package; import static; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.model.User; import hudson.model.UserProperty; import hudson.model.Fingerprint.RangeSet; import; import; import; import; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet.Entry; import hudson.tasks.BuildStep; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.Notifier; import hudson.tasks.Publisher; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * The actual Publisher that sends notification-Messages out to the clients. * * @author Uwe Schaefer * @author Christoph Kutzinski */ public abstract class IMPublisher extends Notifier implements BuildStep { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(IMPublisher.class.getName()); private List<IMMessageTarget> targets; /** * @deprecated only left here to deserialize old configs */ @Deprecated private hudson.plugins.jabber.NotificationStrategy notificationStrategy; private NotificationStrategy strategy; private final boolean notifyOnBuildStart; private final boolean notifySuspects; private final boolean notifyCulprits; private final boolean notifyFixers; private final boolean notifyUpstreamCommitters; /** * @deprecated Only for deserializing old instances */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Deprecated private transient String defaultIdSuffix; protected IMPublisher(List<IMMessageTarget> defaultTargets, String notificationStrategyString, boolean notifyGroupChatsOnBuildStart, boolean notifySuspects, boolean notifyCulprits, boolean notifyFixers, boolean notifyUpstreamCommitters) { if (defaultTargets != null) { this.targets = defaultTargets; } else { this.targets = Collections.emptyList(); } NotificationStrategy strategy = NotificationStrategy.forDisplayName(notificationStrategyString); if (strategy == null) { strategy = NotificationStrategy.STATECHANGE_ONLY; } this.strategy = strategy; this.notifyOnBuildStart = notifyGroupChatsOnBuildStart; this.notifySuspects = notifySuspects; this.notifyCulprits = notifyCulprits; this.notifyFixers = notifyFixers; this.notifyUpstreamCommitters = notifyUpstreamCommitters; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean needsToRunAfterFinalized() { // notifyUpstreamCommitters needs the fingerprints to be generated // which seems to happen quite late in the build return this.notifyUpstreamCommitters; } /** * Returns a short name of the plugin to be used e.g. in log messages. */ protected abstract String getPluginName(); protected abstract IMConnection getIMConnection() throws IMException; protected NotificationStrategy getNotificationStrategy() { return strategy; } protected void setNotificationStrategy(NotificationStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } /** * Returns the notification targets configured on a per-job basis. */ public List<IMMessageTarget> getNotificationTargets() { return this.targets; } /** * Returns the notification target which should actually be used for notification. * * Differs from {@link #getNotificationTargets()} because it also takes * {@link IMPublisherDescriptor#getDefaultTargets()} into account! */ protected List<IMMessageTarget> calculateTargets() { if (getNotificationTargets() != null && getNotificationTargets().size() > 0) { return getNotificationTargets(); } return ((IMPublisherDescriptor)getDescriptor()).getDefaultTargets(); } /** * Returns the notification targets as a string suitable for * display in the settings page. * * Returns an empty string if no targets are set. */ public String getTargets() { if (this.targets == null) { return ""; } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final IMMessageTarget t : this.targets) { sb.append(getIMDescriptor().getIMMessageTargetConverter().toString(t)); sb.append(" "); } return sb.toString().trim(); } @Deprecated protected void setTargets(String targetsAsString) throws IMMessageTargetConversionException { this.targets = new LinkedList<IMMessageTarget>(); final String[] split = targetsAsString.split("\\s"); final IMMessageTargetConverter conv = getIMDescriptor().getIMMessageTargetConverter(); for (final String fragment : split) { IMMessageTarget createIMMessageTarget; createIMMessageTarget = conv.fromString(fragment); if (createIMMessageTarget != null) { this.targets.add(createIMMessageTarget); } } } /** * @deprecated Should only be used to deserialize old instances */ @Deprecated protected void setNotificationTargets(List<IMMessageTarget> targets) { if (targets != null) { this.targets = targets; } else { this.targets = Collections.emptyList(); } } /** * Returns the selected notification strategy as a string * suitable for display. */ public final String getStrategy() { return getNotificationStrategy().getDisplayName(); } /** * Specifies if the starting of builds should be notified to * the registered chat rooms. */ public final boolean getNotifyOnStart() { return notifyOnBuildStart; } /** * Specifies if committers to failed builds should be informed about * build failures. */ public final boolean getNotifySuspects() { return notifySuspects; } /** * Specifies if culprits - i.e. committers to previous already failing * builds - should be informed about subsequent build failures. */ public final boolean getNotifyCulprits() { return notifyCulprits; } /** * Specifies if 'fixers' should be informed about * fixed builds. */ public final boolean getNotifyFixers() { return notifyFixers; } /** * Specifies if upstream committers should be informed about * build failures. */ public final boolean getNotifyUpstreamCommitters() { return notifyUpstreamCommitters; } /** * Logs message to the build listener's logger. */ protected void log(BuildListener listener, String message) { listener.getLogger().append(getPluginName()).append(": ").append(message).append("\n"); } @Override public boolean perform(final AbstractBuild<?,?