package com.youdevise.hudson.slavestatus; import com.youdevise.hudson.slavestatus.Daemon.RunResult; import com.youdevise.hudson.slavestatus.Daemon.RunType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; public class SlaveListenerTest { private static final String STARTUP_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener starting"; private static final String WAITING_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener waiting for connection"; private static final String GOT_CONNECTION_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener got connection"; private static final String READ_INPUT_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener read input"; private static final String WROTE_OUTPUT_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener wrote output"; private static final String FLUSHED_AND_CLOSED_LOG_MESSAGE = "Slave-status listener flushed and closed connection"; private static final String HTTP_OUTPUT = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n" + "Content-Type: text/xml\n" + "Server: Hudson slave-status plugin\n" + "\n" + "<slave><test>Hello</test></slave>"; private SlaveListener listener; private MockLogger logger; private MockHTTPListener httpListener; @Before public void setUp() { httpListener = new MockHTTPListener(); logger = new MockLogger(); listener = new SlaveListener(0, RunType.ONCE_ONLY, new DummyStatusReporter()); listener.setLogger(logger); listener.setHTTPListener(httpListener); } @Test public void canBeSerialised() throws IOException { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()); out.writeObject(listener); } @Test public void sendsSameResponseForAnyConnection() throws Throwable { assertEquals(RunResult.CONTINUE,; assertTrue("Should wait for connection", httpListener.waitForConnectionCalled); assertTrue("Should read all incoming bytes", httpListener.allBytesRead); assertEquals(HTTP_OUTPUT, new String(httpListener.outputStream.toByteArray())); assertTrue("Should flush and close", httpListener.flushAndCloseCalled); } @Test public void logsWhenAllGoesWell() throws Throwable {; logger.verifyLogs(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, STARTUP_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, WAITING_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, GOT_CONNECTION_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, READ_INPUT_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, WROTE_OUTPUT_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, FLUSHED_AND_CLOSED_LOG_MESSAGE)); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Test public void logsAndDiesOnIOExceptionDuringWait() throws Throwable { httpListener = new MockHTTPListener() { @Override public void waitForConnection() throws IOException { throw new BindException("Address already in use"); } }; listener = new SlaveListener(0, RunType.ONCE_ONLY); listener.setLogger(logger); listener.setHTTPListener(httpListener); assertEquals(RunResult.ABORT,; logger.verifyLogs(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, STARTUP_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, WAITING_LOG_MESSAGE), logger.makeThrowableLogRecord(Level.SEVERE, new BindException())); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Test public void logsAndContinuesOnIOExceptionDuringRead() throws Throwable { httpListener = new MockHTTPListener() { @Override public InputStream getInputStream() { return new InputStream() { @Override public int read() throws IOException { throw new IOException(); } }; } }; listener = new SlaveListener(0, RunType.ONCE_ONLY); listener.setLogger(logger); listener.setHTTPListener(httpListener); assertEquals(RunResult.CONTINUE,; logger.verifyLogs(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, STARTUP_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, WAITING_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, GOT_CONNECTION_LOG_MESSAGE), logger.makeThrowableLogRecord(Level.SEVERE, new IOException())); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") @Test public void logsAndContinuesOnIOExceptionDuringWrite() throws Throwable { httpListener = new MockHTTPListener() { @Override public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return new OutputStream() { @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { throw new IOException(); } }; } }; listener = new SlaveListener(0, RunType.ONCE_ONLY); listener.setLogger(logger); listener.setHTTPListener(httpListener); assertEquals(RunResult.CONTINUE,; logger.verifyLogs(new LogRecord(Level.INFO, STARTUP_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, WAITING_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, GOT_CONNECTION_LOG_MESSAGE), new LogRecord(Level.FINE, READ_INPUT_LOG_MESSAGE), logger.makeThrowableLogRecord(Level.SEVERE, new IOException())); } } class MockHTTPListener implements HTTPListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final String HTTP_INPUT_HEADERS = "GET / HTTP/1.1\n" + "Host: localhost:8080\n" + "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\n" + "\n"; private static final byte BYTES_TO_READ[] = HTTP_INPUT_HEADERS.getBytes(); public boolean waitForConnectionCalled = false; public boolean allBytesRead = false; public transient ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); public boolean flushAndCloseCalled = false; public void waitForConnection() throws IOException { waitForConnectionCalled = true; } public InputStream getInputStream() { return new InputStream() { private int i = 0; @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (i >= BYTES_TO_READ.length) { return -1; } if (i == BYTES_TO_READ.length - 1) { allBytesRead = true; } return BYTES_TO_READ[i++]; } }; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() { return outputStream; } public void flushAndClose() { flushAndCloseCalled = true; } } class DummyStatusReporter implements StatusReporter, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public String getName() { return "test"; } public String getContent() { return "Hello"; } }