package hudson.plugins.clover; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapper; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapperDescriptor; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Proc; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Util; import hudson.util.DescribableList; import hudson.remoting.Channel; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.model.Project; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; import hudson.model.Action; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import; /** * A BuildWrapper that decorates the command line just before a build starts with targets and properties that will automatically * integrate Clover into the Ant build. */ public class CloverBuildWrapper extends BuildWrapper { public boolean historical = true; public boolean json = true; public String licenseCert; @DataBoundConstructor public CloverBuildWrapper(boolean historical, boolean json, String licenseCert) { this.historical = historical; this.json = json; this.licenseCert = licenseCert; } @Override public Environment setUp(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { addCloverPublisher(build, listener); return new Environment() {}; } private void addCloverPublisher(AbstractBuild build, BuildListener listener) throws IOException { DescribableList publishers = build.getProject().getPublishersList(); if (!publishers.contains(CloverPublisher.DESCRIPTOR)) { final String reportDir = "clover"; listener.getLogger().println("Adding Clover Publisher with reportDir: " + reportDir); build.getProject().getPublishersList().add(new CloverPublisher(reportDir, null)); } } @Override public Action getProjectAction(AbstractProject job) { // ensure only one project action exists on the project if (job.getAction(CloverProjectAction.class) == null) { return new CloverProjectAction((Project) job); } return super.getProjectAction(job); } @Override public Launcher decorateLauncher(AbstractBuild build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException, Run.RunnerAbortedException { final DescriptorImpl descriptor = Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(DescriptorImpl.class); final String license = Util.nullify(licenseCert) == null ? descriptor.licenseCert : licenseCert; final CIOptions.Builder options = new CIOptions.Builder(). json(this.json). historical(this.historical). fullClean(true); final Launcher outer = launcher; return new CloverDecoratingLauncher(outer, options, license); } public static final Descriptor<BuildWrapper> DESCRIPTOR = new DescriptorImpl(); /** * Descriptor for {@link CloverPublisher}. Used as a singleton. The class is marked as public so that it can be * accessed from views. * <p/> * <p/> * See <tt>views/hudson/plugins/clover/CloverPublisher/*.jelly</tt> for the actual HTML fragment for the * configuration screen. */ @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor { public String licenseCert; public DescriptorImpl() { super(CloverBuildWrapper.class); load(); } /** * This human readable name is used in the configuration screen. */ public String getDisplayName() { return "<img src='"+CloverProjectAction.ICON+"' height='24'/> Automatically record and report Code Coverage using <a href=''>Clover.</a>. Currently for Ant builds only."; } @Override public String getHelpFile() { return "/plugin/clover/help-cloverConfig.html"; } @Override public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject json) throws FormException { req.bindParameters(this, "clover."); save(); return true; } public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject item) { // TODO: is there a better way to detect Ant builds? // should only be enabled for Ant projects. return (item instanceof FreeStyleProject); } } public static class CloverDecoratingLauncher extends Launcher { private final Launcher outer; private final CIOptions.Builder options; private final String license; public CloverDecoratingLauncher(Launcher outer, CIOptions.Builder options, String license) { super(outer); this.outer = outer; this.options = options; this.license = license; } @Override public Proc launch(ProcStarter starter) throws IOException { decorateArgs(starter); return outer.launch(starter); } public void decorateArgs(ProcStarter starter) throws IOException { List<String> userArgs = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> preSystemArgs = new LinkedList<String>(); List<String> postSystemArgs = new LinkedList<String>(); final List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<String>(); cmds.addAll(starter.cmds()); // on windows - the cmds are wrapped of the form: // "cmd.exe", "/C", "\"ant.bat clean && exit %%ERRORLEVEL%%\"" // this hacky code is used to parse out just the user specified args. ie clean final int numPreSystemCmds = 2; // hack hack hack - there are 2 commands prepended on windows... final String sysArgSplitter = "&&"; if (!cmds.isEmpty() && cmds.size() >= numPreSystemCmds && !cmds.get(0).endsWith("ant")) { preSystemArgs.addAll(cmds.subList(0, numPreSystemCmds)); // get the index of the "ant.bat String argString = cmds.get(numPreSystemCmds); // trim leading and trailing " if they exist... argString = argString.replaceAll("\"", ""); String[] tokens = argString.split(" "); preSystemArgs.add(tokens[0]); for (int i = 1; i < tokens.length; i++) { // chop the ant.bat String arg = tokens[i]; if (sysArgSplitter.equals(arg)) { // anything after the &&, break. postSystemArgs.addAll(Arrays.asList(tokens).subList(i, tokens.length)); break; } userArgs.add(arg); } } else { if (cmds.size() > 0) { preSystemArgs.add(cmds.get(0)); } if (cmds.size() > 1) { userArgs.addAll(cmds.subList(1, cmds.size())); } } if (!userArgs.isEmpty()) { // TODO: full clean needs to be an option. see options.fullClean(true); setupLicense(starter); Integrator integrator = Integrator.Factory.newAntIntegrator(; integrator.decorateArguments(userArgs); starter.cmds(new ArrayList<String>()); // re-assemble all commands List<String> allCommands = new ArrayList<String>(); allCommands.addAll(preSystemArgs); allCommands.addAll(userArgs); allCommands.addAll(postSystemArgs); starter.cmds(allCommands); // masks.length must equal cmds.length boolean[] masks = new boolean[starter.cmds().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < starter.masks().length; i++) { masks[i] = starter.masks()[i]; } starter.masks(masks); } } private void setupLicense(ProcStarter starter) throws IOException { if (license == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No Clover license configured. Please download a free 30 day license from"); return; } // create a tmp license file. FilePath licenseFile = new FilePath(starter.pwd(), ".clover/clover.license"); try { licenseFile.write(license, "UTF-8"); options.license(new File(licenseFile.toURI())); } catch (InterruptedException e) { listener.getLogger().print("Could not create license file at: " + licenseFile + ". Setting as a system property."); listener.getLogger().print(e.getMessage()); options.licenseCert(license); } } @Override public Channel launchChannel(String[] cmd, OutputStream out, FilePath workDir, Map<String, String> envVars) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return outer.launchChannel(cmd, out, workDir, envVars); } @Override public void kill(Map<String, String> modelEnvVars) throws IOException, InterruptedException { outer.kill(modelEnvVars); } } }