package org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls; import; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Digest; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.DigestRandomGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.prng.RandomGenerator; import org.bouncycastle.util.Times; abstract class AbstractTlsContext implements TlsContext { private static long counter = Times.nanoTime(); private synchronized static long nextCounterValue() { return ++counter; } private RandomGenerator nonceRandom; private SecureRandom secureRandom; private SecurityParameters securityParameters; private ProtocolVersion clientVersion = null; private ProtocolVersion serverVersion = null; private TlsSession session = null; private Object userObject = null; AbstractTlsContext(SecureRandom secureRandom, SecurityParameters securityParameters) { Digest d = TlsUtils.createHash(HashAlgorithm.sha256); byte[] seed = new byte[d.getDigestSize()]; secureRandom.nextBytes(seed); this.nonceRandom = new DigestRandomGenerator(d); nonceRandom.addSeedMaterial(nextCounterValue()); nonceRandom.addSeedMaterial(Times.nanoTime()); nonceRandom.addSeedMaterial(seed); this.secureRandom = secureRandom; this.securityParameters = securityParameters; } public RandomGenerator getNonceRandomGenerator() { return nonceRandom; } public SecureRandom getSecureRandom() { return secureRandom; } public SecurityParameters getSecurityParameters() { return securityParameters; } public ProtocolVersion getClientVersion() { return clientVersion; } void setClientVersion(ProtocolVersion clientVersion) { this.clientVersion = clientVersion; } public ProtocolVersion getServerVersion() { return serverVersion; } void setServerVersion(ProtocolVersion serverVersion) { this.serverVersion = serverVersion; } public TlsSession getResumableSession() { return session; } void setResumableSession(TlsSession session) { this.session = session; } public Object getUserObject() { return userObject; } public void setUserObject(Object userObject) { this.userObject = userObject; } public byte[] exportKeyingMaterial(String asciiLabel, byte[] context_value, int length) { /* * TODO[session-hash] * * draft-ietf-tls-session-hash-04 5.4. If a client or server chooses to continue with a full * handshake without the extended master secret extension, [..] the client or server MUST * NOT export any key material based on the new master secret for any subsequent * application-level authentication. In particular, it MUST disable [RFC5705] [..]. */ if (context_value != null && !TlsUtils.isValidUint16(context_value.length)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'context_value' must have length less than 2^16 (or be null)"); } SecurityParameters sp = getSecurityParameters(); byte[] cr = sp.getClientRandom(), sr = sp.getServerRandom(); int seedLength = cr.length + sr.length; if (context_value != null) { seedLength += (2 + context_value.length); } byte[] seed = new byte[seedLength]; int seedPos = 0; System.arraycopy(cr, 0, seed, seedPos, cr.length); seedPos += cr.length; System.arraycopy(sr, 0, seed, seedPos, sr.length); seedPos += sr.length; if (context_value != null) { TlsUtils.writeUint16(context_value.length, seed, seedPos); seedPos += 2; System.arraycopy(context_value, 0, seed, seedPos, context_value.length); seedPos += context_value.length; } if (seedPos != seedLength) { throw new IllegalStateException("error in calculation of seed for export"); } return TlsUtils.PRF(this, sp.getMasterSecret(), asciiLabel, seed, length); } }