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.setValidating(false); digester.setClassLoader(ModuleDetector.class.getClassLoader()); digester.push(new StringBuffer()); digester.addCallMethod("project/name", "append", 0); StringBuffer result = (StringBuffer)digester.parse(pom); return result.toString(); } } catch (IOException exception) { // ignore } catch (SAXException exception) { // ignore } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } /** * A input stream factory based on a {@link FileInputStream}. */ private static final class DefaultFileInputStreamFactory implements FileInputStreamFactory { /** {@inheritDoc} */ public InputStream create(final String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException { return new FileInputStream(new File(fileName)); } } }