package hudson.plugins.promoted_builds; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Cause; import hudson.model.Cause.LegacyCodeCause; import hudson.model.DependencyGraph; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.JDK; import hudson.model.Label; import hudson.model.Queue.Item; import hudson.model.Saveable; import hudson.tasks.BuildStep; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.Builder; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A dummy {@link AbstractProject} to carry out promotion operations. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public final class PromotionProcess extends AbstractProject<PromotionProcess,Promotion> implements Saveable { /** * {@link PromotionCondition}s. All have to be met for a build to be promoted. */ public final DescribableList<PromotionCondition,PromotionConditionDescriptor> conditions = new DescribableList<PromotionCondition, PromotionConditionDescriptor>(this); /** * The icon that represents this promotion process. This is the name of * the GIF icon that can be found in ${rootURL}/plugin/promoted-builds/icons/16x16/ * and ${rootURL}/plugin/promoted-builds/icons/32x32/, e.g. <code>"star-gold"</code>. */ public String icon; private List<BuildStep> buildSteps = new ArrayList<BuildStep>(); /*package*/ PromotionProcess(JobPropertyImpl property, String name) { super(property, name); } /*package*/ void configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject c) throws Descriptor.FormException, IOException { // apply configuration conditions.rebuild(req,c, PromotionCondition.all()); buildSteps = (List)Descriptor.newInstancesFromHeteroList( req, c, "buildStep", (List) PromotionProcess.getAll()); icon = c.getString("icon"); save(); } /** * Returns the root project value. * * @return the root project value. */ @Override public AbstractProject getRootProject() { return getParent().getOwner().getRootProject(); } @Override public JobPropertyImpl getParent() { return (JobPropertyImpl)super.getParent(); } /** * Gets the owner {@link AbstractProject} that configured {@link JobPropertyImpl} as * a job property. */ public AbstractProject<?,?> getOwner() { return getParent().getOwner(); } public DescribableList<Publisher, Descriptor<Publisher>> getPublishersList() { // TODO: extract from the buildsSteps field? Or should I separate builders and publishers? return new DescribableList<Publisher,Descriptor<Publisher>>(this); } protected Class<Promotion> getBuildClass() { return Promotion.class; } public List<BuildStep> getBuildSteps() { return buildSteps; } @Override public Label getAssignedLabel() { // Really would like to run on the exact node that the promoted build ran on, // not just the same label.. but at least this works if job is tied to one node: return getOwner().getAssignedLabel(); } @Override public JDK getJDK() { return getOwner().getJDK(); } /** * Get the icon name, without the extension. It will always return a non null * and non empty string, as <code>"star-gold"</code> is used for compatibility * for older promotions configurations. * * @return the icon name */ public String getIcon() { return getIcon(icon); } /** * Handle compatibility with pre-1.8 configs. * * @param sIcon * the name of the icon used by this promotion; if null or empty, * we return the gold icon for compatibility with previous releases * @return the icon file name for this promotion */ private static String getIcon(String sIcon) { if ((sIcon == null) || sIcon.equals("")) return "star-gold"; else return sIcon; } /** * Checks if all the conditions to promote a build is met. * * @return * null if promotion conditions are not met. * otherwise returns a list of badges that record how the promotion happened. */ public Status isMet(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) { List<PromotionBadge> badges = new ArrayList<PromotionBadge>(); for (PromotionCondition cond : conditions) { PromotionBadge b = cond.isMet(build); if(b==null) return null; badges.add(b); } return new Status(this,badges); } /** * Checks if the build is promotable, and if so, promote it. * * @return * true if the build was promoted. */ public boolean considerPromotion(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) throws IOException { PromotedBuildAction a = build.getAction(PromotedBuildAction.class); // if it's already promoted, no need to do anything. if(a!=null && a.contains(this)) return false; Status qualification = isMet(build); if(qualification==null) return false; // not this time promote(build,new LegacyCodeCause(),qualification); // TODO: define promotion cause return true; } /** * Promote the given build by using the given qualification. * * @param cause * Why the build is promoted? */ public void promote(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Cause cause, Status qualification) throws IOException { PromotedBuildAction a = build.getAction(PromotedBuildAction.class); // build is qualified for a promotion. if(a!=null) { a.add(qualification); } else { build.addAction(new PromotedBuildAction(build,qualification));; } // schedule promotion activity. scheduleBuild(build,cause); } /** * @deprecated * You need to be using {@link #scheduleBuild(AbstractBuild)} */ public boolean scheduleBuild() { return super.scheduleBuild(); } public boolean scheduleBuild(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) { return scheduleBuild(build,new LegacyCodeCause()); } public boolean scheduleBuild(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Cause cause) { assert build.getProject()==getOwner(); // remember what build we are promoting return super.scheduleBuild(0,cause,new PromotionTargetAction(build)); } public boolean isInQueue(AbstractBuild<?,?> build) { for (Item item : Hudson.getInstance().getQueue().getItems(this)) if (item.getAction(PromotionTargetAction.class).resolve()==build) return true; return false; } // // these are dummy implementations to implement abstract methods. // need to think about what the implications are. // public boolean isFingerprintConfigured() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } protected void buildDependencyGraph(DependencyGraph graph) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static List<Descriptor<? extends BuildStep>> getAll() { List<Descriptor<? extends BuildStep>> list = new ArrayList<Descriptor<? extends BuildStep>>(); addTo(Builder.all(), list); addTo(Publisher.all(), list); return list; } private static void addTo(List<? extends Descriptor<? extends BuildStep>> source, List<Descriptor<? extends BuildStep>> list) { for (Descriptor<? extends BuildStep> d : source) { if (d instanceof BuildStepDescriptor) { BuildStepDescriptor bsd = (BuildStepDescriptor) d; if(bsd.isApplicable(PromotionProcess.class)) list.add(d); } } } }