package hudson.plugins.collabnet; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CollabNetApp; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.share.TeamForgeShare; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.CNFormFieldValidator; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.CNHudsonUtil; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.ComboBoxUpdater; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.Notifier; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import hudson.util.ComboBoxModel; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.Secret; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; /** * Base class for {@link Notifier}s that talk to CollabNet TeamForge. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public abstract class AbstractTeamForgeNotifier extends Notifier { // Variables from the form private boolean override_auth = true; private String url; private String username; private Secret password; private String project; public AbstractTeamForgeNotifier(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory, String project) { this.override_auth = connectionFactory!=null; if (override_auth) {// if this is null, it means we should be using globally configured one // for the compatibility reasons, these 3 params are stored directly whereas ideally we could have just // stored ConnectionFactory. this.url = connectionFactory.getUrl(); this.username = connectionFactory.getUsername(); this.password = connectionFactory.getPassword(); } this.project = project; } /** * If this notifier is configured with a separate credential, return it. Otherwise null. * Used for form data binding. */ public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactory() { return override_auth ? new ConnectionFactory(url,username,password) : null; } /** * @return whether or not auth is overriden */ public boolean overrideAuth() { return this.override_auth; } /** * @return the url for the CollabNet server. */ public String getCollabNetUrl() { if (this.overrideAuth()) { return this.url; } else { return getTeamForgeShareDescriptor().getCollabNetUrl(); } } /** * @return the username used for logging in. */ public String getUsername() { if (this.overrideAuth()) { return this.username; } else { return getTeamForgeShareDescriptor().getUsername(); } } /** * @return the password used for logging in. */ public String getPassword() { if (this.overrideAuth()) { return this.password==null ? null : this.password.toString(); } else { return getTeamForgeShareDescriptor().getPassword(); } } /** * Connects to the TeamForge. */ public CollabNetApp connect() { return CNHudsonUtil.getCollabNetApp(getCollabNetUrl(),getUsername(),getPassword()); } /** * @return the project where the build log is uploaded. */ public String getProject() { return this.project; } public static abstract class DescriptorImpl extends BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> { /** * Implementation of the abstract isApplicable method from * BuildStepDescriptor. */ @Override public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) { return true; } /** * @return true if there is auth data that can be inherited. */ public boolean canInheritAuth() { return getTeamForgeShareDescriptor().useGlobal(); } /** * Form validation for the project field. * * @throws IOException * @throws ServletException */ public FormValidation doCheckProject(CollabNetApp app, @QueryParameter String value) throws RemoteException { return CNFormFieldValidator.projectCheck(app,value); } /** * @return the list of all possible projects, given the login data. */ public ComboBoxModel doFillProjectItems(CollabNetApp cna) { ComboBoxModel projects = ComboBoxUpdater.getProjectList(cna); CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); return projects; } } /** * @return the TeamForge share descriptor. */ public static TeamForgeShare.TeamForgeShareDescriptor getTeamForgeShareDescriptor() { return TeamForgeShare.getTeamForgeShareDescriptor(); } }