package hudson.plugins.serenitec.util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.ModelObject; import hudson.plugins.serenitec.SerenitecResultAction; import hudson.plugins.serenitec.parseur.ReportEntry; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; public class ErrorDetails implements ModelObject { private final String titre; private final String error; /** * Asbtract Build */ private final AbstractBuild<?, ?> owner; /** * Abstract Project */ private final Project project; private ReportEntry entry; public ErrorDetails(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> Owner, Project Projet, String error) { this.titre = "Error " + error; this.owner = Owner; this.project = Projet; this.error = error; this.entry = null; /** * Find out this rules from the project */ for (ReportEntry test_entry : Projet.getEntries()) { if (test_entry.getName().equals(error)) { entry = test_entry; } } } /** * Getter for owner * * @return the AbstractBuild */ public AbstractBuild<?, ?> getOwner() { return owner; } public String getDisplayName() { return "Error " + entry.getName(); } public ReportEntry getEntry() { return entry; } /** * Display the trend graph. Delegates to the the associated {@link ResultAction}. * * @param request * Stapler request * @param response * Stapler response * @throws IOException * in case of an error in {@link ResultAction#doGraph(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, int)} */ public void doRepartitionPie(final StaplerRequest request, final StaplerResponse response) throws IOException { /** * We calculate the 2 numbers */ int n1 = entry.getNumberOfPointeurs(); int n2 = project.getNumberOfPointeurs(); createGraph(request, response, n1, n2); } /** * Creates a trend graph or map. * * @param request * Stapler request * @param response * Stapler response * @throws IOException * in case of an error in {@link ResultAction#doGraph(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse, int)} */ private void createGraph(final StaplerRequest request, final StaplerResponse response, final int n1, final int n2) throws IOException { final ResultAction<?> action = getLastAction(); if (action == null) { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); } else { action.doRulesRepartitionPie(request, response, 200, n1, n2, error); } } /** * Returns the last valid result action. * * @return the last valid result action, or <code>null</code> if no such action is found */ public ResultAction<?> getLastAction() { final AbstractBuild<?, ?> lastBuild = getLastFinishedBuild(); ResultAction<?> resultat = null; if (lastBuild != null) { resultat = lastBuild.getAction(SerenitecResultAction.class); } return resultat; } /** * Returns the last finished build. * * @return the last finished build or <code>null</code> if there is no such build */ public AbstractBuild<?, ?> getLastFinishedBuild() { AbstractBuild<?, ?> lastBuild = owner; while (lastBuild != null && (lastBuild.isBuilding() || lastBuild.getAction(SerenitecResultAction.class) == null)) { lastBuild = lastBuild.getPreviousBuild(); } return lastBuild; } }