package hudson.plugins.svnmerge; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; import hudson.model.Result; import hudson.scm.SubversionSCM; import hudson.util.IOException2; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.HudsonHomeLoader.CopyExisting; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.HudsonTestCase; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.TestBuilder; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNCommitInfo; import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNDepth.INFINITY; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNProperties; import; import; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNClientManager; import static org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.SVNRevision.HEAD; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.awt.*; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm; /** * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public class MergeTest extends HudsonTestCase { private URL repo; private FreeStyleProject trunk; private FreeStyleProject p; private FeatureBranchProperty upp; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); repo = loadSvn(); // create the trunk project trunk = createFreeStyleProject("trunk"); trunk.setScm(new SubversionSCM("file://"+new URL(repo,"trunk").getPath(),"trunk")); trunk.addProperty(new IntegratableProject()); // create a project p = createFreeStyleProject("b1"); p.setScm(new SubversionSCM("file://"+new URL(repo,"branches/b1").getPath(),"b1")); upp = new FeatureBranchProperty(trunk.getName()); p.addProperty(upp); } /** * Create a new feature branch */ public void testCreateBranch() throws Exception { createFeatureBranch(new WebClient(), "b2"); // make sure it's created with the right set of linkage to the trunk job FreeStyleProject fsp = hudson.getItemByFullName("trunk-b2",FreeStyleProject.class); assertNotNull(fsp); assertNull(fsp.getProperty(IntegratableProject.class)); FeatureBranchProperty ujp = fsp.getProperty(FeatureBranchProperty.class); assertNotNull(ujp); assertSame(ujp.getUpstreamProject(),trunk); assertTrue(((SubversionSCM)fsp.getScm()).getLocations()[0].getURL().contains("/branches/b2")); // see if the rename works trunk.renameTo("somethingElse"); assertSame(ujp.getUpstreamProject(),trunk); assertEquals(trunk.getName(),ujp.getUpstream()); // try recreating the branch job and make sure Hudson detects an error fsp.delete(); WebClient wc = new WebClient(); wc.setThrowExceptionOnFailingStatusCode(false); HtmlPage p = createFeatureBranch(wc, "b2"); assertEquals("Duplicate branch should be detected",400,p.getWebResponse().getStatusCode()); submit(p.getFormByName("new")); } private HtmlPage createFeatureBranch(WebClient webClient, String name) throws Exception { HtmlPage p = webClient.getPage(trunk, "featureBranches"); HtmlForm f = p.getFormByName("new"); f.getInputByName("name").setValueAttribute(name); return submit(f); } /** * Very basic test that pushes changes to the upstream. */ public void testUpstreamMerge() throws Exception { p.addPublisher(new IntegrationPublisher()); p.getBuildersList().add(nonCollidingChange); assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); // we make a commit in the builder, which won't be picked up by the integration // (since it's keyed to the state of the repository as of a check out.) // so this one pushes the non-colliding change to the trunk. p.getBuildersList().clear(); assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); assertTrue(trunkHasE()); } /** * Verify that there's trunk/e, which is created by {@link #nonCollidingChange}. */ private boolean trunkHasE() throws SVNException { // make sure the merge went in by checking if /trunk/e exists. SVNRepository rep = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(upp.getUpstreamURL()); long latest = rep.getLatestRevision(); try { return latest==rep.getFile("/trunk/e", latest,new SVNProperties(), null); } catch (SVNException e) { return false; } } /** * Now what if a merge fails with a conflict? */ public void testUpstreamConflict() throws Exception { p.addPublisher(new IntegrationPublisher()); p.getBuildersList().add(collidingChange); // this should succeed. see testUpstreamMerge for why. assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); p.getBuildersList().clear(); // merge should have failed, because of a conflict FreeStyleBuild build = build(); assertBuildStatus(Result.FAILURE, build); assertLogContains("Found conflict with the upstream",build); // workspace should have our d. assertEquals(MAGIC_CONTENT,IOUtils.toString(p.getModuleRoot().child("d").read())); } /** * Tests manual integration. */ public void testManualIntegration() throws Exception { // make a change in the branch, but don't auto-commit the change p.getBuildersList().add(nonCollidingChange); FreeStyleBuild b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); integrateManually(b); // this should merge the branch as it was checked out, so it should succeed // but E won't be integrated yet. assertFalse(trunkHasE()); p.getBuildersList().clear(); b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); integrateManually(b); assertTrue(trunkHasE()); } private String integrateManually(FreeStyleBuild b) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, IOException { System.out.println("-- Now Merging manually"); IntegrateAction ma = b.getAction(IntegrateAction.class); // XXX this can block indefinitely! IntegrateAction.WorkerThread thread = ma.integrateAsync().get(); String msg = IOUtils.toString(thread.readAll()); System.out.println(msg); return msg; } /** * Manual integration should also fail if there's a collision */ public void testManualIntegrationCollision() throws Exception { // build should succeed because we aren't auto-committing. p.getBuildersList().add(collidingChange); FreeStyleBuild b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); String msg = integrateManually(b); assertFalse(msg.contains("Conflict found")); p.getBuildersList().clear(); b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); msg = integrateManually(b); assertTrue(msg.contains("Conflict found")); } public void _testInteractiveDebug() throws Exception { p.getBuildersList().add(collidingChange); FreeStyleBuild b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(build()); Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI.create(new WebClient().getContextPath())); new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } /** * Add a file and then commit the directory. */ private void commitAndUpdate(BuildListener listener, FilePath dir, FilePath newFile) throws IOException2 { try { SVNClientManager cm = SubversionSCM.createSvnClientManager(); cm.getWCClient().doAdd(toFile(newFile),false,false,false, INFINITY,false,false); SVNCommitInfo ci = cm.getCommitClient().doCommit(new File[]{toFile(dir)}, false, "a change in a branch", null, null, false, false, INFINITY); listener.getLogger().println("Committed "+newFile+" at "+ci.getNewRevision()); cm.getUpdateClient().doUpdate(new File(dir.getRemote()), HEAD, INFINITY, false, true); } catch (SVNException x) { throw new IOException2("failed to commit",x); } } private File toFile(FilePath fp) { return new File(fp.getRemote()); } private FilePath touch(FilePath mr, String name) throws IOException, InterruptedException { FilePath d = mr.child(name); d.write(MAGIC_CONTENT,"UTF-8"); return d; } /** * Lets the build run and merge the change. */ private FreeStyleBuild build() throws Exception { FreeStyleBuild b = p.scheduleBuild2(0).get(); System.out.println(b.getLog()); return b; } private URL loadSvn() throws Exception { return new CopyExisting(getClass().getResource("")).allocate().toURI().toURL(); } private static final String MAGIC_CONTENT = "created in branch"; /** * Builder that makes a non-colliding change in the branch build. */ private final TestBuilder nonCollidingChange = new TestBuilder() { public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // make a change in the branch and commit it. // then bring the workspace to that revision FilePath mr = build.getProject().getModuleRoot(); commitAndUpdate(listener, mr,touch(mr, "e")); return true; } }; /** * Builder that makes a colliding change in the branch build. */ private TestBuilder collidingChange = new TestBuilder() { public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { // create d, which is also added in the trunk after we branched FilePath mr = build.getProject().getModuleRoot(); commitAndUpdate(listener,mr,touch(mr, "d")); return true; } }; }