package hudson.plugins.collabnet.util; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFPackage; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFProject; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFRelease; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFScmRepository; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFTracker; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CollabNetApp; import com.collabnet.cubit.api.CubitConnector; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.auth.CNAuthentication; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import org.apache.axis.utils.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.contrib.ssl.EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.Protocol; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.ProtocolSocketFactory; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException; public abstract class CNFormFieldValidator { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("CNFormFieldValidator"); // no special permisssion is required for our checks // without proper rights, no data will be returned from // CollabNet server anyhow. /** * Utility function to check that a str contains only valid * environmental variables to interpret. * * @param str the string to test. * @return error message, if any variables are missing, null if all * are found. */ public static void checkInterpretedString(String str) throws FormValidation { Pattern envPat = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{(\\w*)\\}"); Matcher matcher = envPat.matcher(str); Set<String> envVars = new HashSet<String>(9); envVars.add("BUILD_NUMBER"); envVars.add("BUILD_ID"); envVars.add("JOB_NAME"); envVars.add("BUILD_TAG"); envVars.add("EXECUTOR_NUMBER"); envVars.add("JAVA_HOME"); envVars.add("WORKSPACE"); envVars.add("HUDSON_URL"); envVars.add("SVN_REVISION"); envVars.add("CVS_BRANCH"); String message = null; while (matcher.find()) { String key =; if (!envVars.contains(key)) { if (message == null) { message = "Environmental Variables not found: " + key; } else { message += ", " + key; } } } if (message!=null) throw FormValidation.error(message); } /** * Returns true if a url is valid, false otherwise. */ public static boolean checkUrl(String url) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); try { GetMethod get = new GetMethod(url); int status = client.executeMethod(get); return status == 200; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { return false; } } /** * Class for checking that a required value is set. Expects a * StaplerRequest with a value set to the value and a name set to * the name of what is being set (used for error msg). */ public static FormValidation requiredCheck(String value, String name) { value = StringUtils.strip(value); if (CommonUtil.unset(name)) { // ideally this should be set name = "above value"; } if (CommonUtil.unset(value)) { return FormValidation.error("The " + name + " is required."); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class for checking an unrequired value that may include * interpreted strings (i.e. Hudson environmental values). Expects a * StaplerRequest with value. If it's a required value, expects a * value name. */ public static FormValidation interpretedCheck(String str, String name, boolean isRequired) throws FormValidation { if (CommonUtil.unset(str)) { if (!isRequired) { return FormValidation.ok(); } else { if (CommonUtil.unset(name)) { // ideally this should be set name = "above value"; } return FormValidation.error("The " + name + " is required."); } } checkInterpretedString(str); return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class for checking an interpreted string which is unrequired. */ public static FormValidation unrequiredInterpretedCheck(String str, String name) throws FormValidation { return interpretedCheck(str, name, false); } /** * Class for checking an interpreted string which is required. */ public static FormValidation requiredInterpretedCheck(String str, String name) throws FormValidation { return interpretedCheck(str, name, true); } /** * Class for checking if a Host URL is correct. Expects a StaplerRequest * with value set to the url. */ public static FormValidation hostUrlCheck(String hostUrl) { if (CommonUtil.unset(hostUrl)) { return FormValidation.error("The Host URL is required."); } Protocol acceptAllSsl = new Protocol("https", (ProtocolSocketFactory) new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443); Protocol.registerProtocol("https", acceptAllSsl); if (!checkUrl(hostUrl)) { return FormValidation.error("Invalid Host URL."); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class for checking if a URL is correct and corresponds to a * CollabNet server. Expects a StaplerRequest with value set * to the url. */ public static FormValidation soapUrlCheck(String collabNetUrl) { if (CommonUtil.unset(collabNetUrl)) { return FormValidation.error("The CollabNet TeamForge URL is required."); } if (!checkSoapUrl(collabNetUrl)) { return FormValidation.error("Invalid CollabNet TeamForge URL."); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Check that a URL has the expected SOAP service. * * @param collabNetUrl for the CollabNet server * @return returns true if we can get a wsdl from the url, which * indicates that it's a working CollabNet server. */ private static boolean checkSoapUrl(String collabNetUrl) { String soapURL = collabNetUrl + CollabNetApp.SOAP_SERVICE + "CollabNet?wsdl"; return checkUrl(soapURL); } /** * Class for checking that a login to CollabNet is valid. Expects * a StaplerRequest with url, username, and password set. */ public static FormValidation loginCheck(CollabNetApp app, String password) { if (CommonUtil.unset(password)) { return FormValidation.error("The password is required."); } if (app == null) { return FormValidation.warning("Login fails with this CollabNet " + "URL/username/password combination."); } else { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(app); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Checks