package hudson.plugins.tfs.util; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Bug; public class TextTableParserTest { @Test public void assertThatReaderWithoutTableIsParsed() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored")); assertFalse("There should not be any row", listParser.nextRow()); } @Test public void assertColumnCount() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored\n" + "----- -- ------\n")); assertEquals("The column count was incorrect", 3, listParser.getColumnCount()); } @Bug(4666) @Test public void assertDashInTextIsIgnored() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Server: server-name\n" + "----- -- ------\n")); assertEquals("The column count was incorrect", 3, listParser.getColumnCount()); } @Test public void assertGetColumn() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored\n" + "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB CCCCCC")); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AAAAA", listParser.getColumn(0)); assertEquals("The column two was incorrect", "BB", listParser.getColumn(1)); assertEquals("The column three was incorrect", "CCCCCC", listParser.getColumn(2)); } @Test public void assertNextRow() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored\n" + "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB CCCCCC\n" + "LLLLL DD ZZZZZZ")); assertTrue("The nextLine() returned false", listParser.nextRow()); assertTrue("The nextLine() returned false", listParser.nextRow()); assertFalse("The nextLine() returned true", listParser.nextRow()); } @Test public void assertNextRowWithNonsenseLine() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored\n" + "----- -- ------\n" + "\n" + "AAAAA BB CCCCCC" + "\n" + "AAAAA BB CCCCCC")); assertTrue("The nextLine() returned false", listParser.nextRow()); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AAAAA", listParser.getColumn(0)); assertTrue("The nextLine() returned false", listParser.nextRow()); assertFalse("The nextLine() returned true", listParser.nextRow()); } @Test public void assertGetColumnWorksIfLastcolumnIsShorterThanLastColumnLength() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader("Just some text to be ignored\n" + "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB CCC")); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AAAAA", listParser.getColumn(0)); assertEquals("The column two was incorrect", "BB", listParser.getColumn(1)); assertEquals("The column three was incorrect", "CCC", listParser.getColumn(2)); } @Test public void assertGetColumnWorksIfColumnIsShorter() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader( "----- -- ------\n" + "AA BB CCCCCC")); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AA", listParser.getColumn(0)); } @Test public void assertTableStartsImmediately() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader( "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB CCCCCC")); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AAAAA", listParser.getColumn(0)); assertEquals("The column two was incorrect", "BB", listParser.getColumn(1)); assertEquals("The column three was incorrect", "CCCCCC", listParser.getColumn(2)); } @Test public void assertNextRowWorksWithOptionalColumns() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader( "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB\n" + "AAAAA BB DDDDDD"), 1); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column one was incorrect", "AAAAA", listParser.getColumn(0)); assertEquals("The column two was incorrect", "BB", listParser.getColumn(1)); assertNull("The column three was incorrect", listParser.getColumn(2)); listParser.nextRow(); assertEquals("The column three was incorrect", "DDDDDD", listParser.getColumn(2)); } @Test(expected=IllegalStateException.class) public void assertGetColumnAfterLastRowThrowsException() throws Exception { TextTableParser listParser = new TextTableParser(new StringReader( "----- -- ------\n" + "AAAAA BB")); listParser.nextRow(); listParser.nextRow(); listParser.getColumn(0); } }