> build, final Launcher launcher, final BuildListener buildListener) throws InterruptedException { Assert.isNotNull(build, "Parameter 'build' must not be null."); Assert.isNotNull(buildListener, "Parameter 'buildListener' must not be null."); if (getNotificationStrategy().notificationWanted(build)) { notifyChats(build, buildListener); } if (BuildHelper.isStillFailureOrUnstable(build)) { if (this.notifySuspects) { log(buildListener, "Notifying suspects"); final String message = "Build " + getProjectName(build) + " is " + BuildHelper.getResultDescription(build) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build); for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateIMTargets(getCommitters(build), buildListener)) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to suspect: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(message, target, buildListener); } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending suspect notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } if (this.notifyCulprits) { log(buildListener, "Notifying culprits"); final String message = "You're still being suspected of having broken " + getProjectName(build) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build); for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateIMTargets(getCulpritsOnly(build), buildListener)) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to culprit: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(message, target, buildListener); } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending culprit notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } } else if (BuildHelper.isFailureOrUnstable(build)) { boolean committerNotified = false; if (this.notifySuspects) { log(buildListener, "Notifying suspects"); String message = "Oh no! You're suspected of having broken " + getProjectName(build) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build); for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateIMTargets(getCommitters(build), buildListener)) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to suspect: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(message, target, buildListener); committerNotified = true; } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending suspect notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } if (this.notifyUpstreamCommitters && !committerNotified) { notifyUpstreamCommitters(build, buildListener); } } if (this.notifyFixers && BuildHelper.isFix(build)) { buildListener.getLogger().append("Notifying fixers\n"); final String message = "Yippie! Seems you've fixed " + getProjectName(build) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build); for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateIMTargets(getCommitters(build), buildListener)) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to fixer: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(message, target, buildListener); } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending fixer notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } return true; } private void sendNotification(String message, IMMessageTarget target, BuildListener buildListener) throws IMException { IMConnection imConnection = getIMConnection(); if (imConnection instanceof DummyConnection) { // quite hacky log(buildListener, "[ERROR] not connected. Cannot send message to '" + target + "'"); } else { getIMConnection().send(target, message); } } /** * Looks for committers in the direct upstream builds and notifies them. * If no committers are found in the next higher level, look one level higher. * Repeat if necessary. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void notifyUpstreamCommitters(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final BuildListener buildListener) { boolean committerNotified = false; Map<AbstractProject, Integer> upstreamBuilds = build.getUpstreamBuilds(); while (!committerNotified && !upstreamBuilds.isEmpty()) { Map<AbstractProject, Integer> currentLevel = upstreamBuilds; // new map for the builds one level higher up: upstreamBuilds = new HashMap<AbstractProject, Integer>(); for (Map.Entry<AbstractProject, Integer> entry : currentLevel.entrySet()) { AbstractBuild<?, ?> upstreamBuild = (AbstractBuild<?, ?>) entry.getKey().getBuildByNumber(entry.getValue()); if (upstreamBuild != null) { if (! downstreamIsFirstInRangeTriggeredByUpstream(upstreamBuild, build)) { continue; } Set<User> committers = getCommitters(upstreamBuild); String message = "Attention! Your change in " + getProjectName(upstreamBuild) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(upstreamBuild) + " *might* have broken the downstream job " + getProjectName(build) + ": " + MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build) + "\nPlease have a look!"; for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateIMTargets(committers, buildListener)) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to upstream committer: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(message, target, buildListener); committerNotified = true; } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending upstream committer notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } if (!committerNotified) { upstreamBuilds.putAll(upstreamBuild.getUpstreamBuilds()); } } } } /** * Determines if downstreamBuild is the 1st build of the downstream project * which has a dependency to the upstreamBuild. */ //@Bug(6712) private boolean downstreamIsFirstInRangeTriggeredByUpstream( AbstractBuild<?, ?