if a project name is valid, by using the given connection. */ public static FormValidation projectCheck(CollabNetApp app, String project) throws RemoteException { if (CommonUtil.unset(project)) { return FormValidation.error("The project is required."); } if (app != null) { try { if (app.getProjectByTitle(project) == null) { return FormValidation.warning(String.format( "Project '%s' cannot be found, or user %s does not have permission to access it.", project, app.getUsername())); } } finally { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(app); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class to check that the path to a document exists. Warns about * any missing folders. Expects a StaplerRequest with url, username, * password, project, and path. */ public static FormValidation documentPathCheck(CollabNetApp app, String project, String path) throws IOException { path = path.replaceAll("/+", "/"); path = CommonUtil.stripSlashes(path); if (CommonUtil.unset(path)) { return FormValidation.error("The path is required."); } checkInterpretedString(path); CTFProject p = app.getProjectByTitle(project); if (p != null) { String missing = p.verifyPath(path); if (missing != null) { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(app); return FormValidation.warning(String.format( "Folder '%s' could not be found in path '%s'. It (and any subfolders) will be created dynamically.", missing, path)); } } CNHudsonUtil.logoff(app); return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class to check that a package exists. Expects a StaplerRequest with * a url, username, password, project, and package. */ public static FormValidation packageCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage) throws RemoteException { if (CommonUtil.unset(rpackage)) { return FormValidation.error("The package is required."); } try { CTFProject p = cna.getProjectByTitle(project); if (p != null) { CTFPackage pkg = p.getPackages().byTitle(rpackage); if (pkg == null) { return FormValidation.warning("Package could not be found."); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } finally { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); } } /** * Class to check that a release exists. Expects a StaplerRequest with * a url, username, password, project, package (optional), and release. */ public static FormValidation releaseCheck(CollabNetApp cna, String project, String rpackage, String release, boolean required) throws RemoteException { try { if (CommonUtil.unset(release)) { if (required) { return FormValidation.error("The release is required."); } else { return FormValidation.ok(); } } CTFProject p = cna.getProjectByTitle(project); if (p==null) return FormValidation.ok(); // not entered yet? CTFPackage pkg = p.getPackages().byTitle(rpackage); if (pkg != null) { CTFRelease r = pkg.getReleaseByTitle(release); if (r == null) return FormValidation.warning("Release could not be found."); } else { // locate the release from all the packages for (CTFPackage x : p.getPackages()) { if (x.getReleaseByTitle(release)!=null) return FormValidation.ok(); } return FormValidation.warning("Release could not be found."); } return FormValidation.ok(); } finally { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); } } /** * Class to check that a repo exists. Expects a StaplerRequest with * a url, username, password, and project. */ public static FormValidation repoCheck(StaplerRequest request) throws RemoteException { String project = request.getParameter("project"); String repoName = request.getParameter("repo"); CollabNetApp cna = CNHudsonUtil.getCollabNetApp(request); if (cna==null) return FormValidation.ok(); try { CTFProject p = cna.getProjectByTitle(project); if (CommonUtil.unset(repoName)) { return FormValidation.error("The repository name is required."); } if (p != null) { CTFScmRepository r = p.getScmRepositories().byTitle(repoName); if (r == null) { return FormValidation.warning("Repository could not be " + "found."); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } finally { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); } } /** * Class to check that a tracker exists. Expects a StaplerRequest with * a url, username, password, project, and tracker. */ public static FormValidation trackerCheck(StaplerRequest request) throws RemoteException { String tracker = request.getParameter("tracker"); String project = request.getParameter("project"); if (CommonUtil.unset(tracker)) { return FormValidation.error("The tracker is required."); } CollabNetApp cna = CNHudsonUtil.getCollabNetApp(request); CTFProject p = cna.getProjectByTitle(project); if (p!=null) { CTFTracker t = p.getTrackers().byTitle(tracker); if (t == null) { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); return FormValidation.warning("Tracker could not be found."); } } CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class for checking if a user can be assigned a tracker artifact. * Expects a StaplerRequest with login info (url, username, password), * project, and assign (which is the username). */ public static FormValidation assignCheck(StaplerRequest request) throws RemoteException { String assign = StringUtils.strip(request.getParameter("assign")); if (CommonUtil.unset(assign)) { return FormValidation.ok(); } String project = request.getParameter("project"); CollabNetApp cna = CNHudsonUtil.getCollabNetApp(request); if (cna == null) { return FormValidation.ok(); } try { CTFProject p = cna.getProjectById(project); if (p == null) { return FormValidation.ok(); } if (!p.hasMember(assign)) { return FormValidation.warning("This user is not a member of the " + "project."); } return FormValidation.ok(); } finally { CNHudsonUtil.logoff(cna); } } /** * Check that a comma-separated list of users exists. * The check only works for a logged-in site-admin. Otherwise, * give a warning that we cannot check the users' validity. */ public static FormValidation userListCheck(String userStr) throws RemoteException { if (userStr == null || userStr.equals("")) { return