package hudson.plugins.bitkeeper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import hudson.AbortException; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogParser; import hudson.scm.SCM; import hudson.scm.SCMDescriptor; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.VersionNumber; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; public class BitKeeperSCM extends SCM { /** * Source repository URL from which we pull. */ private final String parent; /** * Local name of the repository */ private final String localRepository; /** * Whether we should use 'bk pull' to update the local repository * If not, we clean out the repo, and clone a fresh copy */ private final boolean usePull; /** * Specifies whether pull and clone commands should run in quiet mode * By default, these commands print out all files that have changed. * Since cloning can be quite verbose, turning on quiet mode can make the console * output much more useful */ private final boolean quiet; /** * How many times to retry clone/pull operations before declaring the build a failure */ private final int maxAttempts = 9; @DataBoundConstructor public BitKeeperSCM(String parent, String localRepo, boolean usePull, boolean quiet) { this.parent = parent; this.localRepository = localRepo; this.usePull = usePull; this.quiet = quiet; } /** * Gets the source repository path. * Either URL or local file path. */ public String getParent() { return parent; } /** * Gets the local repository directory. * Must be a local file path. */ public String getLocalRepository() { return localRepository; } public boolean isUsePull() { return usePull; } public boolean isQuiet() { return quiet; } @Override public FilePath getModuleRoot(FilePath workspace) { return workspace.child(this.localRepository); } @Override public boolean checkout(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, BuildListener listener, File changelogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath localRepo = workspace.child(localRepository); if(this.usePull && localRepo.exists()) { pullLocalRepo(build, launcher, listener, workspace); } else { cloneLocalRepo(build, launcher, listener, workspace); } saveChangelog(build, launcher, listener, changelogFile, localRepo); String mostRecent = this.getLatestChangeset( build.getEnvironment(listener), launcher, workspace, this.localRepository, listener ); build.addAction(new BitKeeperTagAction(build, mostRecent)); return true; } private void pullLocalRepo(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener, FilePath workspace) throws IOException, InterruptedException, AbortException { FilePath localRepo = workspace.child(localRepository); PrintStream output = listener.getLogger(); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(getDescriptor().getBkExe()); args.add("pull"); args.add("-u"); args.add("-c" + maxAttempts); if(quiet) args.add("-q"); args.add(parent); if(launcher.launch().cmds(args) .envs(build.getEnvironment(listener)).stdout(output).pwd(localRepo).join() != 0) { listener.error("Failed to pull from " + parent); throw new AbortException(); } output.println("Pull completed"); } private void saveChangelog(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener, File changelogFile, FilePath localRepo) throws IOException, InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, AbortException { OutputStream changelog = null; Run prevBuild = build.getPreviousBuild(); BitKeeperTagAction tagAction = prevBuild == null ? null : prevBuild.getAction(BitKeeperTagAction.class); String recentCset = tagAction == null ? null : tagAction.getCsetkey(); try { changelog = new FileOutputStream(changelogFile); if(recentCset == null || recentCset.equals("")) { listener.error("No most recent changeset available for changelog"); return; } if(launcher.launch().cmds(getDescriptor().getBkExe(), "changes", "-v", "-r" + recentCset + "..", "-d$if(:CHANGESET:){U :USER:\n$each(:C:){C (:C:)\n}$each(:TAG:){T (:TAG:)\n}}$unless(:CHANGESET:){F :GFILE:\n}") .envs(build.getEnvironment(listener)).stdout(changelog).pwd(localRepo).join() != 0) { listener.error("Failed to save changelog"); throw new AbortException(); } } finally { if(changelog != null) changelog.close(); } listener.getLogger().println("Changelog saved"); } @Override public ChangeLogParser createChangeLogParser() { return new BitKeeperChangeLogParser(); } @Override public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return DescriptorImpl.DESCRIPTOR; } @Override public boolean requiresWorkspaceForPolling() { return false; } @Override public boolean pollChanges(AbstractProject project, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { PrintStream output = listener.getLogger(); Run lastBuild = project.getLastBuild(); BitKeeperTagAction tagAction = lastBuild == null ? null : lastBuild.getAction(BitKeeperTagAction.class); String recentCset = tagAction == null ? null : tagAction.getCsetkey(); String cset = this.getLatestChangeset(Collections.