package com.ikokoon.serenity.persistence; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.ikokoon.serenity.model.Composite; import com.ikokoon.serenity.model.Package; import com.ikokoon.serenity.model.Project; import com.ikokoon.toolkit.Toolkit; /** * This is the in memory database. Several options were explored including DB4O, Neodatis, JPA, SQL, and finally none were performant enough. As well * as that several hybrids were investigated like including a l1 cache and a l2 cache, but the actual persistence in the case of JPA and SQL was just * too slow. This class does everything in memory and commits the data finally to the under lying database once the processing is finished. * * @author Michael Couck * @since 11.10.09 * @version 01.00 */ public final class DataBaseRam extends DataBase { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** The database file for access. */ private String dataBaseFile; /** The underlying persistence database to the file system. */ private IDataBase dataBase; /** The closed flag. */ private boolean closed = true; /** This is the index of packages, classes, methods and lines. */ private transient volatile List<Composite<?, ?>> index = new ArrayList<Composite<?, ?>>(); /** * Constructor takes the underlying database that will commit the data to the file system, the listener for when the database closes we can * release the resources and whether to create a new database or open an old one. * * @param dataBase * the underlying database that will actually persist the objects to the file system * @param dataBaseListener * the listener to close the database and release resources */ DataBaseRam(String dataBaseFile, IDataBase dataBase) {"Opening RAM database with " + dataBase + " underneath."); this.dataBaseFile = dataBaseFile; this.dataBase = dataBase; index.clear(); closed = false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public synchronized final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> E persist(E composite) { setIds(composite); return composite; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> E find(Class<E> klass, Long id) { return (E) search(klass, index, id); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> E find(Class<E> klass, List<?> parameters) { Long id = Toolkit.hash(parameters.toArray()); return (E) search(klass, index, id); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public synchronized final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> List<E> find(Class<E> klass) { return find(klass, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <E extends Composite<?, ?>> List<E> find(Class<E> klass, int start, int end) { List<E> list = new ArrayList<E>(); int counter = 0; for (Composite<?, ?> composite : index) { if (klass.isInstance(composite)) { list.add((E) composite); if (counter++ >= end) { break; } } } if (list == null || list.size() == 0) { // Try to find some in the underlying database if (this.dataBase != null) { list = this.dataBase.find(klass, start, end); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { for (Composite composite : list) { insert(index, composite); } } } } return list; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public synchronized final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> E remove(Class<E> klass, Long id) { Composite<?, ?> composite = find(klass, id); if (composite != null) { Composite<?, ?> parent = composite.getParent(); if (parent != null) { List<?> children = parent.getChildren(); if (children != null) { children.remove(composite); } } composite.setParent(null); if (!index.remove(composite)) { logger.warn("Didn't remove composite with id : " + id + ", because it wasn't in the index."); } } if (this.dataBase != null) { this.dataBase.remove(klass, id); } return (E) composite; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public synchronized final boolean isClosed() { if (dataBase != null) { if (!closed && dataBase.isClosed()) { closed = true; } } return closed; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public synchronized final void close() { if (closed) {"User tried to close the database again"); return; }"Comitting and closing the database"); try {"Persisting index : " + dataBase); if (dataBase != null) { for (Composite<?, ?> composite : index) { if (Package.class.isInstance(composite) || Project.class.isInstance(composite)) { logger.debug("Persisting : " + composite); dataBase.persist(composite); } } dataBase.close(); } else { logger.warn("Persistence database was null : " + this); } index.clear(); IDataBaseEvent dataBaseEvent = new DataBaseEvent(this, IDataBaseEvent.Type.DATABASE_CLOSE); IDataBase.DataBaseManager.fireDataBaseEvent(dataBaseFile, dataBaseEvent); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception comitting and closing the database", e); } closed = true; } /** * This method sets the ids in a graph of objects. The objects need to be stored, perhaps using the top level object in the hierarchy, then the * database is consulted for it's uid for the object. The uid is set in the field that has the Identifier annotation on the setter method for the * field. * * @param <T> * the type of object * @param composite * the object to set the id for */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") synchronized final <T> void setIds(Composite<?, ?> composite) { if (composite == null) { return; } super.setId(composite); // Insert the object into the index insert(index, composite); logger.debug("Persisted object : " + composite); if (composite instanceof com.ikokoon.serenity.model.Class) { String name = ((com.ikokoon.serenity.model.Class) composite).getName(); if (name.indexOf('/') > -1) { logger.warn("Invalid class name : " + name); Thread.dumpStack(); } } List<Composite<?, ?>> children = (List<Composite<?, ?>>) composite.getChildren(); for (Composite<?, ?> child : children) { setIds(child); } } /** * A binary search through the index of composites. * * @param <E> * the type of composite * @param klass * the class to search for * @param index * the index of composites * @param id * the id of the composite to get * @return the composite from the index, or the underlying database, or null if no such composites exists */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final <E extends Composite<?, ?>> E search(Class klass, List<Composite<?, ?>> index, long id) { int low = 0; int high = index.size() - 1; while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; Composite<?, ?> composite = index.get(mid); long midVal = composite.getId(); if (midVal < id) { low = mid + 1; } else if (midVal > id) { high = mid - 1; } else { return (E) composite; } } // Look for the object in the underlying database if (this.dataBase != null) { Composite composite = this.dataBase.find(klass, id); if (composite != null) { insert(index, composite); } return (E) composite; } return null; } /** * Insert the composite into the index at the correct index. * * @param index * the index of composites * @param toInsert * the composite to insert into the index */ final void insert(List<Composite<?, ?>> index, Composite<?, ?> toInsert) { boolean inserted = false; if (index.size() == 0) { index.add(toInsert); inserted = true; } else { long key = toInsert.getId(); int low = 0; int high = index.size(); while (low <= high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; if (mid >= index.size()) { index.add(mid, toInsert); inserted = true; break; } Composite<?, ?> composite = index.get(mid); long midVal = composite.getId(); if (midVal < key) { int next = mid + 1; if (index.size() > next) { Composite<?, ?> nextComposite = index.get(next); long nextVal = nextComposite.getId(); if (nextVal > key) { index.add(next, toInsert); inserted = true; break; } } low = mid + 1; } else if (midVal > key) { int previous = mid - 1; if (previous >= 0) { Composite<?, ?> previousComposite = index.get(previous); long previousVal = previousComposite.getId(); if (previousVal < key) { index.add(mid, toInsert); inserted = true; break; } } else { index.add(0, toInsert); inserted = true; break; } high = mid - 1; } else { break; } } } logger.debug("Inserted : " + toInsert + " - " + inserted); } public <E extends Composite<?, ?>> List<E> find(Class<E> klass, Map<String, ?> parameters) { throw new RuntimeException("Not implempented."); } }