FormValidation.ok(); } CNAuthentication auth = CNAuthentication.get(); if (auth == null || !auth.isSuperUser()) { return FormValidation.warning("Cannot check if users exist unless logged " + "in as a TeamForge site admin. Be careful!"); } Collection<String> invalidUsers = getInvalidUsers(auth.getCredentials(), userStr); if (!invalidUsers.isEmpty()) { return FormValidation.error("The following users do not exist: " + invalidUsers); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * @param cna * @param userStr * @return the collection of users from the array which do not exist. */ private static Collection<String> getInvalidUsers(CollabNetApp cna, String userStr) throws RemoteException { Collection<String> invalidUsers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String user: CommonUtil.splitCommaStr(userStr)) { if (!cna.isUsernameValid(user)) { invalidUsers.add(user); } } return invalidUsers; } /** * Check that a comma-separated list of groups exists. * The check only works for a logged-in site-admin. Also warns * the current user if s/he will be locked out once that user * saves the configuration. */ public static FormValidation groupListCheck(String groupStr, String userStr) throws RemoteException { Collection<String> invalidGroups = getInvalidGroups(groupStr); if (!invalidGroups.isEmpty()) { return FormValidation.error("The following groups do not exist: " + invalidGroups); // anyone who can see if groups are invalid will // never be locked out, so we can return here } if (userStr != null) { if (locksOutCurrentUser(userStr, groupStr)) { return FormValidation.error("The authorization settings would lock " + "the current user out of this page. " + "You may want to add your username to " + "the user list."); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * @param groupStr * @return the collection of groups from the array which do not exist. */ private static Collection<String> getInvalidGroups(String groupStr) throws RemoteException { CNAuthentication auth = CNAuthentication.get(); if (auth == null) { // cannot connect to check. return Collections.emptyList(); } if (!auth.isSuperUser()) { // only super users can see all groups and do this check. return Collections.emptyList(); } Set<String> invalidGroups = new HashSet<String>(CommonUtil.splitCommaStr(groupStr)); invalidGroups.removeAll(auth.getCredentials().getGroups().getTitles()); return invalidGroups; } /** * Return true if the given admin user/groups would mean that * the current user would be locked out of the system. * * @param userStr * @param groupStr * @return true if the user would not have admin access with these * authorizations. */ private static boolean locksOutCurrentUser(String userStr, String groupStr) { CNAuthentication auth = CNAuthentication.get(); if (auth == null) { // cannot check return false; } if (auth.isSuperUser()) { return false; } String currentUser = auth.getPrincipal(); for (String user: CommonUtil.splitCommaStr(userStr)) { if (user.equals(currentUser)) { return false; } } return !auth.isMemberOfAny(CommonUtil.splitCommaStr(groupStr)); } /** * Class to check for validity of a regex expression. Expects * a StaplerRequest with value set. */ public static FormValidation regexCheck(String regex) { if(!CommonUtil.unset(regex)) { try { Pattern.compile(regex); } catch (PatternSyntaxException ex){ return FormValidation.error("The regular expression is not syntactically " + "correct."); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Class to check if a CUBiT key has the proper format and allows * login. Expects a StaplerRequest with value (key), hostURL, and user * set. */ public static FormValidation cubitKeyCheck(String hostUrl, String user, String key) { if (CommonUtil.unset(key)) { return FormValidation.error("The user API key is required."); } if (!key.matches("\\p{XDigit}{8}-\\p{XDigit}{4}" + "-\\p{XDigit}{4}-\\p{XDigit}{4}" + "-\\p{XDigit}{12}")) { if (key.startsWith(" ")) { return FormValidation.error("The key's format is invalid. " + "There is a leading space."); } else if (key.endsWith(" ")) { return FormValidation.error("The key's format is invalid. " + "There is a trailing space."); } else { return FormValidation.error("The key's format is invalid."); } } if (!CommonUtil.unset(hostUrl) && !CommonUtil.unset(user)) { boolean success; try { success = signedStatus(hostUrl, user, key); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // failure success = false; } if (!success) { return FormValidation.warning("This host URL, username, and user API " + "key combination cannot successfully " + "sign in."); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Utility function to check that host, user, and key work. * * @param host URL. * @param user to login as. * @param key to login with. * @return true if the status is good. */ private static boolean signedStatus(String host, String user, String key) { key = key.toLowerCase(); CubitConnector conn = new CubitConnector(host, user, key); String status; try { status = conn.callCubitApi("status_signed", new HashMap<String, String>(), true); } catch (IOException e) { return false; } Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(".*OK.*", Pattern.DOTALL); return pat.matcher(status).matches(); } /** * Perform checking of number * @param number the number * @param allowPositive true to allow positive * @param allowZero true to allow zero * @param allowNegative true to allow negative * @return validation */ public static FormValidation numberCheck(String number, boolean allowPositive, boolean allowZero, boolean allowNegative) { int integer; try { integer = Integer.parseInt(number); } catch (Exception e) { integer = 0; } if (integer < 0 && !allowNegative) { return FormValidation.error("Integer cannot be negative: " + integer); } if (integer == 0 && !allowZero) { return FormValidation.error("Integer cannot be zero: " + integer); } if (integer > 0 && !allowPositive) { return FormValidation.error("Integer cannot be positive: " + integer); } return FormValidation.ok(); } }