package org.bouncycastle.tls; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import org.bouncycastle.tls.crypto.TlsHash; import org.bouncycastle.util.Shorts; /** * Buffers input until the hash algorithm is determined. */ class DeferredHash implements TlsHandshakeHash { protected static final int BUFFERING_HASH_LIMIT = 4; protected TlsContext context; private DigestInputBuffer buf; private Hashtable<Short, TlsHash> hashes; private boolean forceBuffering; private boolean sealed; DeferredHash(TlsContext context) { this.context = context; this.buf = new DigestInputBuffer(); this.hashes = new Hashtable(); this.forceBuffering = false; this.sealed = false; } private DeferredHash(TlsContext context, Hashtable hashes) { this.context = context; this.buf = null; this.hashes = hashes; this.forceBuffering = false; this.sealed = true; } public void copyBufferTo(OutputStream output) throws IOException { if (buf == null) { // If you see this, you need to call forceBuffering() before sealHashAlgorithms() throw new IllegalStateException("Not buffering"); } buf.copyTo(output); } public void forceBuffering() { if (sealed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too late to force buffering"); } this.forceBuffering = true; } public TlsHandshakeHash notifyPRFDetermined() { int prfAlgorithm = context.getSecurityParameters().getPrfAlgorithm(); if (prfAlgorithm == PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy) { checkTrackingHash(HashAlgorithm.md5); checkTrackingHash(HashAlgorithm.sha1); } else { checkTrackingHash(TlsUtils.getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(prfAlgorithm)); } return this; } public void trackHashAlgorithm(short hashAlgorithm) { if (sealed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too late to track more hash algorithms"); } checkTrackingHash(Shorts.valueOf(hashAlgorithm)); } public void sealHashAlgorithms() { if (!sealed) { sealed = true; checkStopBuffering(); } } public TlsHandshakeHash stopTracking() { Hashtable newHashes = new Hashtable(); int prfAlgorithm = context.getSecurityParameters().getPrfAlgorithm(); if (prfAlgorithm == PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy) { cloneHash(newHashes, HashAlgorithm.md5); cloneHash(newHashes, HashAlgorithm.sha1); } else { cloneHash(newHashes, TlsUtils.getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(prfAlgorithm)); } return new DeferredHash(context, newHashes); } public TlsHash forkPRFHash() { checkStopBuffering(); TlsHash prfHash; int prfAlgorithm = context.getSecurityParameters().getPrfAlgorithm(); if (prfAlgorithm == PRFAlgorithm.tls_prf_legacy) { prfHash = new CombinedHash(context, cloneHash(HashAlgorithm.md5), cloneHash(HashAlgorithm.sha1)); } else { prfHash = cloneHash(TlsUtils.getHashAlgorithmForPRFAlgorithm(prfAlgorithm)); } if (buf != null) { buf.updateDigest(prfHash); } return prfHash; } public byte[] getFinalHash(short hashAlgorithm) { TlsHash d = (TlsHash)hashes.get(Shorts.valueOf(hashAlgorithm)); if (d == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("HashAlgorithm." + HashAlgorithm.getText(hashAlgorithm) + " is not being tracked"); } d = (TlsHash)d.clone(); if (buf != null) { buf.updateDigest(d); } return d.calculateHash(); } public void update(byte[] input, int inOff, int len) { if (buf != null) { buf.write(input, inOff, len); return; } Enumeration e = hashes.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { TlsHash hash = (TlsHash)e.nextElement(); hash.update(input, inOff, len); } } public byte[] calculateHash() { throw new IllegalStateException("Use fork() to get a definite Digest"); } public Object clone() { throw new IllegalStateException("attempt to clone a DeferredHash"); } public void reset() { this.forceBuffering = false; this.sealed = false; if (buf != null) { buf.reset(); return; } Enumeration e = hashes.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { TlsHash hash = (TlsHash)e.nextElement(); hash.reset(); } } protected void checkStopBuffering() { if (!forceBuffering && sealed && buf != null && hashes.size() <= BUFFERING_HASH_LIMIT) { Enumeration e = hashes.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { TlsHash hash = (TlsHash)e.nextElement(); buf.updateDigest(hash); } this.buf = null; } } protected void checkTrackingHash(Short hashAlgorithm) { if (!hashes.containsKey(hashAlgorithm)) { TlsHash hash = context.getCrypto().createHash(hashAlgorithm.shortValue()); hashes.put(hashAlgorithm, hash); } } protected TlsHash cloneHash(Short hashAlgorithm) { return (TlsHash)hashes.get(hashAlgorithm).clone(); } protected void cloneHash(Hashtable newHashes, Short hashAlgorithm) { TlsHash hash = cloneHash(hashAlgorithm); if (buf != null) { buf.updateDigest(hash); } newHashes.put(hashAlgorithm, hash); } }