<String,String>emptyMap(), launcher, workspace, parent, listener); return !(cset.equals(recentCset)); } private String getLatestChangeset(Map<String, String> env, Launcher launcher, FilePath workspace, String repository, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if(launcher.launch().cmds( getDescriptor().getBkExe(),"changes","-r+", "-d:CSETKEY:", "-D", repository) .envs(env).stdout(baos).pwd(workspace).join()!=0) { // dump the output from bk to assist trouble-shooting. Util.copyStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()),listener.getLogger()); listener.error("Failed to check the latest changeset"); throw new AbortException(); } // obtain the current changeset String rev = null; for( String line : Util.tokenize(new String(baos.toByteArray(), "ASCII"),"\r\n") ) { line = line.trim(); rev = line; break; } if(rev==null) { Util.copyStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()),listener.getLogger()); listener.error("Failed to identify a revision"); throw new AbortException(); } return rev; } private void cloneLocalRepo(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener, FilePath workspace) throws InterruptedException, IOException { FilePath localRepo = workspace.child(localRepository); ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(getDescriptor().getBkExe()); args.add("clone"); if(quiet) args.add("-q"); args.add(parent); args.add(localRepository); PrintStream output = listener.getLogger(); int attempt = 0; int result = 0; do { if(result != 0) { Thread.sleep(30000); listener.error("Retrying clone"); } localRepo.deleteRecursive(); result = launcher.launch().cmds(args) .envs(build.getEnvironment(listener)).stdout(output).pwd(workspace).join(); } while(++attempt < maxAttempts && result != 0); if(result != 0) { listener.error("Failed to clone after " + maxAttempts + " attempts from " + this.parent); throw new AbortException(); } output.println("New clone made"); } public static final class DescriptorImpl extends SCMDescriptor<BitKeeperSCM> { @Extension public static final DescriptorImpl DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); private String bkExe; private DescriptorImpl() { super(BitKeeperSCM.class, null); load(); } public String getDisplayName() { return "BitKeeper"; } /** * Path to BitKeeper executable. */ public String getBkExe() { if(bkExe==null) return "bk"; return bkExe; } @Override public SCM newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { return new BitKeeperSCM( req.getParameter("bitkeeper.parent"), req.getParameter("bitkeeper.localRepository"), req.getParameter("bitkeeper.usePull")!=null, req.getParameter("bitkeeper.quiet")!=null ); } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException { bkExe = req.getParameter("bitkeeper.bkExe"); save(); return true; } public FormValidation doBkExeCheck(@QueryParameter String value) { return FormValidation.validateExecutable(value, new FormValidation.FileValidator() { @Override public FormValidation validate(File exe) { ByteBuffer baos = new ByteBuffer(); try { Hudson.getInstance().createLauncher(TaskListener.NULL).launch() .cmds(getBkExe(), "version").stdout(baos).join(); Matcher m = VERSION_STRING.matcher(baos.toString()); if(m.find()) { try { if(new VersionNumber(>=0) { return FormValidation.ok(); // right version } else { return FormValidation.error("This bk is version "" but we need 4.0.1+"); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return FormValidation.warning("Hudson can't tell if this bk is 4.0.1 or later (detected version is %s)",; } } } catch (IOException e) { // failed } catch (InterruptedException e) { // failed } return FormValidation.error("Unable to check bk version"); } }); } /** * Pattern matcher for the version number. */ private static final Pattern VERSION_STRING = Pattern.compile("BitKeeper version is bk-([0-9.]+)"); private static final VersionNumber V4_0_1 = new VersionNumber("4.0.1"); } }