package hudson.plugins.collabnet.auth; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFList; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFProject; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFRole; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CTFUser; import com.collabnet.ce.webservices.CollabNetApp; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Item; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.JobProperty; import hudson.model.JobPropertyDescriptor; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.ComboBoxUpdater; import hudson.plugins.collabnet.util.CommonUtil; import; import hudson.util.ComboBoxModel; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import static java.util.logging.Level.WARNING; /** * Job property to associate a Hudson job with a CollabNet Project for * Authorization purposes (used with CollabNet Authorization). */ public class CNAuthProjectProperty extends JobProperty<Job<?, ?>> { public static Permission CONFIGURE_PROPERTY = Item.CONFIGURE; private transient boolean mIsNotLoadedFromDisk = false; private transient String project = null; private String projectId = null; private boolean createRoles = false; private boolean grantDefaultRoles = false; private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("CNAuthProjectProperty"); private static Collection<String> defaultAdminRoles = Collections.emptyList(); private static Collection<String> defaultUserRoles = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Constructor * @param project name of project to tie the auth to * @param createRoles true to create special hudson roles * @param grantDefaultRoles true to grant default roles to project members */ @DataBoundConstructor public CNAuthProjectProperty(String project, boolean createRoles, String storedProjectId, boolean grantDefaultRoles) { this.project = project; this.createRoles = createRoles; this.grantDefaultRoles = grantDefaultRoles; if (this.createRoles || this.grantDefaultRoles) { this.loadRoles(); } mIsNotLoadedFromDisk = true; // if the user who configured the job didn't have the authority to change the project binding, // revert it back to what it was before. loadProjectIdIfNecessary(); if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty(getProject()) && CommonUtil.isEmpty(getProjectId())) { // means we can't find the specified project name - prevent overriding setProjectId(storedProjectId); } } /** * Determine the project id. */ private void loadProjectIdIfNecessary() { if (CommonUtil.isEmpty(projectId) && !CommonUtil.isEmpty(project)) { CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); if (conn == null) { return; } try { CTFProject p = conn.getProjectByTitle(project); projectId = p!=null ? p.getId() : null; } catch (RemoteException e) { projectId = null; log.log(WARNING,"Failed to load project ID of "+project,e); } if (!mIsNotLoadedFromDisk) { if (this.owner != null) { try { mIsNotLoadedFromDisk = true;; // should save the conf file for the job } catch (IOException e) {"Failed to modify config file for migration of project name to project id"); } } } } } /** * @return the name of the CollabNet project. */ public String getProject() { loadProjectIdIfNecessary(); if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty(projectId)) { // always use the name from project id if project id exists - this allows us to address scenario where // while the app is running, the project name was changed on the server CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); if (conn != null) { try { CTFProject p = conn.getProjectById(projectId); if (p!=null) return p.getTitle(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // fall back to the stored project name } } } return project; } /** * @return the id of the TeamForge project. */ public String getProjectId() { loadProjectIdIfNecessary(); return projectId; } /** * Set the project id and reprocure the corresponding project name * @param projectId project id */ public void setProjectId(String projectId) { this.projectId = projectId; } /** * @return true if creating the roles on the CollabNet server should be * attempted. */ public boolean getCreateRoles() { return this.createRoles; } /** * @return true if the default roles should be added. */ public boolean getGrantDefaultRoles() { return this.grantDefaultRoles; } /** * @return the default user roles. Lazily initialized. */ public Collection<String> getDefaultUserRoles() { if (CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultUserRoles.isEmpty()) { CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultUserRoles = new ArrayList<String>(); CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultUserRoles.add("Hudson Read"); } return CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultUserRoles; } /** * @return the default admin roles. Lazily initialized. */ public Collection<String> getDefaultAdminRoles() { if (CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultAdminRoles.isEmpty()) { CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultAdminRoles = CNProjectACL.CollabNetRoles.getNames(); } return CNAuthProjectProperty.defaultAdminRoles; } /** * Load the roles into CSFE, if they are not already present. * Requires the logged in user to be a project admin in the * CollabNet project. * */ private void loadRoles() { String projectIdStr = getProjectId(); if (!CommonUtil.isEmpty(projectIdStr)) { try { CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); if (conn == null) { log.warning("Cannot loadRoles, incorrect authentication type."); return; } CTFProject p = conn.getProjectById(getProjectId()); if (this.getCreateRoles()) { CTFList<CTFRole> existing = p.getRoles(); for (CollabNetRole role: CNProjectACL.CollabNetRoles.getAllRoles()) { if (existing.byTitle(role.getName())==null) p.createRole(role.getName(), role.getDescription()); } } if (this.getGrantDefaultRoles()) { // load up some default roles // this should be an option later grantRoles(p, this.getDefaultUserRoles(), p.getMembers()); grantRoles(p, this.getDefaultAdminRoles(), p.getAdmins()); } } catch (RemoteException e) { log.log(WARNING, "Cannot loadRoles, incorrect authentication type.", e); } } } private void grantRoles(CTFProject p, Collection<String> roleNames, List<CTFUser> members) throws RemoteException { CTFList<CTFRole> roles = p.getRoles(); for (String name : roleNames) { CTFRole r = roles.byTitle(name); if (r==null) continue; // this indicates an abstraction leakage CTFList<CTFUser> existing = r.getMembers(); for (CTFUser m : members) { if (!existing.contains(m)) try { r.grant(m); } catch (RemoteException re) { log.severe("grantRoles: failed with RemoteException: " + re.getMessage()); } } } } /** * Descriptor class. */ @Extension public static class DescriptorImpl extends JobPropertyDescriptor { /** * @return string to display. */ @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Associated CollabNet Project"; } /** * @param jobType * @return true when the CNAuthorizationStrategy is in effect. */ @Override public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends Job> jobType) { // only applicable when using CNAuthorizationStrategy return Hudson.getInstance().getAuthorizationStrategy() instanceof CNAuthorizationStrategy; } /** * Form validation for the project field. */ public FormValidation doCheckProject(@QueryParameter String value) throws RemoteException { String project = value; if (CommonUtil.isEmpty(project)) { return FormValidation.warning("If left empty, all users will be able to configure and access this " + "build"); } CNAuthentication auth = CNAuthentication.get(); if (auth == null) { return FormValidation.warning("Cannot check project name, improper" + " authentication type."); } CTFProject p = auth.getCredentials().getProjectByTitle(project); boolean superUser = auth.isSuperUser(); boolean hudsonAdmin = Hudson.getInstance().getACL() .hasPermission(Hudson.ADMINISTER); if (p==null) { if (superUser) { return FormValidation.error("This project does not exist."); } else { return FormValidation.error("The current user does not have access " + "to this project. This setting change will not be saved."); } } FormValidation ok = FormValidation.ok("Currently selected project: " + p.getId() + ":" + project); if (superUser) { // all other errors should not be valid for a // superuser, since superusers are Hudson Admins // (so all-powerful in the Hudson realm) and also // all-powerful in the CollabNet server. return ok; } if (!auth.isProjectAdmin(p)) { return FormValidation.warning("The current user is not a project admin in " + "the project, so he/she cannot create or " + "grant roles."); } if (hudsonAdmin) { // no more errors apply to the Hudson Admin, since // admins will never be locked out of this page. return ok; } // check that the user will have configure permissions // on this page CNProjectACL acl = new CNProjectACL(p.getId()); if (!acl.hasPermission(CNAuthProjectProperty .CONFIGURE_PROPERTY)) { CollabNetRole roleNeeded = CNProjectACL.CollabNetRoles .getGrantingRole(CNAuthProjectProperty .CONFIGURE_PROPERTY); return FormValidation.warning("The current user does not have the '" + roleNeeded.getName() + "' role in the " + "project, which is required to configure " + "this Hudson job. If this project is chosen," + " the current user will not have the power " + "to change the project later, unless he/she " + "is given this role."); } return ok; } /** * Get a list of projects to choose from. * * @return an array of project names. */ public ComboBoxModel doFillProjectItems() throws RemoteException { CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); if (conn == null) { return new ComboBoxModel(); } return ComboBoxUpdater.toModel(conn.getProjects()); } /** * @return the CollabNet server url. */ public String getCollabNetUrl() { CollabNetApp conn = CNConnection.getInstance(); return conn.getServerUrl(); } } }