> upstreamBuild, AbstractBuild<?, ?> downstreamBuild) { RangeSet rangeSet = upstreamBuild.getDownstreamRelationship(downstreamBuild.getProject()); if (rangeSet.isEmpty()) { // should not happen LOGGER.warning("Range set is empty. Upstream " + upstreamBuild + ", downstream " + downstreamBuild); return false; } if (rangeSet.min() == downstreamBuild.getNumber()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Notify all registered chats about the build result. */ private void notifyChats(final AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, final BuildListener buildListener) { final StringBuilder sb; if (BuildHelper.isFix(build)) { sb = new StringBuilder("Yippie, build fixed!\n"); } else { sb = new StringBuilder(); } sb.append("Project ").append(getProjectName(build)) .append(" build (").append(build.getNumber()).append("): ") .append(BuildHelper.getResultDescription(build)).append(" in ") .append(build.getTimestampString()) .append(": ") .append(MessageHelper.getBuildURL(build)); if (! build.getChangeSet().isEmptySet()) { boolean hasManyChangeSets = build.getChangeSet().getItems().length > 1; for (Entry entry : build.getChangeSet()) { sb.append("\n"); if (hasManyChangeSets) { sb.append("* "); } sb.append(entry.getAuthor()).append(": ").append(entry.getMsg()); } } final String msg = sb.toString(); for (IMMessageTarget target : calculateTargets()) { try { log(buildListener, "Sending notification to: " + target.toString()); sendNotification(msg, target, buildListener); } catch (final Throwable t) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending notification to: " + target.toString() + "\n" + ExceptionHelper.dump(t)); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean prebuild(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, BuildListener buildListener) { try { if (notifyOnBuildStart) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Starting build ").append(build.getNumber()) .append(" for job ").append(getProjectName(build)); if (build.getPreviousBuild() != null) { sb.append(" (previous build: ") .append(BuildHelper.getResultDescription(build.getPreviousBuild())); if (build.getPreviousBuild().getResult().isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS)) { AbstractBuild<?, ?> lastSuccessfulBuild = build.getPreviousNotFailedBuild(); if (lastSuccessfulBuild != null) { sb.append(" -- last ").append(BuildHelper.getResultDescription(lastSuccessfulBuild)) .append(" #").append(lastSuccessfulBuild.getNumber()) .append(" ").append(lastSuccessfulBuild.getTimestampString()).append(" ago"); } } sb.append(")"); } final String msg = sb.toString(); for (final IMMessageTarget target : calculateTargets()) { // only notify group chats if (target instanceof GroupChatIMMessageTarget) { try { sendNotification(msg, target, buildListener); } catch (final Throwable e) { log(buildListener, "There was an error sending notification to: " + target.toString()); } } } } } catch (Throwable t) { // ignore: never, ever cancel a build because a notification fails log(buildListener, "There was an error in the IM plugin: " + ExceptionHelper.dump(t)); } return true; } private static Set<User> getCommitters(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { Set<User> committers = new HashSet<User>(); ChangeLogSet<? extends Entry> changeSet = build.getChangeSet(); for (Entry entry : changeSet) { committers.add(entry.getAuthor()); } return committers; } /** * Returns the culprits WITHOUT the committers to the current build. */ private static Set<User> getCulpritsOnly(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) { Set<User> culprits = new HashSet<User>(build.getCulprits()); culprits.removeAll(getCommitters(build)); return culprits; } private Collection<IMMessageTarget> calculateIMTargets(Set<User> targets, BuildListener listener) { Set<IMMessageTarget> suspects = new HashSet<IMMessageTarget>(); String defaultIdSuffix = ((IMPublisherDescriptor)getDescriptor()).getDefaultIdSuffix(); LOGGER.fine("Default Suffix: " + defaultIdSuffix); for (User target : targets) { LOGGER.fine("Possible target: " + target.getId()); String imId = getConfiguredIMId(target); if (imId == null && defaultIdSuffix != null) { imId = target.getId() + defaultIdSuffix; } if (imId != null) { try { suspects.add(getIMDescriptor().getIMMessageTargetConverter().fromString(imId)); } catch (final IMMessageTargetConversionException e) { log(listener, "Invalid IM ID: " + imId); } } else { log(listener, "No IM ID found for: " + target.getId()); } } return suspects; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract BuildStepDescriptor<Publisher> getDescriptor(); // migrate old JabberPublisher instances private Object readResolve() { if (this.strategy == null && this.notificationStrategy != null) { this.strategy = NotificationStrategy.valueOf(; this.notificationStrategy = null; } return this; } protected final IMPublisherDescriptor getIMDescriptor() { return (IMPublisherDescriptor) getDescriptor(); } /** * Returns the instant-messaging ID which is configured for a Hudson user * (e.g. via a {@link UserProperty}) or null if there's nothing configured for * him/her. */ protected abstract String getConfiguredIMId(User user); }