package hudson.plugins.svn_tag; import java.util.HashMap; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * TODO: Javadoc. * * @version $Revision$ */ public class SvnTagPluginTest { @Test public void testEvalTagComment() throws Exception { String s = SvnTagPlugin.evalGroovyExpression(new HashMap<String, String>(), "Simple tag", null); assert s.equals("Simple tag") : "Failed simple tag test. Value '" + s + "'"; System.setProperty("foo", "bar"); s = SvnTagPlugin.evalGroovyExpression(new HashMap<String, String>(), "Tag with sys props ${sys['foo']}.", null); assert s.equals("Tag with sys props bar.") : "Failed sys prop embedded tag test. Value '" + s + "'"; String envValue = System.getenv("ENV_FOO"); if(envValue != null && envValue.equals("env_bar")) { System.out.println("Env value '" + envValue + "'"); s = SvnTagPlugin.evalGroovyExpression(System.getenv(), "Tag with env ${env['ENV_FOO']}.", null); assert s.equals("Tag with env env_bar.") : "Failed env prop embedded tag test.Value '" + s + "'"; } } }