package hudson.plugins.synergy.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Builds an update workarea command. * * @author jrbe */ public class UpdateCommand extends Command { public static final String PROJECT = "-p"; public static final String PROJECT_GROUPING = "-pg"; /** * The type of element to update */ private String type; /** * The spec of the project to update. */ private String project; /** * The list of members that have been added to the workarea. */ private List<String> names; /** * The displayname of the project grouping. */ private String pgName; /** * Should the subprojects be replaced? */ private boolean replaceSubprojects; private List<Conflict> conflicts = new ArrayList<Conflict>(); public UpdateCommand(String type, String project, boolean replaceSubprojects) { this.type = type; this.project = project; this.replaceSubprojects = replaceSubprojects; } @Override public void parseResult(String result) { // List of elements found. names = new ArrayList<String>(); // Creates regexps for what we are looking for in the log. Pattern pReplaces = Pattern.compile("'[^']+'\\sreplaces\\s'[^']+'\\sunder\\s'[^']+'"); Pattern pBoundUnder = Pattern.compile("'[^']+'\\sis\\snow\\sbound\\sunder\\s'[^']+'"); Pattern pObjectName = Pattern.compile("'[^']+'"); // Look for updates. Matcher mReplaces = pReplaces.matcher(result); while (mReplaces.find()) { String group =; Matcher mObjectNames = pObjectName.matcher(group); String newElement = mObjectNames.find() ? : null; String oldElement = mObjectNames.find() ? : null; String elementParent = mObjectNames.find() ? : null; names.add(newElement.substring(1, newElement.length() - 1)); } // Look for new elements. Matcher mBound = pBoundUnder.matcher(result); while (mBound.find()) { String group =; Matcher mObjectNames = pObjectName.matcher(group); String newElement = mObjectNames.find() ? : null; String elementParent = mObjectNames.find() ? : null; names.add(newElement.substring(1, newElement.length() - 1)); } Pattern updateWarningPattern = Pattern.compile("Warning:\\s.*"); Matcher mUpdateWarningPattern = updateWarningPattern.matcher(result); boolean foundWarning = mUpdateWarningPattern.find(); if (foundWarning) { String objectname = "Update Warning found!"; String task = "No Task"; String type = ""; String message =; Conflict conflict = new Conflict(objectname, task, type, message); conflicts.add(conflict); } // Look for project grouping name Pattern pgNamePattern = Pattern.compile("Refreshing baseline and tasks for project grouping '([^']+)'"); Matcher mPgNamePattern = pgNamePattern.matcher(result); pgName = mPgNamePattern.find() ? : null; } @Override public String[] buildCommand(String ccmExe) { String subprojectUpdateRule = replaceSubprojects ? "-replace_subprojects" : "-keep_subprojects"; String[] commands = new String[] { ccmExe, "update", "-r", subprojectUpdateRule, type, project }; return commands; } public List<String> getUpdates() { return names; } public boolean isStatusOK(int status) { return status == 0; } public Collection<Conflict> getConflicts() { return conflicts; } public boolean isUpdateWarningsExists() { return !getConflicts().isEmpty(); } public String getPgName() { return pgName; } }